Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

We just got back from dropping off S at school. It was a wonderful and exhausting weekend. The process of moving in and setting up the room was easy because there were so many volunteers to help. Everyone we met was very nice and welcoming and made us feel like part of a big family.
BBB pick up was great for us. They had a tent set up outside and you pulled up and they put your stuff in the trunk.


We finished moving in my S today. It was the crappiest dorm but we tried to make it nice and got an expensive air purifier. At the end I wanted to try out his bed so I hopped up and looked up and there were a lot of mold spots on the ceiling. :flushed:


Thanks for all your advice and insight! It sounds like your daughter made a great choice and hope my daughter did too. Unfortunately, she didn’t visit due to Covid and, also due to Covid, they’re not letting parents into the dorms for move-in or having any parent orientation. So, we’ll be dropping her off outside with all her things and saying goodbye! I’m hoping they have family weekend!


We moved S in last weekend. They had assigned time slots and his roommate moved in first, then his slot was a few hours later. Very thankful for big rolling carts, elevators and good weather! I forgot how tricky it is making up a loft bed - I’m pretty sure that thing will never be fully made again. It sounds like S and his roommate are settling in well, meeting new people and doing a lot of the freshmen welcome week-type stuff. Classes start this week!


We’ve had to wait for so long to move in and we are still 8 days from departure. I’m super grateful for the time because it means we miss the crazy Henri air travel issues today. Gives me a chance to be bored and go super organized. Luckily, S21 got a dorm that was recently renovated (8-9 years ago. :joy: But it is LEED-certified, so I’m hoping for no mold). The school is older than dirt (at least older than the US) so I would have been more anxious after reading about mold and leaks. I’m so sorry some of your kids are having to deal with this!

S21 downloaded the floor plan, so we know the layout of his room and furniture available. With all this time, I’ve gone and created a google doc of all the items we are bringing or shipping to mailroom, which luggage they are located, and where they will be stored upon arrival at the dorm. They’re making one parent move the car after unloading so in case it’s me and it’s a long walk back, I also added a “Do First!” section—Clorox wipe everything, put zipped mattress cover on dorm mattress, then let mattress pad and pillow expand, and steps on how to make the bed. Haha. You never know with my husband and my son. It’ll probably be the only time the bed will be made so maybe they will amuse me.


Today is the first day of classes here at Texas Tech. D has a 0900 Honors calc class and 2pm Engineering/python class then online lab (always online). Light day for her.

She has 4 classes this semester:

Engineering/Python class size 45
Honor Calc 1 25
Honors Chem 25
Honor seminar 18
Praying her classes will not got online.
She is masking in buildings. Here’s hoping the Sonic Bomb alarm clock does it’s thing and she makes it to class on time. She has 0900 M-W-F and 0800 T-Th. So this kid has GOT to get it together. She had to take the early classes if she wanted her math and sciences in the Honors college.


Good luck to your D on her fist day of classes. Today is sons first day of classes also and I feel a little nervous as if it were my first day.


My husband drove to the parking lot after unloading. He was back before we got anything in the room since there was a rolling cart traffic jam by the elevator. The RA and my husband lofted the bed quickly and I made the bed before lofting it.

Today is the first day of classes for my D. Her teachers are hoping to zoom her in- they have the technology in the classrooms, apparently, but don’t know if it works. Fingers crossed she doesn’t just miss the whole first week of instruction.


@Darcy123 That is terrible about the bed situation! I hope they figure that out ASAP.

@NateandAllisMom Glad you got an air purifier. D19 is at Tulane and they have mold issues down in New Orleans a lot, I think hers helped keep their room semi clean.

I love hearing how easy most move ins are with all the bins and helpers. When I moved in to college I only had a car full of stuff (I had been at boarding school so had it pared down pretty well I guess!) and we had to lug it all in ourselves. One older man in jeans came and helped us and we assumed it was a school worker. Nope, just a dad from down the hall whose son had already finished moving in!

Good luck to all the kids who start classes today! It is D21’s first day as well. She is lucky and has an easy entry to college life - first class is in the dorm next to her at 1:00, next one is a bus ride away but doesn’t start until 3:00 so she has plenty of time to get there.

We got another FaceTime last night, sounds like she had a great first week. She really likes her roommate (what a relief after we missed the deadline and had to go random!), went to a few of the on campus events, figured out the school and town bus systems to go to Target and even went to a frat party.


Boy, it really helps to have all honors classes. That’s a great experience.

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SMU started class today. Our D20 said, “It’s super weird actually seeing people on campus walking to class.”


S21’s first day at Texas Tech today as well!

10:00- Principles of Economics
11:00- Intro to Acting
1:00- Seminar in Business Leadership
2:00- Foundations of Business

^ this is his MWF schedule. His last 2 classes are in the same building and same room so that’s good.

Tue/Thurs are his easy/lighter days
.just his lab for Business Comm (the lectures are prerecorded and it’s only an 8 week course) and then Intro to Mathematical Analysis I

He said he’d send me a pic later, he woke up later than planned but made it to class on time!

I’m sending him a cookie delivery later today
was missing him a lot yesterday! Everyone else in the house is sick of hearing about him lol.


I am waiting for the first day of school pic also. This morning I put out a bowl for his cereal like usual and then remembered he is gone :sob:


I almost shushed younger S to let S21 sleep but realized S21 is GONE!!!

It is kinda weird.


We are back in TX after moving in D21 to UCF. Move-in went relatively smoothly but their apartment kitchen was a MESS and the Dads spent hours cleaning it while the Moms helped their Ds unpack. :slight_smile: Last night they had “The Knighting” which is like convocation - it was in their big indoor arena and many masked but not all. D was masked but said she was nervous. First day of classes today- she also has mostly honors classes so her biggest class is something like 50 kids. Talked to her this afternoon and she seems to be adjusting ok. Now we tackle a bunch of home improvement projects that went haywire right before we left!

Good luck to all the kiddos on their first days!!!


I watched the Knighting on YouTube and saw my D in the audience!:grin:


Good luck to your kiddo as well!

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Ugh, I had forgotten how expensive college books are.

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I know. And course fees, too. D19’s course fees came to almost $500 this semester.