Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Can understand that! My D’s biggest thing from the time she was three through middle school was ballet and I was so sad when it became unrealistic to continue. Local ballet classes were not technique-focused (and only offered twice per week so you can imagine). I had to trek her to a better studio more than an hour each way several times per week to supplement our local offerings and get even a modicum of the training she needed to try to replicate a semblance of pre-pro standards. By high school it all became unrealistic (unless she were to live away from home). Wasn’t even the time driving so much (I know ballet parents spend that much time being stuck in traffic in urban areas) as the fact that we had to cross a mountain range in slippery snow, ice, wind, fog, and In the end, neither of us had it in us to do that white-knuckle drive every school night and on weekends). She does miss pointe and hopes to get back to dance at least a little recreationally in college! Good luck to your dancer, and good for her/you for making the sacrifices to stick with it :slight_smile:


@annegp he is going to a LAC primarily because he is interested in everything and he wants to take classes in everything from languages to neuroscience to statistics and may try some kind of data science. (He is also going so they hopefully kick him out after four years, otherwise he might stay forever!)

@srparent15 Thank you for the advice. We are a big Costco family and your thoughts on cost over time are very true.

Agree with this. And every day in the different waitlst groups people keep saying “has anyone heard anything?” All they need to do is look up from a few posts before, lol.

Everyone seems to think that waitlist movement is going to be instant also and no one is patient. I get that it’s hard but I agree that it’s not a given and this year looks like it could be back to any other year. Kids need to get excited about where they have committed to and if they receive an unexpected surprise then they can celebrate then. But dwelling and hoping for a WL and not moving on is only doing them and the school they committed to a disservice.


Question and asking you to walk down memory lane. S21 got his art req fulfilled via his hs classes. The Biomed academy D24 is in doesn’t leave space for art so she may have to take art at a CC or drop an AP choice senior year for art (I am a fan of this!).

If she takes the class at a CC, I know our GC will guide her to pick one that syncs up with what UC req’s.

For private schools, did anyone’s kiddo follow this path? Any issues with the colleges accepting CC/dual enrollment? All new to me since S21 didn’t take any CC classes. I honestly don’t remember other than S21 had to fill out a sep course schedule for USC and they asked about art class.


@MommaLue My son had to take a lot of classes outside the hs curriculum to fulfill requirements: health, PE and video production. They were all taken through the district or through district approved summer school. Colleges just look at your transcripts to see that you met the requirements. Once they are approved by the district that is all that matters; unless you are trying to get college credit in addition to meeting hs requirements.

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We use swappa for all tech purchases, kids buy their phones used that way. My Ds laptop is from swappa as well.

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Haha so over my head!

Oh did yours take E&M yesterday? How did it go and what did they say about Mechanics?

Try soccer cleats at about $250 per pair. At least they last a season (~6 mo).

Swim race suits are $600 and last 6 months…

Around here, classes for things like this are often taken through BYU HS Extension programs. Full credit equivalent to regular HS classes. Just another option.

Yes, a strong dancer can wear out a pair of pointe shoes in a few days…a professional might need a pair every day for practice and one or two for a single evening of performance (but the company would supply them). A serious adolescent student MIGHT eek a few weeks out of a pair. Plus the leos and tights…

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She said mechanics was harder because she did not study for it. She said E&M was easier for her since she spent all her study time on it and not mech.

Thank you! I don’t think D24 is going after any college credit (D24 now has interests peaked as her big bro has no GE care in the world at Brown), so I feel reassured now after you said this. We are working thru GC. Summer school this year runs thru 7/1 and we are out of town starting 6/28 and PE is the one class requiring in-person. She’s going to try to sign up and see if they will allow her to miss 4 days of in-person. Usually they say 4 max but she goes to soccer practices for 90 min 4x/wk and that doesn’t include games. Fingers crossed they’re not as strict. Otherwise, our Gc said there’s this Options for Youth program where she could take virtual PE and can get 0.5 year credit and I guess she would have to take the other half another time. The high school summer school would fulfill and entire year with AM/PM summer school. I really hope the teacher will be forgiving with the one extra day missed.

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@AlwaysMoving I got a pair of Speedo racing jammers on sale for $350 winter of 2019 and then COVID and no sections or regions this year, either. Brand new in a box. Argh. I almost forgot about this purchase!

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My daughter is doing a 5 week summer intensive with the professional ballet company this summer, I’m already thinking about how many pairs of shoes she’ll go through!


@MommaLue D21 has studied three languages throughout high school. She took an online art history course last summer in order to meet her art req for graduation. We had researched CC options but none worked with her schedule and would have interfered with her summer internship last year - which ultimately never happened due to Covid. She had to present her options to the administration and art department in order to get approved. The online course was at her own pace - very manageable and great to have it done in the summer.

You know, so she could focus on college apps and get a head start on essays. Oh, how I laugh and laugh when I think of my doe-eyed enthusiasm at the beginning of this process. :joy:


@Solstice155 Doe-eyed enthusiasm. I don’t know why but I laughed so hard. Like how invigorated and energized I was, “Come on, son! You got this! Let’s work on essays in Aug!” :joy: never happened. Brain cramp. Brain freeze…

DD really wants to take PE this year. I told her she could skip an AP class senior year and take art. Enjoy senior year. I think the plan is to study for her ACT next summer after her sophomore year and, if normal, do a charity mission trip since she has credit from S21’s trip that was canceled. This year (assume vaccine approved next week) she wants to do some shadowing, too. It’s the doe-eyed innocence of a freshman who has had virtual all year (she said it has been easy) who wants to do everything. She gets up at 7:15am, eats breakfast, follows her normal in-person routine despite virtual. A burst of sunshine. The opposite of her bro who can’t be bothered to get out of bed to the desk for virtual school.


@MommaLue Does your school let you count 2 or 3 seasons of a school sport as PE credit?

So funny. I have never heard anyone say E&M is easier or easy in any sentence with E&M. Lol.

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