Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

What a great idea! Happy birth :hearts: day to you both.

Awe man. I just made dinner and served 5 plates but only four of us are here. Now I miss my D21.:sob:


Hah! I still keep buying and making enough food for 4 when we are now just 2. Lots of left overs whether we want them or not! Will finally figure it all out and then they will be back for the winter holiday. :slight_smile:

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LOL. S21 isn’t coming home for Thanksgiving this year so I feel like it’s my excuse to not have a plan. I did buy random ingredients for mashed potatoes and green bean casserole so today I texted my daughter during the day and told her we were having “American food.” She was so excited. We had a mini Thanksgiving meal today, so I’m pretty sure we’ll probably make Vietnamese food on Thanksgiving :slight_smile:


I could really go for soem greenbean casserole right now!

I saw a green bean casserole pizza at Aldi.:flushed:

LOL. S21 wasn’t home so the other perk was my D24 got random ingredients she liked. I added canned corn to it!

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We’ll be eating a lot of Mexican :taco::burrito: when S21 gets back but will take a break on Thanksgiving. Surprisingly they do have a decent Mexican restaurant in his tiny NY college town. When I went to graduate school in Florida I was dying.

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So we got a surprise as D21 was going to pick her second semester classes. She informed us no longer interested in nursing which basically drove her college list. Looking at Engineering which is Burgmom’s career. We always thought that was a better choice for her based on her skills. But we are just the stupid parents.

Fortunately she is at school the has engineering. She met with engineering advisor and they basically told her with AP credits she can switch and still be done in 8 semesters. Better now than later.


I’m very glad that she’s at a school that offers that flexibility! I often worry when I hear kids picking schools based on narrow interests when those schools only check the boxes for that particular major. So many kids switch majors, it’s important to have options!


My daughter is an electrical engineering major and I am a Nurse Practitioner. Both are great careers. Good luck to her.


@burghdad Let me welcome another fellow woman engineer! She chose to go into a tough career, academically. I applaud her. And I love majors where there’s a job at the end of undergrad, if she chooses :).


So happy she is able to change. My daughter just ran into an acquaintance from high school a year above her. Acquaintance was at one state flagship last year in theater studies and this year is at sister state flagship studying civil engineering. Sometimes you don’t know unless you try. There is lots to fault in the US higher education system but the flexibility it affords young bright minds is admirable. I wish her all the best in her discovery of engineering.


It’s a lot to ask of a 17/18 year old to settle in on a career choice that they could be locked into for the rest of their lives. My D21 is changing her major as well but it’s within her business school, so not that much of a shift. Your daughter is lucky that she can make the change to engineering so easily - my impression was that a lot of programs are pretty restrictive and that it’s hard to get in if they’re not in as a freshman.


What made her switch? Usually I see business majors change their business discipline later in sophomore year once they’ve sampled all of the different classes. Often it’ll be kids who think they want to be accounting or finance and take the first class and say Whoa maybe this isn’t for me. Did a particular class inspire her?

She was in a niche major under the business school (Real Estate). She wasn’t sure exactly what the major entailed or what job(s) it would prepare her for (other than she has a general interest in the RE field) but after being in a RE exploratory class where they did a great job of bringing in speakers from other related disciplines, she decided to redeclare under the Real Estate Finance major, which loops in classes in finance, accounting, business law, BIT and other disciplines, as well as the general real estate classes. She’s still interested in real estate but also wants the additional marketability of the finance portion. She was also toying with double majoring with the Smart & Sustainable Cities major but is turned off by the government aspect of that one.

I don’t know a better system, but it’s a horrible idea and a horrible age for making that type of decision. Only slightly better than 5 years old when they are deciding between NFL quarterback or Astronaut. Or maybe a McDonalds worker, it would be awesome to be able to get french fries every day.

ETA the McDonalds worker because of the awesome job perks was an idea one of my kids mentioned around that age!


100% agree. I went in as an accountant and ended up a chemical engr. Back then UW was so great at allowing that to happen. Now I hear so many colleges requiring you to declare for certain majors. Kids don’t know what they don’t know!

Is your daughter at Virginia Tech by chance? Those majors sound very familiar.

She is!