Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

I’d be a lot more concerned about her safety in Kenya, though covid wouldn’t be one of them, despite the low vax rate:

My daughter is in the midst of transfer apps and decisions and not one has asked for ECs at all (other than her dance resume/supplements, but she’s a dance major).

I think UCs have the activities section for transfers so that’s why I assume the other private colleges will have something similar.

He’s home! He’s home. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Flights ran on time. Sleeping really late. He looks thin at 30 pounds lighter but fit. Hoping no more weight loss. Hoping for more than snippets about daily college life but we are trying to let him rest for now.

To those parents who have to wait until winter break, hugs.


He’s home!!! Got a wonderful surprise
today, S21 came home early, we weren’t expecting him until Tuesday night…he had one professor who insisted on holding class on Tuesday (Texas Tech officially only had a 3 day break for Thanksgiving)….S21 decided to skip that class lol and I’ve never been happier…I haven’t seen him since Labor Day!! His hair is way too long for my liking and he hasn’t shaved in ages but I still can’t stop smothering him with hugs and kisses :relaxed:


I am so happy for those of you that have/will have your kids home for Thanksgiving.

As far as study abroad, I would be ok with my son going with an established program.

My sons hair is so long also, he hasn’t gotten a haircut since June. He will wait until he comes home in December to get one. His friends have gotten some really bad cuts, so he won’t risk it.


Mine had a class canceled on Friday so he was able to come home a day early! One of the very first things he did was to go get a haircut - his last one was early August and he was looking pretty shaggy. So far he’s slept, loved on the dogs, given us tons of hugs, spent time with some high school friends, dumped his dirty laundry on his bedroom floor and worked a shift at his old job. And its only been 2.5 days!


You would think TT would give them the week considering their fairly remote location. Two of mine are at schools that only give 3 days and it’s been difficult arranging flights (and $$$).


Mine is at Texas Tech too, she is in class right now and has 3 classes tomorrow. Flying out Wed morning to her dad’s.

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Old Saturday night skit about daughters home for the holidays - not 100% accurate - but some funny spots imo :smile:


Old SNL skit? Bryant, Strong and McKinnon are current cast members. :grinning:

Geez, I’m old. :man_facepalming:

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I’m sure she meant from a previous season.

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One of mine is at UT Austin but we are 1200 miles away. Hoping she makes it late tomorrow night (my confidence in Delta isn’t high these days). Really wish they got the whole week off.


Enjoy your kids, everyone! I have to wait until just before Christmas. And my kid has classes through early afternoon Wednesday! She’ll be spending the holiday with family who live relatively nearby.


@mamaedefamilia similar for us! S21 won’t be home until winter break. He has class through Tuesday afternoon this week, is joining aunt/grandparents for several hours on Thursday, and is staying in the dorm for the rest of Thanksgiving break (his grandparents invited him, but I think he is looking forward to some downtime in his own space).


I guess I should have said not recent - to indicate it is not a spoiler of a current episode :), but it is from 6 years ago according to YouTube !

I picked up S21 tonight from the airport. His university had their last in person classes on Friday, but his rugby team was in the playoffs this weekend so he had to stay. Sadly, they lost on Saturday. Unfortunately S21 injured his wrist in the game so tomorrow we have an appointment with orthopedic surgeon to see if it’s broken (deja vu b/c my S19 broke his wrist last year at school and had surgery the week of Thanksgiving!).

S21’s university has remote classes today, tomorrow and next week, then remote finals the first full week of December so he is home for good until early January when he goes back for spring semester. I completely forgot he had class today when I rebooked his flight (originally he was scheduled to come home Saturday). He had to join his remote class from the airport. Fortunately it was finished before he had to board.

Glad to have him home but he wasn’t home five minutes before he and D23 were bickering over stupid stuff. S19 is taking train home tomorrow night but we will be missing our oldest. She graduated in May and has to work this week so unable to fly home.

Safe travels to those whose kids are not home yet.


Oh no about the wrist! Hope it’s not broken!

Where is your S again? I had not heard of any schools going remote between Thanksgiving and winter break.

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I heard Davidson College is doing the same thing. They aren’t calling it going remote. They are calling it flexible schedule. You can go home for Thanksgiving and stay home through the holidays, meet with professors online and take your finals at home or, you can come back and do in-person classes for 3 weeks.

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Odd. What about those three weeks of class at Davidson? Don’t you need to go? Or are they zooming kids in? Can they participate? I don’t think our kids can imagine zooming into class when some kids are there. That wouldn’t work very well. S19 was just telling me how in his math classes, they break into groups and spend the entire class period up at the board doing problems. Can’t do that from home.