Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Interestingly, my D’s LAC has no covid cases at all now BUT is overrun with the flu (A). And those symptoms have been severe. The timing in the weeks leading to finals and finals week… it has been extremely difficult for those kids.

Somehow my D, who stayed sick with a cough/upper respiratory virus half the semester, managed to avoid the flu. She arrived home yesterday and wrapped up semester one with all A/A-. My holidays can begin. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


My D arrived home on Tuesday. She brought a friend with her who will be flying home today so I haven’t really seen her because they have been out and about non stop. I’m so happy she’s already made some good friends. She’s glowing. She also dealt with various coughs and respiratory stuff as well but nothing took her completely down.

She’s home for 5 weeks and I know it will fly by so I really want to soak up our time together. Its absolutely mind blowing how fast this first semester went, which only means the same for the next 3.5 years.


Yep flu A. D21 so sick. Came down with it Monday morning when she woke up to take first final. After jumping through crazy hoops including begging her home doctor to write a Tamiflu prescription and a wonderful local Colgate mom who offered to pick it up and bring it to D’s dorm, D was able to start on that Monday night. Still not feeling great here on Thursday but bit better. Hasn’t left bed for three days. Her dean and professors were amazing. All finals moved to next week to take from home. She picked the dates and they approved. So she will have temporary incompletes until she sends those in. Now she just needs to get well enough to get on the plane to get home.

Oh no. I hope she is better soon and makes the trip home as planned! It is wonderful that Colgate and local parents stepped up. That has to help you a bit although it is just so hard to be away from your kids when they are sick and “need” you. Hugs.

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My daughter had symptoms the Monday after returning from Thanksgiving - fortunately, tested to be flu (nowadays a welcome diagnosis).
But, she too was surprised by the extent and immediacy of Barnard’s outreach in the meantime - she heard from the “Covid response team” to determine her needs and discuss logistics, heard from Primary Care Health Center, from the Dean about any academic accommodations she might need, heard from advisor,…
She was vaccinated, so she started feeling better by day 3 - but still decided to stay away from in-person classes for rest of the week – for everyone else’s benefit.


@homerdog Oh no, sorry to hear she is feeling so sick. Was she able to tolerate Tamiflu? My son was prescribed Tamiflu when he had the flu in September, but it made him throw up (one of the unfortunate side effects). When he had the misfortune of getting a different strain of the flu just as he arrived home for Thanksgiving, his doctor here at home said she wouldn’t even prescribe it for him b/c the side effects are often just as bad as the flu symptoms (I then told her it made him sick when he took it). Fortunately, his second bout with the flu only last two days.

Hope she is feeling better soon. When is she due to fly home?

So the kids coming home. They’ve established their own life in college. They’re now wanting to prioritize connecting with friends.

Any fresh from college attitude and insights you veteran parents want to share with us? I’m going to try to be less overwhelming with S21. Hubby is upset at the idea he won’t be home as much but I think I’m ok with it. It’s break time and he deserves to hang with friends all the time, similar to last month of summer where there was always a going away gathering.

I knew about the possible side effects of Tamiflu but didn’t tell D because I was afraid she’d get nauseous psychosomatically! She did end up tolerating it ok. She’s definitely not 100 percent but, here on day four of symptoms, she was able to shower and get out to get food on her own.

She flies home Saturday. Hoping she continues to be on the mend so her flights are too taxing.

Glad your S is finally healthy!


News Flash: D18 was just allotted a CFP championship ticket, if they beat Georgia. And ticket prices are falling on the tickets for the semi’s. So, D18 may snag one. She already has transportation and housing in FL lined up for free or nearly free.


Certainly depends on each personality. In my case, when daughter is home from college, we know it mostly from the closed bedroom door by the time we leave for work in the morning. :wink:

Some weeknights, we do manage to bribe her with some particularly attractive dining-in/-out option. And “for Mom’s benefit” she seems to make a conscious point to “allocate” half a day of family time most weekends. Fortunately I’m a night-owl, I might actually get some unexpected quality time just as I was about to roll into bed - and then find myself in conversations until 2 AM. :yawning_face:

So, yes, be at least prepared to see them very sporadically, in which case please be happy for them that they do have a life. (If your kids are more home-bound, then do enjoy any extra time, while it still lasts.)


Mine too! I’m shocked because it said by class rank, so I assumed he had no chance, but they never really defined what that meant and by AP credits he is almost a junior. So cool. Now all they need to do is win on 12/31. We already have a hotel booked. After they made it to the Big 10 game, that was the biggest sh*t show finding a room nearby. Wound up getting one off of someone else, so this time wasn’t taking any chances.

The good news is him selling his Orange Bowl ticket pays for this one. But I assume not too many students want to pay $500. Maybe that’s how he scored it. Whew so exciting. Also, have to figure out how the heck he will get there as I’m assuming I am going to be taking him there since none of his friends will be going with him either because no car, no ticket or just haven’t discussed yet. Maybe the roommate though since the family are die hards so that would be helpful. :slight_smile:

Go Blue!!!


Cornell just reported 318 more cases!! Oy vey.

My D is still negative thank god, but one of her roommates that went home yesterday tested positive last night. She had a fever. Apparently many students have fevers. :frowning:

Sounds like many who have the booster that got covid, may have gotten the booster TG weekend, so perhaps didn’t have enough immunity before they were exposed.

She comes home Saturday so just hoping she can get out of that cesspool remaining negative. I saw that Stanford is starting winter quarter remotely for 2 weeks and mandating the booster. No surprise. Fortunately, Cornell doesn’t begin second semester until Jan 24.

As far as complacency, 100% but not because they thought the pandemic was over. They definitely did not think that. Their behavior was not at all suggesting that. The complacency factor was such that they were mandating masks at all indoor spaces, but it wasn’t being enforced. They had few cases after fall break at a time they were testing everyone 2x/week, so that just before TG they went back to 1x/week. They didn’t require arrival testing after TG either - dumb. And, a bunch of frats and sororities then went and had their formals last week and that really caused the cases to explode exponentially. Students most likely brought the virus back from NYC most likely since we know Omicron was probably all over there already and then it just spread like wildfire and things got out of control. The end of the semester could not have come soon enough IMO. Now I just want my kid home safely.

As for the flu, thank god that didn’t go around there as bad as it did at other schools. UM had it horrendously. Many parents complained about no flu clinics, however, they did have them in September. I think kids just didn’t pay attention to them as it seems so early. Mine missed it but just went to CVS for a flu shot the next week. We avoided the flu thankfully, but know many who got it bad. We know some Dr’s were not recommending Tamiflue due to the side effects for adults being worse than just getting over the flu. Regardless, just happy we didn’t have to worry about it.

Be safe everyone and get your kids home healthy!


Our family has been so fortunate. Both D’s have come back from their respective colleges healthy for the holidays. Knock on wood!


D18 is a BIG sports fan and has two jobs. So, I’ve decided she can pay for it. :smile:

Her roommates (seniors) aren’t such big sports fans, but they were allotted tickets this time as well. With Indy only 4 hours away, they’ll all drive there and back same day/night, if they win 12/31. So, I’ll probably not have to worry about it. :rofl:

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I hope the kids feeling sick get well soon.

S got the Fiesta bowl ticket! Now I hope he has a friend from AZ because hotels are expensive!!


Food, food and more food. I make their favorites - so at least know I’ll see them for dinner. I also will feed any and all friends that show up and keep copious amounts of snacks and soda available. They inevitably end up here for at least chunks of time with my judicious bribing.

There are a few family traditions that I wanted to make sure we did, so texted them a month or more ago to put on their calendar, other than that - I have zero expectation that they will spend time with me and am happily surprised when they wander downstairs like today at noon and want to watch a movie with me.


Thanks for confirming the range of kids mode when they come back. I think S21 will be gone most days and then will have some time with us. I’m not at all bothered. I sent him a list of things we need to do (ortho appointment, dentist appointment, power of attorney notary now that he’s 18, and a couple of other things. That’s about it).

Will def make his fave food. D24 and I have been talking about this. My D24 said, “He always orders curry. Even when we were in Japan.” Japanese curry it is. LOL.


Ticket prices are falling for the semis??? Please tell me where I can get another ticket??? Desperately need another ticket. So excited Go Blue!

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I assume my D is either watching StubHub or Ticketmaster.

Edited to add that there is a Michigan student FB site maybe as well.

Tough crowd. Apparently I’m the ONLY UGA fan in the 2021 parents! :heart::black_heart::heart::black_heart:

Hope you/your kiddos find tix and accommodations. :grin: