Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Fellow UGA alum here! Go dawgs!!!


Gator alum here so I just canā€™t say Go Dawgs. (Gators have been a hurtinā€™ for awhile now, lol!!)

But I can wish everyone a happy, healthy New Year!!! :partying_face::joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


For THIS game, Iā€™m a huge UGA fan also!


Haha I get it! Iā€™ll be a temporary Bearcat at 3:30pm Dec 31.

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If I have to re-watch the SEC Championship game again, but played one month later in Indy, then I think Iā€™ll :face_vomiting: :rofl:


Brag alert. Grades posted today. 2 A+ and 3 Aā€™s with 17 credits. With switch to Engineering from Nursing I expect next semester will be harder. But proud of her first semester of college work. Waiting on D18 first semester of law school grades.

Tomorrow will have them both home. They are going to Steelers Titans game on Sunday so they are both excited.


Congratulations!!! May I ask what major in engineering she wants to major in? My D still plans to major in EE. Next semester will take 3 classes in ECE so we will see if will remain an EE major after the semester.

Frankly Miami of Ohio not the best Engineering school. If she been committed to Engineering in the admission process instead of nursing would have probably been a whole different applications. But she loves the school and has an OOS tuition full scholarship so she is going to stay there. For next semester she has physics, a general intro in engineering course and and intro course for Mechanical Engineering. She will need to get more focused on a specific engineering major for the beginning of sophomore year.


@burghdad Big companies recruit at Miami (Ohio), esp engr!


Great to know. I just know once she told us she wanted Engineering and we looked up USNEWS rankings they are not in the top 150. Also we were surprised they donā€™t have Civil engineering which seems kind of strange. But on the other hand obviously if she graduates with engineering degree with good grades and also as a woman she will do fine regardless of ranking. Also she can also go to a top graduate program if she wants. Burghmom was a Chemical Engineer from Lafayette and then got a Master in Environmental from CMU and that worked out great for her.


There is a major employer in the state that hired MEs :wink:

Not a tough crowd, you have to remember no one had Michigan beating OSU, winning the B1G East, let alone the B1G championship. So going to the Orange Bowl is just icing on the cake for us. Once again we are A Football Schoolā€¦Go Blue! :yellow_heart::blue_heart:

On the academic side of things, we werenā€™t sure how this semester was going to go up there regarding Covid, if you recall it was an absolute sh#t show in 2020. At first we thought classes were going to be online and they would have wear masks everywhere, but it turned out to be an amazing first semester for our freshman.

Letā€™s hope for the sake of the entire class if 2025 that Omicron doesnā€™t screw up their winter semesters. Even though some schools went online for exams, letā€™s hope they can attend classes in person in January, all over the country!:yellow_heart::blue_heart::yellow_heart::blue_heart::yellow_heart:


Watch out on the Facebook and GeoupMe pages lots of scammers, ugh. My sonā€™s fraternity brother was scammed a ticket for the B1G Championship.

What type of protocols are being put in place for next semester? I have two kids one at school in Michigan the other in Florida. Of course Michigan sent out a letter revising Covid protocols and requiring boosters for all students. So far nothing from Florida and I highly doubt I will hear anything. Curious what is going on out there. Are schools being proactive this time around? Not meant to be political, more curious what schools are doing and how we as parents can get our kids ready to go back to school.

Ha! Michigan was unranked in the pre-season. Predicted to be 4th place in the B1G East. The first pre-season unranked team to make the CFP playoffs. So, the whole season was completely unexpected.

D18 had a couple classes (lectures, not labs or discussion groups) that were online. Two in-person, IIRC. Her last final she took from out here in the SF Bay Area, but it was scheduled that way the entire semester. If Michigan were to go to an all online Winter semester, there wouldnā€™t be that much of change for her. Sheā€™d hate it, but what can you do.

Seems like it might be time to rename this thread ā€œParents of the HS Class of 2021 Who Want to Discuss Power 5 Footballā€.


D21 has some friends who are Michigan freshmen and they each had 1-2 classes online last semester. Not sure whatā€™s up with that.

All I want for Christmas is for UGA to beat Bama!!! Iā€™lll take this match up again but with a different outcome, please and pretty please. :heart::black_heart::heart::black_heart:

No doubtā€¦ Michigan unexpectedly pulled off an amazing season. Kudos. We are a house divided with UGA/UMich so I was rooting for themā€¦ until this next game, natch.

Itā€™s the Saturday before Christmas! I hope everyoneā€™s kids make it home safely and you have a wonderful holiday break! Happy holidays!!!


Sorry!!! :grimacing::woman_shrugging:t3: I just had to give my team some love after reading post after post about UMich. :grin::grin::grin: Itā€™s all in fun. Sports rivalries are funā€¦ when youā€™re interested in those teams/sports.

Iā€™ll move back to regularly scheduled programming but make no promises for what I may post on Dec 31! :rofl::rofl::heart::black_heart:


Sameā€¦on Dec 4th. Go Blue!