Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

So great to hear all the updates and seems like our kiddos are all thriving


There has been a kernel of doubt about DS History major because he never flashed super writing ability in HS but he got all As in his history classes and 90 or above on all his papers. He is extremely outgoing and always hit the available office hours or zoomed the prof to go over his outline and stuff which a lot of kids did NOT do apparentlyā€¦wound up 3.94

Emergence of Euro Hist A
The Study of Hist A
Understanding Religion A
College Writing A
Frosh Seminar A
American Sign Language A-

All while playing football and being active in 2 clubs


It is so wonderful to hear all of the updates! D21 finished the semester fairly early but stayed to support friends, then was home for a bit and then off to visit the boyfriendā€™s family (they met sometime in the first 6 weeks and seem smittenā€“who knew that would happen!). She and he both finished the semester with all As. Duke has the A+ is a 4.0 rule (but A- is 3.7): it is definitely more about the honor to get one --D was quite excited to earn one as a freshman in an upper level class. She loves the subject and is now going to minor in it. Duke has been an incredible fit for herā€“the right balance of challenge and fun, and it has been nice to hear she has found so many people she connects with: this was not the case in her high school, though it was a great education and prepared her very well for the rigor of a top college.


Well dang, Dā€™s luck ran out. + COVID: symptoms: low grade fever/chills, body ache, severe fatigue, runny nose, and diarrhea. Slept the entire day and night. Feeling 75% better today. Was vaxxed with P in April/May, no booster yet. She is at her Dadā€™s with both MD parents. But still hard being away from a sick child. Well at least she will have antibodies for the spring semester when it burns through campus.

Oh no! Hope sheā€™s on the mend soon. A and I were just talking about this earlier todayā€¦Iā€™ve been on him to get his booster before he heads back to Lubbock. Iā€™m honestly shocked that all 5 of us have eluded Covid thus far.


When do your kiddos head back to school? We have a while, I feel! Iā€™m glad in a way because S21ā€™s friends are back in college in a week or so and we will get him to ourselves. So far heā€™s been home a lot.

Today is the 2nd day of class for D21.

Itā€™s been a ā€œgoodā€ day so far. She tripped over her computer charger and broke it. She ordered food from the dining hall, which she said ā€œsucked.ā€ She was late to her lab, which is 2.5 miles across campus from her dorm.

So, pretty much par for the course. :rofl:


S21 heads back on Sunday, first day of class is Monday 1/10. He already left our house and is spending the week with friends.

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S21 heads back on Sunday, first day of Spring semester is Wed Jan 12

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D21 doesnā€™t leave until January 18th. I havenā€™t seen her too much because sheā€™s either hanging with friends or sleeping but Iā€™m happy sheā€™s getting a much needed break. She came home with a cold that just lingered forever.

S21 is supposed to fly back on 1/16 for classes on 1/18. But due to hints that UT Austin may go online for a couple of weeks, he now also has flights on the 23rd and 30th also.


D moves back into her dorm on Sunday and classes start on Jan 12th just like @Momof3B 's son. Classes will NOT be pushed back or ONLINE! Yay!!! D is excited to get back to school.


@parentkeith Thatā€™s a lot of back up flight plans! Iā€™m hoping flights donā€™t get canceled for any of the kids.

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D flies back to MSP on the 18th. Classes start the 20th. I think sheā€™s getting bored!

My son headed back to campus on Sunday, with January term starting yesterday, which has been moved virtual for all but lab or studio based classes. Limited groups of kids allowed on campus, probably about 10-15% of kids. He us super happy to be able to be back.

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Checked with my daughter over the weekend - sheā€™s not rushing back on day 1, as Barnard will have the first 2 weeks remote anyway to allow for things to settle down as people come in from all over the country.

Right now, sheā€™s planning to wait a week before moving her laptop from home to apartment.


My D heads back today. In fact, there are a couple of carpool friends sitting in our family room now; one more to arrive and then they hit the road. Iā€™m glad she doesnā€™t have to make the 7.5 hour drive alone as she had her booster yesterday and is not feeling 100%. (She insisted on bringing her car home for the holidays rather than flying.)

Classes start Monday, 1/10 but my D needs to be back by tomorrow for winter rush/recruitment events. As of now, classes are in person. They have mandatory testing on arrival and boosters are required by 1/31. Hopefully they will keep covid under control enough to keep classes in person. She canā€™t wait to get back to see all her friends; she has really missed them.


D heads back on the 23rd. Long break! Class starts the 24th. Just got confirmation that Colgate planning all in person classes from the start.


That is a long break, when do they end the spring semester?

Colgate ends May 14th. Bowdoin May 20th. Both schools start spring semester on 1/24.

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