Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Woohoo, just got back from getting S21’s requires pre-arrival covid test. Thankfully he was negative and can return to campus this Saturday. An added bonus is that the testing site (a state run temporary test location) was also giving out Binax home test kits for free. Glad I went with him as they were one kit per person so we were able to get two kits. It will be nice to have those on hand in the event we may need them at some point.

His campus announced rather later (a week ago today) that students would need to do pre-arrival testing within 72 hours of being back on campus. For most kids, this was only 10-11 days notice and not much time to find testing sites or at home tests. We are lucky to have a lot of places here with appointment availability with 5-7 day advance notice so I was able to easily get an appointment. I also managed to order two kits from Walmart that same day which was key b/c I’ve checked back daily and Walmart has not had them in stock. Most pharmacies around here get them in stock randomly so you just have to be there at the right time.

As a result of this, many parents were upset and scrambling last week to try to find testing. The campus health center will test students which is fine for kids who live off campus but doesn’t make sense for those living on campus from far away. We are an 8 hr drive or an hour flight so if he waited to test at school and ended up positive, he wouldn’t be able to get into his dorm.

He has been home since Thanksgiving and is anxious to get back and see his friends!


It’s def long and I didn’t realize how long these breaks are. S21’s semester starts 1/26!


Happy with Colgate’s schedule and long break. However, driving there is not an option so I’m sweating the pre-test results (timing and result) and flight around the predicted peak of Omicron. Fingers crossed!

Meanwhile D24’s school had optional distributed testing. She’s wearing an N95 so hopefully will not catch anything. Will get her booster as soon as approved.

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So great to catch up with everybody’s news here. I took a little internet break over the holidays to give myself some time to recharge. In the spirit of honoring Bryn Mawr’s rule that students not discuss/compare grades with one another, I won’t get into details. I’ll just say that my D was very happy with the grades that she earned. Professors have high expectations (an A (4.0) is 95%+). What was exciting to see was how much she has learned about so many different topics.

We have been staying healthy but are beginning to hear of many breakthrough cases due to Omicron of vaxxed and boosted friends and acquaintances. Hope your daughter recovers fast @TVbingewatcher2 So far, we haven’t heard of any plans to begin online or impose new restrictions. Classes resume on 1/18. She’s itching to get back to her friends - she is doing great both academically and socially. We could not be happier!


So nice that yours is in person. My D was all set to go back on Saturday for a week of recruitment but they announced that it will be virtual, as it was last year (except for pref & bid day, which they “hope” will be able to be in person). A bit hard to reconcile since campus is vaxed & masked indoors and a negative Covid is required to check back into campus, and of course, sports are going on as scheduled. Trying to be patient - my guess is that they don’t want to be in the news with a bunch of Covid on sorority row. Silver lining: no masks required over Zoom!

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Daughter surprised us by saying she registered for rush. We think it will be good for her to get her out of her element a bit. She roomed with a friend from her travel softball team this year because she didn’t want to room with a stranger.

She doesn’t leave until September 23 as Miami of Ohio like Colgate and Bowdoin don’t start until 1/24. Finals end 5/17.


Actually, they have changed it to virtual similar to your D’s school. There is a lot of disappointment. However, the majority of students are returning as planned to do the virtual activities from the dorms so they can be with friends. She is so excited see her friends. Hoping they make the best of a less than ideal situation.

ETA: She attends a small school so recruitment is only a few days.


Thank you she felt 100% better on the 5th day.


Hi - I am parent of a D22 applying to college for fall 2022. Quick question. In general , can students manage without a car on most campuses their first year or is it needed? Thanks. Hope all the students are OK , the current variant news is concerning.

I would say yes but you should just learn enough about each of the schools to find out. Our kids won’t have cars while on their campuses. They don’t need them since everything they need is walkable either on campus or in the town attached to it. They do have friends with cars and it’s nice to get off campus sometimes but not crucial.

On some campuses, kids live off campus after freshman year and not close enough to walk to class. On some urban campuses, it would be a big pain to have a car. The answer to your question really depends on the college.


And some schools don’t allow freshman to have cars.


got it, thanks for the context.very helpful.

Every school D seriously considered did not require a car or it was even discouraged the first yr. She does not have one (Duke) nor do most friends and they are fine —but—depends on the college! Good luck to your kid!

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Adding on here so you have some data :). I know the UCs don’t give our permits for cars first year. If students live on campus housing, they don’t need cars to get around. My son at Brown will likely live on campus all four years and won’t have a car. A lot of off campus housing near many colleges are along bus lines that can get your student to class and a many have shuttles to take them to places like hospitals for volunteering or busses can do that. My son was going to go to UCI and I think perhaps his junior year, we would’ve dropped off the car with him for things he’d need to do and also with off campus housing.

My son doesn’t have a car either, but he makes use of a zip car rental once or twice a month for $8 per hour. There is always the option of a bicycle or electric scooter depending on how far you need to commute. It is a good question to ask on your college tours. Good luck to you on your college search!!


Both my daughters had/have their cars since freshman year. Neither or them “needed” to have them, but my husband felt better knowing that they had a way to get around or come home if they wanted. Paying for parking is the one college expense that he never complained about :grinning:

It came in handy for my older daughter who worked a couple of out-of-town jobs.

Very campus/location dependent but most of the schools D applied to didn’t allow freshman to have cars on campus. Mine did bring hers sophomore year and it was more for us so we weren’t driving back and forth for breaks.

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My son is at a large, in state public school. We did not send his car with him this year and he’s managed fine. Everything he needs is walking distance in or around campus. He will be moving to an apartment off campus next school year and even though that complex is on the college’s bus route, he’ll be taking his car for sophomore year and beyond.

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My son doesn’t have a car, but if he did he would not be taking it to school. He will be living on campus all 4 yrs and there is no need for a car.

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My S21 is at an isolated a rural campus. He wants his car next year to go to off campus practice nearby and to escape occasionally on weekends to a city. Parking is an issue at some colleges and some my son was admitted to won’t issue a permit to freshman.