Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

I just found out that my son will definitely not be coming home for summer this year. He heard back from a lab on campus where he’d love to work. So that trumps the job across town where he worked last summer. Still waiting to hear about a couple more internships. Not ever coming home for an extended bit of time almost feels worse than losing him to college. But I’m excited for him. He will be back for a couple weeks late summer.

Moving out of the dorms looks easy though. They have storage rooms in each dorm where kids can leave their bins and boxes.

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My D isn’t coming home either. I’m happy for her, but I was ready to reconnect. I think she went and left the nest!


Yup - D21 not coming home either - will have about 2.5 day turnaround from moving out of dorm to flying cross country for dream summer job! Happy for her though!


S21 will only be home for a couple of weeks and then leaves for his summer job and back to campus from there. I hope to visit him during his summer job and maybe we will be able to catch a game on campus early in the semester.


I love reading about all the summer plans!

D21 will head to the beach with friends when winter semester wraps up in April. Then off to the Netherlands for 4 week Maymester study abroad. Her summer internship in Kenya was canceled due to covid so she had to apply late for other options (they extended the deadlines thankfully). Just yesterday she called with the wonderful news that she was matched with her first choice (because of the experience), which coincidentally is in our home city. I’m over the moon! She will be living with her cohort but working about 20 minutes from our house. This mom is so happy!


Dumb question. For those whose kids stay at school for the summer for work, do they just lease an apt?

At my D’s school they have designated housing for summer internships/research students (in “third year”, which is apartment-style townhomes). Granted, she attends a rural SLAC so there are limited options outside of campus housing.

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S will not be at school, but he is being hosted for the summer at the home of an alumni family. No way we could ever afford to lease a summer apt for him.

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S21 will get free lodging in a dorm and slightly subsidized board at a snack bar on campus that will still be open. So he’ll probably have to do a bit of grocery shopping if he doesn’t want to eat bagel sandwiches every morning. But he probably does.

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Probably depends on the college, their location, and what kind of “work”. Some colleges will have some summer housing options for students, but it’s not uncommon for students starting off-campus internships to have to make their own living arrangements.

In NYC, one common option is to become a summer-(sub-)tenant in of the many full-year leases entered into by 3 or 4 upper-classmen, or by graduate students. Near the end of the semester, there are long lists of apartments looking for people (e.g., summer interns) who need a place and will help defer the rent expense, while (some) of the regular renters are away until the fall.

In fact, my daughter had a subtenant for 3 months in her apartment until the fall semester started.


Most colleges with off-campus housing have tons of sublease opportunities. If not familiar with the city, Google the colleges in the area and search FB & other social media for “[College Name] Sublease Group”

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I know this is an old post but haven’t been on CC for quite awhile. D freshman (after gap year) is also having a great time at Duke. Her first semester grades were all A’s with one A- which gave he, her first GPA less than 4.0 since 6th grade which sort of bummed her out!

Currently her goal is to fo the management consulting route. She wants to major in Sociology, minor in Econ, and probably get a certificate in markets & management?

Duke is very pre-professional and it seems the “top” clubs are extremely competitive. She did get into a business oriented women (BOW) club; is writing articles for an online blog; and got an summer internship with an Israeli start-up and will be going to Tel Aviv once the semester ends. Lastly, she got into one of her top sororities which she is excited about.

Overall, the Duke community has been very supportive and the school spirit is off the charts, especially now as their bball team has reached the Final Four.

I know she picked the right college for her. It’s hard but doable.


Glad to hear it’s going well! After waiting a year, it must be a relief that she’s in the right place for her.

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So glad she is doing well! Just for perspective for anyone reading who has interest in Duke: my D21 is not preprofessional at all, she and the majority of her friends are not planning on joining greek, and she is also having the time of her life. She also finds Dukies very supportive of each other and she really enjoyed tenting in Krzyzewskiville for weeks (!) and staying out late celebrating with friends. It really is a place for all different types of students.


Sounds great, and I’ve heard that Israel has an incredible startup culture!

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Good point. It’s easy to over generalize the culture of the Duke campus by my D’s experience and group of friends who tend to be preprofessional and assume it is that way for the student body. It’s great to hear that the college is serving many different types of students and interests, including your D and that they are both thriving in this environment. And very cool she tented for weeks to get tickets to the big game. I won’t tell you how much I paid for a pre-season exhibition game!


Hi parents! Talking to a coworker about CS and I remember someone had posted job placements that included ASU (Arizona) as a college that was up there in placements. Could you provide me that link if I remember correctly?

Down hill slide here with 5 weeks left in the semester. D is still on the EE train and adding CS minor (could not declare minors till after freshman year). She balances the tech heavy classes by her on campus job and 2 clubs that are not STEM related. Overall she had a more subdued spring semester (no camping in tents for basketball game).


Ha! On the camping—it does seem crazy but it’s only one -two nights a week usually as they divide it all up. Glad yours is thriving and loves EE! Our D23 is thinking engineering!

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Literally cannot believe the warp speed for freshman year of college. There almost hasn’t been enough time for me to even miss my daughter, but I think mainly to do with how happy she has been so my heart has been content.