Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

My D19 has a six week break after next week and she’s planning to visit Scotland, Portugal, Norway, and Italy. I’ve never been to Europe and she’s over there living it up. Ha.


My S has crew training in Florida. Couldn’t get farther from home. Prices to fly from NY to CA were really high, like $1500+, way more than we are paying to go to Hawaii.

He has a brutal combination of classes with two hard and laborious labs. I’m praying he doesn’t have that much homework over break. He’s reconsidering a double major now.


Wow, he is just determined to be far away! Flights are so expensive now. I am glad I booked return trip home and move in trips already. I went to book two trips for work this week (have to go back to traveling after 2 glorious years of being home) and they were about $850-900 each and the routes have been drastically reduced. In the past, usually $550-650 max.

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D and her college friends couldn’t get it together for a warm weather spring break. I have to wonder how many groups planned well in advance. I think they found it hard to find a place to stay in FL. Plus, D had a flight already booked to come home and most of the other friends drive home from Colgate so they would have gone home for a few days and then flown out of NJ so I don’t know how that would have worked for D.

Anyway…she’s happy to come home. St Patrick’s Day is a BIG deal in the city of Chicago and she has a couple of high school friends whose spring breaks overlap hers, so they’ll be in the city next Saturday. There’s a lot of debauchery on that day downtown so I’m glad she’ll have some male friends with her!

S19 is also home the same week so we will try to do some things locally as a family. I’ll likely take a few days off work so I’m free.

And the best part will be that D will be home for The Bachelor finale so we can watch it together. :joy:

We booked a trip in April to see S19 run in a track meet at Bowdoin. We will head to Colgate first, spend a few days hanging there, grab D and all go to Maine for the weekend and then swing back to drop her back at school.

I already booked a flight for my H to go back to Colgate at the end of the school year to help D to pack up. Seems crazy. High school goes by quickly but I think those college days really fly by.


@MommaLue I noticed the huge price increases and reduced flight schedules as well. My oldest lives in San Diego so I was considering flying out there with my youngest to visit some colleges during her spring break and then end the trip in San Diego, visiting my oldest for Easter. Wow, not only had prices increased by nearly double since I flew out there in September, but the direct flights I normally take on Southwest are no longer offered (well, there is one, but there is no longer a Wanna Get Away fare no matter what date I check). I’m glad I booked my sons’ trips when I did in late January as their flights were reasonable.


My D flies out today for a week in Dubai! It’s a school connected trip and she was able to get a scholarship for most of it. My wife and I are jealous. Younger one is heading to Ojai CA to hang with friends, so we get a week to practice being empty nesters.


How exciting! They have strict alcohol rules there so make sure she’s prepped for the culture there. Super hot in the daytime but manageable in the PM :slight_smile:

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Younger son going with new college friends to one of their homes in southern CA for 1 week, then to our Tahoe cabin with us for 1 week. Older son only gets 1 week off and will either go somewhere with his Ultimate teammates or come to Tahoe with us. But even if older son doesn’t spend Spring Break with us we can easily visit him as he’s only 45 min away.

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Summer storage. FYI for parents with first borns in college this year, make sure your kiddo look into reserving storage for summer if they can’t bring things home.

Campus Storage (one company) sent an email to a bunch of kids at my son’s school, made it look like it was an official Brown-affiliated email. Everyone booked it and now after doing some research, turned out they aren’t affiliated and the company that is affiliated with the school is called College Storage. Luckily, we have helpful parents who are veterans at this and who made sure we knew. Just annoyed with the company for being misleading and borderline shady.


Speaking of summer storage demands and needs, my S has shopped at no less than 3 bookstores since Sat during his SB in NYC.

I told him to remember that books take up space and he smirked on FT and told me he packed an extra bag. I reminded him he can also ship books to his dorm :laughing:.

So….I’m visualizing his summer storage boxes as having many eclectic books in them that he has
collected during the first year of school.


That’s such a pretty scene in the photo. He’s going to have 75% books and then the rest in summer storage :joy:

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Pretty sure that’s the Barnes and Noble on Union Square – well worth a visit.

S said it was the Housingworks Bookstore in Soho.

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There goes my New York cred! :joy: Your son is a true bibliophile.

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Lol! All bookstores are treasures! (And I smile at your username! :bat::apple:)


Are you guys planning on moving your kids out? I didn’t realize this is a thing and we didn’t plan for it. Hopefully, S can get friends to help him put his stuff in storage.

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No plan to help either of our 2 except to research and book the storage units. They both had zero interest when I asked if they wanted me to come.

They also mentioned that they doubt their would need us at help move-in next year - guess they got it !

One storage company will deliver plastic bins and a wardrobe to my daughter curbside and she needs to get the packed items down to ground level for pick up. My other daughter will buy boxes at the campus bookstore and that storage company picks up from
your room after you leave and delivers to your new room.

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For summer, We aren’t helping him. I bought totes when he moved in and left duct tape, sharpies, etc so he has all he needs to get his things to summer storage. I thought I wouldn’t move him back in but I realized I want to because I want to know where he will be at for the academic year, etc., for peace of mind so I’ll travel with him end of Aug to move back into his new dorm then. I know I won’t be needed for the entire move-in weekend so I have plans to visit friends nearby :slight_smile:


We were just discussing this at dinner tonight. I’ll probably drive up to Lubbock the day before move out…he has a final the same day he has to be out of his dorm. I don’t know that we’ll need a storage facility for the summer, he didn’t really take anything big, and his bedding etc needs to come back, i’ll wash and vacuum seal all the twin xl stuff and put away for one of our twins to use next year.

It’s wild (and wonderful) that we are all here talking calmly and happily about approaching end of first year move outs and eventual August move-ins and drop offs.

Bc in contrast to a year ago, the greater collective majority of our 2021 parent group was going a bit batty with anxiety waiting for decision days, etc.

So very thankful to be on the “other” side of this process. We all survived! :partying_face::joy::clap: