Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

My kids had it a long time before college and it was a requirement for their respective colleges. I know we updated that info as soon as we could which means they had that vaccine at least at 17 if not sooner.

Don’t forget to tell her to hang her bras! Mine actually never know how to work the damn machines (the girls!) and call me all the time asking how to do it. As for their lulu stuff that just goes in the wash. Never had a problem with it.

Their problem is too cheap to do two loads and just wash everything on cold. For two somewhat intelligent girls I see that when I was helping the one this past weekend pack stuff up that her white shirts don’t look white. They have a bluish gray hue. I told her it’s from washing everything on cold and not separating. If she’s too lazy and cheap to do 2 loads god only knows what will be when she’s actually working or has her required internship and has to send her clothes for dry cleaning!!

PSA for those thinking about buying their kid a new macbook for college.

The new M1 chip can’t load Windows programs like previous macs. There is a program called bootloader that normally allows this, but it doesn’t work on the new chip and Apple has said they aren’t planning to update bootloader. There is 3rd party software, parallel for example, in the works but they might not have full functionality.

Not every student needs to boot windows programs on their Mac though, so dig around on the school’s website or talk to current students. It’s just one more thing to check.

ETA: older macbooks with intel chips are fine.


My kids have gotten spoiled with the delay feature on our washing machine. It will kick on at five in the morning, finishing up as they’re rolling out of bed. And then they use the dryer to store their clothes for as long as they can. Obviously something was lost in translation.

I will try my best to not Marie Kondo his dresser drawers on move in day, if anyone knows what I’m talking about. But it will be difficult. Maybe his roomate will let me.


A couple of weeks ago, driving home from suit store with S’s first suit, I just happened to mention that it would need to be dry cleaned. Omg, kid was not aware, would have thrown it in with his laundry if I hadn’t said something.


We got a dual washer a couple of years ago. It is so nice when you have girls. One of the things I had to get both D’s for college is a drying rack. So many of their clothes are hang dry :roll_eyes:

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D got the Men B when she was 16, her pedi is very into vaccines. Speaking of pedi, she will stay with her pedi still she graduates college.

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Deleting since @2Devils has clarified the recommendations for the MenA and MenB vaccines.

D just got her National Merit Scholar certificate! She is also getting some sort of award at graduation but we don’t know what it is yet. The school also decided to hold prom after all. It’s nice to end the school year with a bit of normal.


I throw my lululemon stuff in the dryer, I had no idea you aren’t supposed to :flushed:

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We are also duvet/down comforter users at home, but I bought a regular comforter for my son to take to school. On the very off chance that he did wash the duvet, there is zero chance that he would tie the upper corners to keep it all in place. I just envision him freezing to death with the entire comforter bunched at the bottom of the duvet. Trying to keep things as simple as possible.

My S is good about doing his laundry
he does sports so needs clean uniform, masks for school, etc. It’s the folding that sometimes becomes a problem. He may need a basket for his wad of clean clothes!

This literally made me LOL.

@jeneric a drying rack was a no go for my girls. Didn’t want to waste the space smh. So one used her roommate’s and the other I think just used a hanger for the most part. Oh another dorm buy is a lingerie bag for any who have girls.

@Aguadecoco oh don’t worry my girls throw all their lulu stuff in the dryer too. Some people don’t like to because it can pill but theirs haven’t. Maybe they just wash them inside out.


Here is a great and timely article that might help you understand that not everyone has senioritis, especially this year. That the pandemic didn’t stop making things difficult for people after mid-year reports were due. And that more kids than ever have had mental health issues over the past year, many of which can be managed without a parent watching them around the clock.


(I put it earlier in thread—AAp, cdc, etc recommend both doses of both meningitis vaccines)


I think Parallels Desktop would work with M1.

@Aguadecoco Drying it just impacts the wicking performance of the fabric. You also don’t want to use Downy fabric enhancer (liquid) when you wash dri-fit or Lulu clothes. Downy leaves a protection to preserve the fabric material, but doing so impacts the wicking technology.

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I’m home all day so I pretty much do all the laundry Bc literally I have the time to do it, don’t mind it, etc., UNLESS I get attitude from anyone. If that happens, then they know laundry is all back on them. :grin:I like hot water for sheets and whites (socks, etc), warm for towels, and cold for darks. I have specific hangers, and hangers need to face same direction. Yes, I have issues. :laughing:
All comforters and blankets, sheets, etc get washed once a week. Towels twice a week. Pajamas every day.
I wash a lot.
S will likely be surprised how much time it takes to do laundry. So
I imagine his standard will understandably be much different than mine when he leaves in the fall and does how own. :wink:

PS I actually think he will still want to wash his comforter at least every two weeks. Guess he may look for a laundry service that he can take it to if it doesn’t fit in the campus laundry machines.

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This is a sensitive subject to me. I have two friends who have sent kids off to college with known and treated anxiety or depression during high school. This was pre-Covid and one committed suicide. The other dropped out. The kid who committed suicide was a star athlete on a Division 1 athletic scholarship, super smart, great looking kid with everything going for him. Mental health issues in high school are concerning for kids with at home support. Sending kids to college with a known mental health issue is a grave concern. I wish your child the best.


Thanks. I have not been able to find comforters or covers in XL.