Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Yep, my kids have doing their laundry for years, always on cold. But they could care less about sheets and towels.

Since we’d have to pack this in luggage, I’m thinking about just making an IKEA run when we get there, and picking up a duvet (even a full size, I like the earlier tip for hiding things under a lofted bed), duvet cover, pillows ,trashcan, plate/bowl, other bulky things. These may never come home, as they can store things boxed, on campus, over summers. Anyone have any thoughts on availability at IKEA, very late August? Move in day is Sep 2, thought we’d go a few days early as DS hasn’t seen the area.

What is this about the meningitis vaccine? Is it something kids typically get right before going to college? To my knowledge my D is up to date with all vaccines but I can’t remember if she had that yet. I had been thinking I needed to download the health forms soon and call my D’s practitioner…guess that will be my priority tomorrow morning!

Our pediatrician told us to get it because many require so we scheduled it and going thru the healthcare checklist for Brown, it was also on the list of required vaccination. It’s different from the meningitis vax S21 had in 2014, 2020.

Ask your D to go thru the student portal. My son had a health section that required him to answer online and then he had to print out things for me to fill (because he’s a minor), TB skin test, immunization record to be filled by medical provider.

We went to IKEA in San Diego the day before move-in with my daughter. It was four years ago so don’t remember well, but I don’t think we had any trouble getting what we needed. I know for sure we bought her pillows and down comforter there, but I can’t remember what else. You can make a list of favorites online and it will tell you how many of each item are in stock at that store. I have a list going right now b/c I’m remodeling a room at home and turning into an office. This allowed me to see what is in stock for the things I wanted before I made a trip. At least it will help you decide whether to buy some of your items elsewhere if needed or save you a trip if they don’t have most of what you want. If you get there ahead of when most are arriving for move in, you might be ok.

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Thanks, we’ll do that ASAP!

Also keep in mind the 1st one should be done at least 2 weeks after 2nd Covid shot and this is also a 2 shot series - 4 weeks apart. Our doctor office told us at appointments this past September to set a reminder to have one in June and one in July otherwise I had no clue. We haven’t heard anything from either college yet.


Cal Poly requires Men B due to an outbreak a few years back but most colleges do not. Most kids will not have had it yet, it’s not part of the normal vax schedule. We don’t have to get TB test, just a questionnaire. It’s a good thing to check now though as the Men B is two doses.

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I think it is part of the vax schedule in some pediatric offices, like ours. My 17 yo senior had his second shot last year.

Risk of catching it is pretty low, but obviously higher in a dorm setting. According to my friend who’s an ER doc, it’s difficult to diagnose before kids get really sick, leading to a relatively high death rate.


Answer: College

Question: When was the last time I had a donut? :grinning:

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Those Krispy Kreme fundraisers…they’d sell me a dozen chocolate frosted, I’d eat them in a day and still weigh 110 pounds…

Now I gain a couple just thinking about that.


delete. I just saw that Men B has already been mentioned. Sorry for the duplicate.


Meningitis vaccines: they are standard cdc /Acip shots and should be offered at all peds offices: meningitis strains A,C,Y,W are covered by a shot that is typically given at 11yo and again after the 16th bday. Meningitis B vaccine is started after the 16th bday and second shot is later but both should be done before college—so in total 4 meningitis vaccines before college. Many colleges require all 4 . The ACIP( cdc,aap) just changed the vaccine -separate-from -covid vax rules: they do not have to be separated by 2 weeks anymore.


D had to have her second of MenACWY right before Senior year. Men B is a different vaccine. Not every school requires it, but most recommend it.

I looked and Sons school doesn’t require the B, good thing because I had not planned for that.

My son is very happy with his committed school, and may not accept a waitlist spot if offered. My frustration is not that he is on a waitlist but that kids who are admitted at top schools (and clearly went through Covid as he did and managed to keep their grades up) have slacked off to the point that they may be rescinded. We are talking about more than one C from kids who were straight As until January or February. Of course, there are sudden issues that come up but most kids are in the same boat without a dramatic change in circumstances that start in February so slacking off is senioritis. Getting a C or D from an A in 2 months takes some work. That sort of work ethic doesn’t bode well for success in college. As far as the mental health issue goes, that would be concerning to me as a parent. Sending someone off to school with mental health issues is a challenge when you are not able to be there to notice the signs.


DS went to a residential boarding school for 11th and 12th. They did not require Men B but we read a little about it and did not want to take the chance so he got it as he would be living in a dorm.


Same here. There was a case of MenB at my older son’s school and by the time he had to start school we had him fully vaccinated for that. It’s not a mandatory shot (and at the time very difficult to find around here), but school was recommending it and I didn’t want to risk it. It’s a horrible, horrible disease.

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D got that too. Furman just offered her another $10k in merit per year. That, on top of her original merit which I think was around $28k/year.


No you’re not the only one and I never used to use one either. I actually wash the comforters regularly. I wouldn’t want to mess with a duvet cover myself, I can’t imagine a college kid! Most of them don’t even wash their sheets as it is lol. Anyway, when we bought new washing machines a few years ago we bought a top load without the center agitator thing so that even our king size comforter fits right in without issue and it stays in balance. For my kids at school I tell them just to go to the dry cleaner and have them laundered during breaks if they aren’t going to wash them otherwise. If they do great, if they don’t it’s on them! Either way at the end of the year I always take them to be cleaned.

I don’t know what you all do to “teach kids how to do laundry”. It’s not rocket science. It’s just easier for me to do everyone’s here at home and, when S19 went to school, I told him to separate out whites, wash everything on cold and dry everything on low. Gave him some Shout stain removal stuff and said to follow those directions if he gets a stain. And bought some Tide pods and told him to follow directions. Done

PS With D I’ll tell her to pull out her lululemon stuff and hang it instead of dry it.

That’s it. Lesson over!