Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)


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I am so sorry that this happened to your D.

I personally would like to get S a sling beach chair (in a school color!) that works for the dorm but he’ll probably want something less fussy like this
 :joy: Jason Momoa and his folding chair - YouTube Anyway I’ve been told radio silence about the room so I’m living vicariously through you all!


I ordered the folding step stool

For D19 we used the storage drawers from bed Bath and Beyond that are very deep so they give tons of space. Looks like they don’t have the old brand but they have one that looks almost the same, I’ll have to go in person to make sure the quality is still good. They were pretty expensive but so much sturdier than the cheaper ones I saw.

The bed was lofted and D definitely needed a little ottoman to get into the bed. The first year she used it with the legs and said it wasn’t that sturdy so this year she just left them off. It doesn’t give a ton of storage but better than nothing, I think she kept her small printer and printer paper in there this year.

I think I can share phots now, I will try to find one of her room.

This is the ottoman she has -


hey, it worked!


Nice, where did you get the rug?

That was from Target, they had a similar one at Home Depot as well. The shag was a bit of a pain to vacuum but they liked it enough to buy the same one this year (had to throw the one from last year out with that rushed Covid move out :frowning: )

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Wonderful! Congratulations :tada:

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Thanks for the sheet tip. My husband and I have two sets of Wamsutta sheets and love them! Bought my D a set- white was gone but got silver (figure it can match most!).

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I also got a set for D21 and a set for me.

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Yay for dorm shopping! Last week of school starting here. D21 pulled up to a B in calculus at the last minute so she can opt out of all her finals. Still has to take AP Lit on 6/1 after the time zone fiasco. She’s so DONE with school though. AP Calc exam today will be an exercise in frustration I think. I get it but uggggg college credit at stake here kid! :laughing:

Round 2 with the roommates and she’s found two girls she matches with. My only concern is that she will be the group leader as she has the earliest selection time, and what if there are only suites with two spots? Eek. One of the girls is also OOS which is good because there will be someone else there on the weekends.

Mid June graduation here too!


A little something for the folks at the Wait List Bar. Maybe there is some movement still to happen


Do we think it’s the gap year kids skewing the numbers (as someone replied to Jon’s tweet) or are LOTS of people double depositing
or both?

Are there any stats on typical summer melt rates? The lower the ranking the higher the melt? And for a given selectivity/ranking, melt is higher for private vs. public?

It seems like something doesn’t add up. Finally someone is mentioning it. I have to say that it was kind of tempting to double deposit but ultimately we didn’t think it was fair, especially since my S was able to see the colleges before 5/1. IMHO deposits should be much higher.

I wish more experts were talking about it. Melt might be higher this year due to visa issues, double deposits, and people ultimately deciding that they can’t afford that big name school. We’ll see.

It’s crazy to let my mind wonder but the recent closures to WLs, perhaps they still call and pluck a few after closing unless they kept a vip wl and released everyone else (like BC did).


Exposed Brick in a dorm room


I actually thought our S’s $800 deposit was a decent amount but you’re right @NateandAllisMom, a much higher deposit would hopefully minimize more double deposits. But who knows. Some may not see any amount as an issue whereas to me the idea of double depositing is so not cool it alone would stop me. (Not to mention the offending high school student’s GC’s reputations and future students’ acceptance odds when applying from that HS would all get dinged. Appropriately so.)

And yes, @burghdad that exposed brick in @momtogkc was a special sight to see in a dorm room. Nice!!!

Happy Monday to all!!

We still have weeks until graduation!!! I am happy (and jealous!) for those of you who are DONE or nearly so!! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Indeed something hasn’t been adding up this whole time. I don’t think it’s double depositing, though. My personal guess at the moment is that schools that accepted a greater total than would be typical are at risk of overenrolling due to yield being higher than expected (i.e., yield not lower than the past).

I do wonder if some WL closures were premature considering possible visa issues. And yet other WL we haven’t heard a peep, they’re just sitting out there, no news, no one posting about getting called.


Certainly a mysterious year. I hope it’s more normal for the juniors. Just speaking anecdotally, my S’ regular round selective schools took a high percentage of TO. The one he’s committed to is a rare one where his score seemed to pay off RD and they actually published all of the numbers.