Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Congratulations! I am sure she will love GT and accomplish all her goals there.

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S was registered for 5 AP exams and decided to cancel all of them and he got a refund the next day. He already spent the money, going out with friends and buying a video game :roll_eyes:


Thank you!

Thank you.

Not only are they mandatory but he has had to go in on his days off to take practice exams and he has Calc and Physics back to back on the same day as the school would not move one. Ready for this school year to be OVER. I’m proud of him though.


Congrats. Hope she falls in love with the place.

My wife had hoped one of our kids would end up there, but don’t think it will happen (they’re both math geeks).

S21 has a good friend who is taking her decision down to the wire between GTown and UNC (in-state).

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I hope you’re just writing about kids at your son’s school. Cheating among remote students is not at all the case at my D’s school.


On Friday night D went to hang out with her BFF who encouraged her to just go ahead and commit. So she did from her phone and then led me on to believe that she was still in limbo for 4 more hours. She said yes to Rice! She is on the WL for Vandy, but given how she has finally embraced her choice (we went full out on a “bed party” and pictures- all her call) I can’t see her changing course if the Vandy call were to come. Her final choice came down to W&L (Johnson alternate and was sitting at an 85% full ride merit offer and possible bump after 5/1) and her heart-choice, Tulane. The $ just wasn’t enough at Tulane compared to her other offers. I’m super pleased with her decision. Neither one of us had Rice on the short list at all when this whole process started, but it seems like it will be a good fit and I’m super excited for her- but nearly 18 hours away from home is going to be rough on me!


Great to hear that you have someone deciding between GT and UNC. "UNC waitlisted my D and she didn’t pursue it.

Thanks so much. And that’s great to hear about their vp and math programs and the community overall.

isn’t calculus on Tuesday and AP Physics C on Monday?
Monday is going to be so hard as my D has 3 AP tests (AP Physics C Mechanics, AP Physics C- E and M and AP Gov).

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Hooray for Rice! I am local if she ever needs anything.


D was supposed to take Gov Monday morning but our school decided 2 per day is the most they want kids taking. So gov is moved to May 20th electronic. D is thankful she can sleep late tomorrow.


Thank you @mm5678!

Sorry, I shouldn’t generalize like that.

But, it has been a big problem with remote students and not just at this school, our local schools either. Many colleges have had this problem as well. The flip side is that many teachers have gone above and beyond to figure out a solution, while a few have sort of just thrown in the towel not really willing to do much of anything and scrapping the year just wanting to put it behind them.

The dumb thing with a lot of the kids is I think the ones who thought the remote AP test would be easier, and haven’t been prepared all along, now realize it isn’t going to be easier and many of those are the ones dropping the AP Exam. They have a choice whether to take it in person or remote. These are not kids who are necessarily remote. Many are in person, but were given a choice and so many think remote = easier which is not always the case.

Sorry again for the generalization, not my intent.

3 is crazy, but the Physics C tests are usually shorter than other exams. Which is why they pile those 2 on the same day.

Calculus is always on the Tuesday so you’re correct, but it is brutal nonetheless. Kids are definitely anxious as I saw last week.


I haven’t heard of any cheating during remote learning around here, lots of kids failing because they aren’t logging in to school. The counselors are all out and about trying to find these kids.


Same—mandatory APs and practice exams on Saturdays and Sundays(which count as semester finals)
it will all be done soon though!


Tons of cheating in my DD school and parents in surrounding districts complaining about same situation. Really putting honest students at a disadvantage for grades and class rank. Many kids opted to stay home even when schools opened up again because they didn’t want to take exams in a classroom without the ability to use phones to search the internet for answers. I personally know of several students who take exams in groups — parents suggested!


Congratulations to her!

My daughter also got notice a couple days ago that she received a merit scholarship from CU (she committed pretty much right after her acceptance came). We had no idea it was still a possibility and, like your daughter, it made her feel great.