Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Following this discussion intently. S21 is very excited about where he’s committed to, but we still sometimes wonder why the “expert” predictions about were so off. With most waitlists now closed, he’s hanging by a thin thread.

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I know my S was overwhelmed and could have used more time to decide so it sucks to hear a significant number may have double deposited. But, we did the right thing and I think it’s just one of a few good and really, privileged paths. I do feel like people who couldn’t visit until after May 1 kind of get a pass? Maybe those with critical financial aid appeals pending too?

Also my H found out we have a couple of peers who double deposited because the UCs were not guaranteeing housing.

Yes, agree that I wish Selingo was spilling the beans more now but I look forward to hearing what he has to say. He’s doing it for the juniors at this point. It seems very foggy about when international students would elect to gap or pass. I guess tuition is due 8/1 at most places.


We momentarily considered a double-deposit. One of S21’s top choices was still working on our FA appeal as the May 1 deadline approached. We told them that we could not commit without an answer on the appeal (this is when we considered the double-deposit). But we decided not to spend the $500. The deadline came and went and we never got an answer on our appeal. He lost his spot and they stopped working on the appeal. Very disappointing, but if that’s the way we were going to be treated even before arriving, we figured it was best to let it go.

By the way, his initial FA package was calculated based on an error on their part. They said it was our error. Rather than argue, I yielded, made a few changes and re-submitted. In hindsight, the error was clearly theirs. We move on.


Our school district, and I’m sure many others, doesn’t even end the year until mid-June.


Have to think that, if Selingo knew the answers, he would write about them. He doesn’t know. He must be unable to get good info from AOs right now. Not sure what he will glean from parents but I guess that’s where he can find if families have double deposited.

Not sure why he’s reaching out to AOs in this way. I’m sure he has a ton of contacts who are AOs. They must not be talking!


The private counselors (and other parents) are likely the ones who know the most about double deposits. AOs know about enrollment numbers. Not much incentive to talk because if they are overenrolled but have good melt they might end up where they wanted and look like they handled it perfectly?

Over in Fantasyland I’m wondering if schools are legitimately confident about being full or if they just mercifully cut the WL free only to surprise a few lucky kids in late July. Top schools will probably always get some takers. Either way, they wouldn’t expect to have very many spots open up.

I’d like to hear from AOs - want to know how they decided how many kids to accept and how did gap years affected that number. I’d like to know their reasoning. If they accepted more students, why? Why wouldn’t they protect against overenrollment but doing business as usual and then going to WL if their yield is lower than usual?


The experts were wrong on just about everything this year. First, they thought there would be fewer ED applicants, meanwhile there were record numbers. They then played down the test optional option, when in reality, that was a huge game-changer. Waitlist movement was going to be dynamic - and, well, crickets. And now, over-enrollment was not predicted, but is apparently rampant.

In a year where so many of us, parents, teachers, administrators, are giving a pass to students because of the pandemic, it bothers me that others have taken advantage. They should crack down on double deposits. Not cool. They are holding someone else’s spot.

Grateful for my D21’s choice, but can’t help but think what might have been…


Double deposits aren’t allowed. I thought that, if they were found out, those offers would be rescinded. Plus, counselors are professionals and have codes of conduct and shouldn’t be breaking the rules and sending multiple transcripts.

I guess counselors send transcripts to the school where the student has deposited and then to the schools where the student has accepted a WL spot. That’s ok. They just can’t send a final transcript to two schools where the student got accepted. Isn’t there something the kids sign that says they won’t double deposit?

Wholeheartedly agree about cracking down on double deposits. Anecdotally have also heard tales of students doing ED and REA, not withdrawing other applications even after ED acceptance in the hope of something better, and so on… Seriously not cool, and hurts students and families who have chosen to play by the rules.

Grateful for our options too, but may have been better if rules were followed, and enforced.


There’s a lot of time between 5/1 and the final transcript deadline.


Interesting take on double deposits

That article is 6 years old, and there is plenty of incentive for colleges to rescind applications, especially those that are over-enrolled.


But have they? I’m not sure why the date of the article makes a difference. The language in the common app is the same today as it was then. I’m not saying I agree with him but just that it’s an alternative view of double deposits.

If my daughter took an AP course her senior year and listed it on her common app and college application, is she required to take the AP exam? TIA

When is the transcript deadline? I’ve never bothered to know that. Our counselors just send the transcripts when they are ready and I think that’s this week.

I agree. If the language is there then schools can rescind an acceptance and not get into any trouble for it.

I just wonder why anyone would double deposit. What info is coming that would help them choose one at this point? Are they filling out health forms and roommate forms and registering for classes at two schools?? Some schools have started these things already. Exactly what is the point of double depositing? Your student can’t get excited about two separate schools at this point. They are all leaving for school in less than three months.

Without digging back into the weeds of it, I tend to agree with the points about antitrust, which is an issue with ED, for example. I can see both sides.

This particular year, it felt like the timeframe for deciding was especially short, as visits barely opened up around April. Example, my S’s deposit school offered limited admitted student visits, but they were full for the entire month of April. We could have flown there and walked around by ourselves, and in hindsight I wish we had - my fault for not pushing it, though April was a bit crazy and other S visited his school, and I hadn’t realized S was seriously entertaining the deposit school. The world went on pause for a year and it felt like S’s thinking paused too. Then the gears began to turn again and whoops there’s a deadline - always late for deadlines. The resulting indecision was multi-factorial. None of this is the end of the world; I’m just annoyed (in large part with my child).

Even though I can see why a person might double deposit to buy a little more time, a month seems like it should be enough already.


Our S decided not to take his AP Calc exam this past week.

(He feels he didn’t learn as much online as he had hoped, thus, if needs to take smthg that requires a strong foundation of Calc, he would retake Calc first. He doesn’t expect that but that was his reasoning to skip taking the exam.)

His GC had no problem with the decision. And the college he’ll be attending doesn’t care one way or the other.

I think I/we would have at least considered double depositing this year, because of what’s happening out there. I would have had to sit down and think about when the school typically sends the HS transcript out to the college(s) and think that would be our “drop dead” date to get out of the “double deposit” position. Unless you could tell the HS that the 2nd school is a WL school without actually showing proof.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, we had a “Snow White and 7 Dwarfs” situation at our house. Not to disparage the other very good acceptances, but D only had truly one “Snow White.”