Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Just want to remind everyone who might be shopping and flies Southwest to check for rapid rewards. I always forget and Bed Bath & Beyond is one of the places that give you points.

Last official day of school!!! D went into school on Wednesday for Senior Day- they had really nice activities. Just graduation and then AP Stat- ugh.


Finally my daughter got off of the waitlist to Columbia University! Thank you for all your help and support.


That’s so wonderful. Congrats!

I am so happy for you all! Congratulations!


That is a very bold move. I wonder if I could convince my D to take that route. Will definitely tell her about it. Perfect way to show interest. So far she has emailed the registrar and an email mailbox for the department, but no response. Yesterday she emailed the dept chair. One issue is that the prof that’s teaching the class is not actually in the school directory!

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Congratulations! Would you mind sharing which school at Columbia?

Random q for the group re: letters of rec.
Do any of your kids teachers give them to them for possible future use? One of my D’s teachers sent her his that started with an intro that he was recommending her for any academic or work related pursuit. It was very thoughtful and possibly useful in the future? She said if she wants to transfer anywhere the teacher would need to submit on their own, but it still seems like a good doc to have.

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Wow, so fantastic to hear! Congrats to her. We’re you able to get an ok aid package?

So is she going to give up Georgetown admission and money? I’m assuming so if you were sitting in the WL bar for the past month.

congrats to your and your daughter!! <3

i love seeing this story. congratulations to you and your girls!!


Fantastic news, especially this year when there seemed to be so little waitlist movement. Congratulations!

that’s a really kind and generous offer. i think more an indication of respect from the teacher, but certainly not a bad thing to have on hand, esp in those early years when you need a general job ref or something and may not be close to ug profs.

WOW! Congratulations!

@anaray Thats soooo amazing!! I’m so happy for your family!

Thank you very much! She is so excited and happy.

Thank you!

Thank you very much! We almost lost hope about the waitlist.


Thank you very much!