Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Just a heads up that while the Velcro towel wrap is cool (IMO), the Velcro can easily mess up other items when washed if Velcro not carefully matched up before washing.

My S is very low key. He thinks nothing extra. No robe, no Velcro wrap; just A towel, and then a hook or two to hang the towel(s) once he returns to his bedroom.

(He will share a shower with 3 roommates. They all have their own room and they share two sinks, shower, toilet area, and a sitting room with full size fridge and microwave.)

Edited to add: we plan to make good use of Amazon once S gets settled in to dorm. Thus, he will pack very light prior to him moving in, with the intent that whatever he feels he needs he can order. He is not one to order anything unless he really plans to use it.

Now foodā€¦.that is a whole other issueā€¦.I see him wanting to try lots of places, etc so that is where the brakes on his spending may be applied. But even then, he wants to be on a budget he said, which obviously we endorse, haha!!

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Towels from your linen closet. You need new towels more than he does. :grin:

No Velcro. If he does not wear a robe at home, he will likely not use one in the dorm.


My D19 didnā€™t want a fancy Velcro towel or robe- even though the shared hall baths are for both genders, she just wanted and used a regular towel. She didnā€™t see any big deal. My younger D is taking her robe, but for lounging in bed, which is the same way she uses it at home.

Just now, me texting: Pick a color for your comforter cover. [From among literally 20 choices.]
S, messiest child in the history of the universe: I want a white one.


That is awesome. Kids are awesome. Makes me LOL.


Ha. I feel ya! My D picked out a white shag rug. Time to put executive veto power to use.


We are flying but thank goodness for SWA. I think we all will have a rolling suitcase and S21 with a backpack, too. Then we are going to check in a big suitcase and 3 Samsonite Tote a Ton bag. I think I have it figured out where I can even pack the tempurpedic mattress topper (23 lbs and fits in one of the bags). Iā€™m just wrapping bedding and towels around hardware like a kettle, pitcher, bowl, plate, utensils/chopsticks, toolkit, surge protectors, and a fan (LOL, I know). S21 is putting his monitor in his carry on. I think thatā€™s it. The other things are clothes and shoes. Iā€™ll buy the other stuff there.

I think Iā€™ll deliver his safe there. I donā€™t think Iā€™m getting too many plastic containers other than a couple to store his bedding and hardware for the summer. Not sure what to do with a computer monitor over the summer. Maybe ask my coworker to store it.

We are uploading healthcare docs. Second meningitis B shot this week and Iā€™ll upload insurance waiver and vax record then.


At least a quarter had maxed out grades. Very nice. 30%ish acceptance rate to all but Agriculture which is higher. Is the acceptance rate much different for instate vs OOS?

@MommaLue You got it! Iā€™ve said a number of times that we got S19 to school via Southwest with six checked Tote a Tons and a few carry ons. Everything for his bed, everything for his walls, towels, desk supplies, hangers, all of the clothes and shoes he needed, etc. The only thing I had sent to our hotel was a fan and we bought school supplies and toiletries. Now, he didnā€™t need any storage for his room like extra drawers that I know some dorm rooms need and we would have had to buy that type of thing there if he did.

Iā€™ve looked at photos of Colgateā€™s rooms for D21 and I donā€™t think she will need any storage either. Maybe a shoe rack. We are packing her the same way. Whatever we realize she needs when we get there, we will likely just order on Amazon and sheā€™ll get it in a few days. Iā€™m not dealing with shopping upon arrival.

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I bought 2 of those bags and my husband thinks one is enough lol. If he were in charge S would show up to college with nothing but some clothes.

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What??? No kitchen sink?

Repeat after me - online shopping is your friend.:grin:

With some possible exceptions, e.g. technology no bigger than a laptop, medication, toiletry kit, I agree with your husband.

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Everyone might want to check what items are allowed and what are restricted at the college your son or daughter is attending. Both of the colleges of my older kids had specific rules about kitchen appliances in particular, for fire safety reasons. As an example, the only coffee maker allowed was pod style.

@MamaLue, as an example, here is the Brown link:

Prohibited Items

Cooking is not allowed in student rooms. Thus, in compliance with fire safety regulations, the following may not be used in student rooms:

  • Electric and gas stoves
  • Toasters, toaster ovens, hot plates, burners, crock pots, timed cookers, rice cookers, electric coils, immersion heaters
  • Fryers and grills of all kinds (e.g., George Foreman)
  • Any other appliance or instrument with an open flame, exposed heating element or hot surface that poses a fire hazard

Agree with this. Sent mine with a robe to camp and after year 1 he said nope forget it, no one uses them, we just walk down with our towels. He expects to do the same thing down the hall to the bathroom in the dorm.

The one thing I AM having trouble on with him is a shower caddy. He thinks boys donā€™t use them in college and that he doesnā€™t need it because he can just walk down with his shampoo and soap. Grr. So, Iā€™m going to get him what he views as the best of the worst in his eyes and then leave it there. He can then decide from there. He apparently doesnā€™t want to keep his toothbrush, toothpaste or anything else in there. He uses an electric razor so who knows if he would even want to keep that in there. But it still seems like itā€™s just a lot easier than schlepping the shampoo, etc. each time. He can be a stubborn sucker until he sees other kids have the same stuff. My daughter however loves the velcro thing but doesnā€™t put it in the dryer and because of the velcro.

I did finally convince him to start looking at bedding because everything I was sending to him he didnā€™t like. Didnā€™t want stripes, didnā€™t like the pattern on something, ugh. Finally picked something from dormify, just my luck the most expensive place out there, but at least itā€™s easy to find promo codes so weā€™ll see what else he wants from them. Iā€™m so happy with this kid we donā€™t have to fly. But for the others, we just packed up the big duffel bags from camp and flew down with those. It was so easy and theyā€™re durable.

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While he can just walk around with loose toiletries, if he does not want to use a shower caddy (which I did not), he can always opt for a dopp kit.

Our top 11 from what I can recall are going as follows:

1- UT Austin
1- OSU
2 - UM
4 - UIUC
1 - USC
1 - Emory
1 - Vandy

Separately we have 1 going to U-Chicago, 3 to Northwestern, 1 to Penn, and some others, but this wasnā€™t a great year for our school and as you can see the top students are not the ones who are going to the top echelon of schools, but some of that is purposeful as a bunch at the top are going into Engineering and UIUC, UT and UM all have better straight up Engineering or CS programs than UC, NU, or Penn. Overall we have about 18 going to UM, I think 3 to Vandy, 4 to Emory 3 to USC and so on.


One of mine is a ā€œproductā€ guy, though I think his dorm might come with a sink in the bedroom. Other one is bare-bones, we-should-be-glad-if-he-showers but needs to stay organized. I was trying to find a less feminine-looking shower caddy in fabric mesh. I ended up ordering this one, and also in the bigger size. Weā€™ll see how much they fit when they get here. But, the dopp kit is a good point anyway, as theyā€™ll be travelling more and eventually might want to stop using ziploc bags lol.

True. My daughters use theirs for traveling and their makeup and such and love the ones they got for graduation. That is actually a great idea to get him in any case especially because he also has contacts. Whether he uses it or not who cares but just for traveling anywhere for a few days itā€™ll be good. Coming home he wonā€™t need it (knowing him heā€™ll just use new stuff here) but a weekend away somewhere he will. Thanks for sticking that idea in my head.

This is similar to what someone bought my girls for graduation but theirs were turqiose and purple. I love them. But in looking at these pics I realize for him probably too feminine and need something more masculine but these are great and lined inside. I should almost buy one for myself and update my bag. The place that theirs are from they were like $50 but at etsy wow so much cheaper.

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Haha, I donā€™t think they ever stop with ziploc or plastic bags. My husband has a huge dopp kit and still wraps everything up in some sort of plastic bag. Drives me crazy because whatā€™s the point of the dopp kit then?

As for my girls, anything with a loose cap I tell them to make sure itā€™s in a separate compartment or ziploc. Sure enough, my one that is in Israel had some sort of hair thing open and leak. Not my issue, lol.

It is interesting the things my D cares aboutā€¦ bedding (value pak from OCM) and wall decorā€¦ and what she doesnā€™tā€¦ ā€œI can just use my shower caddy from middle school sleep away camp.ā€ Ok. Done.

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Somewhere there is a searchable database for CSUs thatā€™s interesting, though I donā€™t have the link. My personal impression, just from our OOS private high schoolā€™s Naviance, is that OOS is evaluated some other way, perhaps at least as far as grades/gpa are concerned. Typically very high acceptance rates from our high school, though much lower than usual for 2021 (sigh).