Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

We got the same from Alabama along with instructions on how to pick up scholarship stuff (he already had received 29k a year) well after my son declined his spot. We assumed he just fell through the cracks somehow.

We had a athlete commit to a NASCAC a week after graduation!

I think the deadline isnā€™t really a deadline if there is something about the applicant the school wants.


Thank you. He did the FAFSA, I will tell him to contact the school.

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We had several track athletes just commit to some top programs recently. Coaches came calling after State and these kids has not even applied to these schools.


Yes, this happens all the time, even at selective schools, and even in non-covid years. Contrary to what has been shared on this thread in the past, declining an offer of admission is definitely not required, so a second-choice school can and will sometimes enroll a student who has deposited elsewhere. And as has been mentioned before, some schools will continue to seek out students who have deposited elsewhere long past May 1. This is not double-depositing, and there is nothing unethical about a student doing that. Though I can imagine that some might fault a college/university that continued to pursue students who had deposited elsewhere.

A student I know who graduated in 2019 was told by his second choice (admission rate 10%) that they would welcome him there if he ever changed his mind after he deposited at Brown. The kid did go to Brown for one semester but is now happily enrolled at the second-choice school.


Lots of parents donā€™t go for family weekends so donā€™t worry about it, he will be ok. There may also be a kid that he becomes friends with that the family includes them in their plans. I know thatā€™s what I would do. My son is living with a kid from CA and if his parents donā€™t come parent weekend and theyā€™re still getting along by then, lol, of course weā€™ll invite him to dinner with us, etc. The dad is an alum though so Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll be coming. But I just have always thought thatā€™s the right thing to do.

For one daughter they only have first year parents weekend so we wonā€™t go again that weekend. For the other one we didnā€™t go to parent weekend for the school because the sorority had one. For Michigan, it seems like the world is going, so weā€™re going. In 2 years over Thanksgiving they play Ohio State at home and my husband wants to go to a UM vs OSU game so I have a feeling we will be spending TG in Michigan in 2 years and not here, so that will probably be our parent weekend. As others have said, they jack up hotels, etc., so definitely not a big deal to miss.

@dar222 I think for health insurance itā€™s really for people who may not have as good of coverage through their parents, or any coverage, or in some cases like one school that one of my kidā€™s attends, if your own health plan isnā€™t up to their standards you must get the school plan which is like $3k/year. Thatā€™s a killer because thatā€™s not factored into financial aid of COA. Sucks for a lot of people and is just one more added surprise.

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Iā€™m so glad someone brought up health insurance because, while we confirmed our insurance coverage works in VA, we did not specifically check to see if it is accepted by the campus clinic. That had not occurred to me so we will look into that. I donā€™t want my D to only have off campus options, especially since it is a rural area. I hope they accept it because the college plan is about $500 more.

Parents Weekend is a big deal at Michigan, mainly because of the football game. Thereā€™s lots of events surrounding the game itself, but itā€™s really all about the game. And the IM gym, but thatā€™s for another time.

First year was the Penn State game. Two years ago, I/we chose to skip Parents Weekend (Iowa, meh) and instead attend the Michigan-Notre Dame game a few weeks later instead. Michigan will schedule a ā€œless importantā€ football game for Parents Weekend, in order to insure a packed house. Weā€™re going back this year for the Michigan-Indiana game on Parents Weekend, which is our last one.

Whatā€™s really cool is if ESPN Game Day comes town, then the whole city really goes completely bonkers. Hotels in Ann Arbor jack up the rates for all home game weekends, not just Parents Weekend.

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Iā€™ve been reading all the comments about fall breakā€¦ to go home, to stay on campus, to make plans with friends. Someone mentioned that kids who canā€™t go home often stay on campus for freshman year since they havenā€™t had time to form close friendships.

Because of the interactions my D has had over social media and Zoom with other kids, sheā€™s part of a group planning a fall break trip to Disney. Since we will be on campus for Parents Weekend two weeks before, we werenā€™t overly optimistic she would come home in any case. That just isnā€™t my D. If she comes home any time other than the holidays and summer I will be surprised and wonder what may be wrong.

We will definitely go to Parents Weekend this year and probably every year. From what Iā€™m told it is a big deal at W&L with activities all weekend. If any of her friendsā€™ parents donā€™t come, we will invite the kids to join us for dinners out and such. We have dinner plans with her roommateā€™s family the night before move-inā€¦ making all these reservations makes it more and more real!

What wound up happening? Did they get a response from the school? I know itā€™s tough for them but like I said better to come out ahead than to just drag it along and the school find out from their counselor, their transcript or somewhere else.

Usually the school health clinics are included. So for instance Cornell everyone gets charged some health fee, even those who have to buy the additional health insurance. Itā€™s something like $200/semester. My daughter has only used it once and they only charge $10. She didnā€™t like the Dr she saw so after that we got her a local internist who she saw once. She had to see a neurologist this year but after I asked in the parent page everyone told me to have her go anywhere but Ithaca, so we wound up setting her up with telehealth with a specialist here. I think ultimately that will probably be the way to go unless thereā€™s an emergency.

For my UT one, since they were not proactive about covid testing the UT Health became her best friend because she wanted to be tested regularly. But when she wasnā€™t feeling well and wasnā€™t covid positive and wanted to see a Dr. she had to first do telemed and go through there, etc. They still bill our insurance but the max we pay is $10 to UT Health and they write off whatever our insurance doesnā€™t cover. We paid $10 once and $9 something another time and that was it the entire year. Not sure why we didnā€™t pay more because towards the last few months of second semester she had been prescribed meds, she had strep, and they took her blood a bunch of times. She got home and this is the one that had mono also. She liked one of the Drā€™s she saw there.

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I remember ESPN Gameday at UT two years ago. Ugh all the crazies out there at the crack of dawn.

I also remember sitting with 100k of my closest friends to see the Ok State game in 100 degree weather. Who knew at 8pm it would be that hot? Now, at UM it will be quite the opposite. Haha

A part of me almost wishes we instead made plans to come to the Washington game in September, however, thatā€™s the weekend before UT sorority parent weekend and right before Yom Kippur and I just donā€™t think I want to deal with all of that in one week and traveling two weekends in a row, plus trying to figure out a Fall CU visit and our own vacation plans. Not to mention, itā€™s too early to go back and visit. My kids are used to going away to camp etc. they donā€™t need us to come running every few weeks, thankfully!

Looking forward to a spring trip and great basketball. I enjoy that more than football, but definitely have to see a game in the Big House. My husbandā€™s daughter went to IU so maybe the game means something to him. Me, nah, I hope they kick their butts. I have no Big 10 allegience to football, so this will be easy. Go Blue all the way!!

They both emailed on Monday (one might have called first but not sure) but as far as I know they havenā€™t heard back. One has a very good reason (family issue) and explained it in the email along with her deanā€™s name and email if they wanted proof/follow up. The other didnā€™t have a true reason and I didnā€™t see her email so not sure what it said other than she was willing to retake the class over the summer. Thank you again for the advice, I will update when I hear more.


I resemble that remark. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Wouldnā€™t be the worst thing that Iā€™ve been called.

There were two pilgrimages that I had to make in life. One I did early. The Touchdown Jesus and Notre Dame and the other was the Big House.

112,000 fans is quite a sight.


Ugh donā€™t bring up ND. :wink:

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You know, I wouldnā€™t believe it if I wasnā€™t seeing it in real time, but my D is having the worst luck. The CC where she was starting an AA program switched up the cohort streams for spring and the program that fits perfectly into her dance schedule in the fall is now a holy hot mess in the spring- she has conflict with four of six dance days. She spent the day crying- super unlike her- and I canā€™t blame her for needing a mope day. First LMU and now the CC has changed after she committed. Every plan she makes and path she charts gets scrambled on her. She said sheā€™ll sit with me this weekend and figure out what to do. At this point I donā€™t even have advice and I just feel sad for her. Sheā€™s going to look at other programs there, or at starting then doing only gen eds in the spring and then finishing next year, or choosing a different program. Gah.


Here in the SF Bay Area, thereā€™s several CCā€™s within a reasonable distance of our home. Is there another CC nearby that she could switch into?

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There are a few in reasonable-ish commuting distance, but none would make a difference for this particular program. They either donā€™t have it or would have the same scheduling issue. Sheā€™s going to have to figure out a new major any way I can think of it.

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Aww, Iā€™m so sorry @milgymfam, what a disappointment for your D. :frowning: I hope after a day or two of moping you guys can find a solution that works.

Sheā€™s already back to her regular optimistic self this morning. She said she just needed to cry it out to move on. There are three possible plans for her that she sees, but one is less likely than the others.

That one is to just put school on a post-it and get a job to cover expenses while being a trainee for a couple of years. Sheā€™s going to live at home regardless, so her expenses are minimal, and a part time job could easily cover it. Sheā€™s not keen on that one because she wants to get started on school and know what her career will be- sheā€™s afraid of falling into the dancer trap of being a dance teacher to pay the bills. Sheā€™s done that and knows it isnā€™t for her long term.

So, the other two options are to switch into a tech program at the CC that works in her schedule- but itā€™s not a major sheā€™d previously thought suited her so sheā€™s gonna do some research and sit with it for a minute.

The last option is she switches to the general studies/transfer path program and does gen eds. With this plan sheā€™ll get her AA while being a trainee and then apply as a transfer to ballet focused schools when sheā€™s done, with the goal of not being too far off the normal age because sheā€™d go in as a junior.

Honestly, I am just glad we were discussing this- on the way to ballet of course- with no tears or angst, just an understanding that she has to pivot in some direction and she should figure out which.