Parents of the HS Class of 2022- 3.0-3.4

In a surprising turnaround of events, my son decided to apply and audition for music ed at a couple schools — UNT and Ithaca. Possibly a few more will be added. I guess we’ll see what happens! He still has a long list of LACs he’s applying to RD that have good music programs. It has been a lot of work because they require additional applications for music and of course he also has to get his audition material ready.


Open to any music ed tips.

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Happy to help. This is my second kid pursuing a music major. First is doing a BA at a SLAC. Is your child applying to schools with an audition requirement at the time of application?

He will be hs class 23 considering music ed/choral as a major at this time. We have a long list of colleges to look at. Will focus on FACHEX and Tuition Exchange schools first. Lower gpa and not clear on his dads financial contribution limits at this time.

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As for videos, I love to see what the schools themselves put up. What you want to show people says something about what you value. Some of the small schools have tons of videos about what makes them unique.


I like that too and I follow them on social media in all their various incarnations (different departments, school newspaper, etc).

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So we are DONE with apps here finally. She finished her last two last night to get them done in time for EA (well, one doesn’t do EA, but wanted to be all done). Now we are just waiting for the results! Good luck to everyone!


Congratulations @Sweetgum & D!

I haven’t posted here before, but it’s a supportive group and I wanted to say hi. My daughter is almost done with her apps. She submitted a bunch EA before Nov 1st and is waiting.


Son got in his first app last night. Finally. He had summer school and wasn’t able to work on apps until September. Since a lot of the other app’s are the common app, hoping this goes forward a lot faster.


He managed to get his three essays submitted yesterday for scholarship consideration at his top-choice school. He does not want to hear about any more essays. :slight_smile:

Now we wait until mid-December for the next round of decisions. He is thankful to have his three acceptances now, though.


DD22 falls into the 3.0-3.4 category (I mostly follow CC for S23) and did one and done. One school, one app. I have to say, as much as I encouraged her to visit at least 3 schools (which she refused to do), her reasons for picking the school she is applying to are sound and I was way more impressed with the program in her major than I thought I’d be. Not to mention, it’s a state school and well below what we were expecting to pay when we dreamed of sending her to college. Not how I pictured it turning out, but I’m sure S23 will certainly make up for all of the college visits we didn’t do on this round. This time next year I’ll probably be lamenting how easy my first one was.


Ah so jealous of you all! S has two done and about a dozen more on his list to turn in. Waiting for RD so his first semester grades can be considered.


My son had the opposite strategy. He did all EA because he didn’t want his first semester grades considered. He knew going in that senioritis had already hit him and his grades were going to go down this semester. Unfortunately, we just got his report card and he was right about that. Now he’s just hoping none of his schools come back and ask for those grades. I know he’ll have to send in a final transcript so there is one class he needs to do well in for the next 3 semesters so it doesn’t stand out too much on his transcript.

So far he’s been accepted at Butler, Dayton and Xavier with great merit at 2 of them and awaiting merit offer at the third. He really liked all three when we visited so I feel like he already has good options.


S22’s 18th birthday is in 3 weeks, smack in the middle of several decisions-released dates from schools he’s applied to. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I hope there is at least one acceptance so he has a nice birthday. I can’t imagine how bummed out he’d be if there’s no good news.


Hi all! I just wanted to drop in and leave you with a potential resource for help with your son or daughter’s 2022 essays. It may too late for some, but thought it wouldn’t hurt. I found CC last year when my D21 was applying to schools and found so much useful information and wanted to pay it forward. It is a bit self serving though, I must admit.

My son graduated from University of DE this past May with a degree in English. He is excellent at proofreading and editing and is offering his services on the website Fiverr as a freelance editor. He has helped his sister go from getting B’s in her Freshman writing course at Boston University, to getting A’s. (She should have asked for help sooner but was being stubborn! Lol!) He is also working with some local realtors with re-writing their listings and writing their agent bios.

If you are anything like me, I did not want anything to do with helping either of my kids with their essays. Not only am I not nearly as smart as them, they just didn’t want help from Mom. So if you would like to have a person, who knows what they are doing, read over an essay for content and grammar, etc you may want to check him out. His name is Ryan Ellis. And the best part is that he is CHEAP! He is really just trying to build his experience portfolio and his rating on Fiverr, so he is only charging $5 for up to 2500 words. He also has a very quick turnaround time.

I’m not sure if CC will let me post a link to his profile so to find him on Fiverr you would go to the Fiverr website and add /red5ryan/freelance-editor-for-hire to the URL.

He also has a short video posted in case you want to get to know him a bit better. Like I said, this is a bit self-serving as I want him to be successful. But I also know from being on this forum that there are a lot of people out there that just need a little extra help and don’t necessarily need or want to high an expensive college advisor.

Hope everyone has a Happy Thansgiving!


Interested in Xavier and Dayton. Do u mind sharing how much in merit he got from those schools and his stats as reference?

25k at Xavier plus free books. Merit from Dayton comes separately from acceptances. I believe both schools have a tuition guarantee that the tuition price will stay the same all 4 years. If anyone else is interested he got 22k from Butler.

He has a 3.8 UW And 4.1W with a definite downward trend this year but he didn’t have to submit those grades.


DAYTON: My son with 3.8uw and access to only one weighted class, AP Calc, that he got A/B on.Test-optional.

really fast response, so assuming it was practically automated.

@MAmom111 Merits came at same time as acceptance, days after applying, but you have to click around the portal in tricky ways to get to the merit award. It’s not even mentioned in the acceptance but it’s there somewhere, I suspect.

86,500 over 4 years, 20k first year. Don’t know why the 4 year and 1st year totals are different.
plus 4k books scholarship, 1k per year, that I think you get for a variety of engagements like a visit, which we didn’t do.

Not enough to be able to attend, awaiting FA.

We have received lower merits for the same stats as other kids at every school where we can compare, probably due to not being in a good zip code or good high school.

So I would think a 3.8uw gets you AT LEAST 20k, and probably more.


His portal says “Merit scholarships decisions and notifications will be made in the coming weeks”. It then says “lookout for merit scholarship information that will be mailed to you and made available in your financial aid portal”. Nothing in that portal right now except a reminder to fill out the FAFSA.

My D22 seems reluctant to look at her portals. Anybody else out there like that? She mostly applied to safeties or likelies so I’m not sure why she has the hesitation. Anytime I bring it up I am “making her more anxious”! I would think that it would be a relief to get an acceptance or 5. She does have one acceptance that she knows about. I think they emailed her first, if I recall correctly? Do all schools email first? She may be holding off and waiting for emails, but she also doesn’t check her email very often. If it was me I’d be checking those portals and my email almost every day! At least she got the apps in. I’m trying to bite my tongue and not badger her about checking, but it’s hard!