Parents of the HS Class of 2022- 3.0-3.4

I just got an email saying seniors who get an app to Roanoke by Dec 14th will get a decision before Christmas.

If that helps anyone.


@2plustrio – do you have a sense of the number of applications Roanoke has received for the Fall 2022 entry class? S22 has his acceptance with some merit, and I think his App State deferral has hit him hard. (His GF is a transfer into App State starting Fall 2022, and Roanoke appears to be the college with the shortest drive.)

It is a smaller less competitive school with a high acceptance rate (70% plus) yet a low yield. I got on their mailing list as its a potential school for my S23.
Heres the email they sent…

We understand seniors needed a little extra time this year to submit college applications. You still have time to apply to Roanoke College and hear a decision before the holiday break.

Take a few minutes and [submit your application by December 14] Test scores, essay and recommendations are optional.

Go Maroons!

P.S. Students who apply and submit their high school transcript by December 14 will receive a decision by December 23.


Did he apply to UNC-G? I can’t remember. I think it would be a closer and easier drive than Roanoke College/Salem VA. The easiest drive to and from Boone is through Winston-Salem & Greensboro. Good roads, pretty straight shot.

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Yes, he applied and was accepted to UNC-G. He would like to be in the mountains. He is bored with small cities like in the Triad.

He also says he doesn’t like JMU because it is too big.

(His rubric makes little sense to me.)

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I hope he will get off the wait list for App State. UNC-A would be a little closer to Boone than Roanoke. There are lots of other little schools in the mountains like Lees-MacRae, Brevard, Warren Wilson, etc. Don’t know if they have what he’s looking for though. Am I remembering classical music correctly? I like Roanoke and Salem and think that area has a lot going for it too. A lot of potential there for sure.

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How are acceptances going for everyone? S has 6 acceptances, all are affordable at this point. Waiting on 4 more, 1 reach which won’t come till Feb, 2 matches and 1 safety. Not sure if he should be starting to narrow down his choices now or just wait till everything is in. One school has a housing shortage so may send in the (refundable) deposit if he thinks it’s a top 3. Kid is highly indecisive and schools are pretty different but he likes all of them so no idea how he is going to decide.


We only did one EA and it isn’t back yet and he only has applied to 2 schools overall (so far). He did finalize a list and we (I) hope to be done by Christmas. It ended up being 8 overall with only one reach.


She’s got 5 of 6 in and affordable, last one should come in next week. Her 3 favorites are all in however. After they all came in I decided that we had a long way to go until May and just getting the apps out had been stressful, so I stepped back and closed my mouth on the topic. I figured she can have a nice holiday and focus on finishing her semester and plenty of time to deal with decisions next year. Lo and behold she started talking about it! She’s been thinking about it and looking into the schools on her own and asked for some help gathering information. She’s leaning towards Knox right now but hard to say for sure if that will change. :blush:


Does anyone have any experience with Naviance and their “safety”, “match”, “reach” designations? My daughter applied to all schools that were designated as “safety” and “match” for her based on the past acceptances from her school, except one “reach”. How accurate are these? Guidance seems to think it was accurate, but now I am getting anxious (see my handle LOL) that she will not get into any of these since she was deferred already on one that I thought was almost a given.

@overstressedMom I hate being the one to say this, but the answer is, “It depends.” Naviance can be helpful if the data is recent, accurate and plentiful. If it isn’t - well, “garbage in, garbage out”.

On the other hand, things usually work out just fine. Maybe not the way any of us plan, but it does work out. If she does have a good mix of schools; schools were she places in the top in terms of stats that accept more than 50% of applicants, schools where she is in the middle to top in terms of stats that accept 40% of applicants, and schools that might be more selective but she is still in the top 25% or so of applicants - she should have good choices when all her results come in.

As always, I will say the most important thing is to make sure you know where the money is coming from to pay for any or all of her possible choices. Getting in can be the easier part of this process, paying for it can be more challenging.


Yes, thank you - I agree with what you are saying. I think I am just trying to find a crystal ball to reassure myself. I am just second-guessing our strategy because of the first deferral. It was U Tampa (acceptance rate 48%) and admissions deferred her but the admissions counselor said they deferred so many (including my DD) without even evaluating because of the number of applications this year. According to the Scattergram on Naviance, she has a higher GPA than most of the kids did that got into Tampa in the last 10 years. Lots of data points for Tampa from our HS in Massachusetts. Now the next one up is College of Charleston which has an admission rate of 79% and also has a decent amount of data points from our school (not as many as Tampa) and again she has a higher GPA than about half of the students that got accepted from our HS. My mistake is looking at the admissions data from these schools in detail and it seems like “most” kids have a 4.0 UW, and it is a little disconcerting.


Keep the faith! Could update / inquire with admissions counselor if it is top choice.


Hugs to you! I would believe the AO who said many were deferred because they had too many applicants to get through, though it might make me look sideways at U Tampa in general (I can be petty sometimes :rofl:).

I have heard plenty of wonderful things about C of C…and with that acceptance rate and the fact your daughter has a GPA in the 50% range (if I understand you correctly) - I think she has an excellent chance of acceptance.

I don’t know if you are looking at college’s general GPA ranges, or your Naviance GPA ranges, but lots of colleges especially in the south, actually accept weighted GPAs and use those for their reported statistics. At least, that was our experience with D20’s application season.

Good luck, and maybe have a nice big glass of wine or a long bubble bath to relax. It will all work out. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Good Luck with CoC! That should be more straight forward. My son is there.

The UTampa deferral is nothing about your child and everything about the college trying to manage their reality.
UTampa is going to be more cautious this year due to more students accepting offers than they anticipated. This caused first students no getting on campus housing assignments in July and being told to go find apartments in Tampa weeks before school started. That was a disaster for kids who had already been through so much with Covid.

As others have said, Naviance is based on data entered by kids. It is not always confirmed and it is based on years of data - things have changed drastically these past few years.


Sorry, if Tampa set an early action date they should live up to it. My son’s girlfriend has now decided against Tampa because she was deferred from EA due to their glaring admissions inadequacy.

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Thanks so much. I was looking specifically at the admissions from the HS that my daughter attends and Naviance designates it as a “match” for her and she seems to definitely have a high enough GPA. But then I was looked at their generic admissions stats (here on CC) and was hyperventilating seeing that GPA’s that get admitted and seeing 59% having a 4.0 UW?… it made me nervous to rely on Naviance to understand her chances of admission.

I remember reading about the housing situation at U Tampa from a year or two ago so what you are saying makes sense to me!

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Yes they had Early Action but also “Fast Track”. “Application materials in by November 1, decision by December 1”, supposedly. We did it because my DD’s guidance counselor said she has the grades for it. Now we have to wait until possibly March.

It will work out! Naviance has been good for my daughter so far. She has heard from several schools (all “safety” or “match” on our school’s Naviance), and she has been accepted. I think the Tampa situation is an anomaly (or they are being more honest than other schools about deferring due to overwhelming volume). Not to say that Naviance is perfect, but the likelihood is good for your daughter to have much better luck at CoC and others schools that were in the match and safety groups on Naviance! It will work out! I keep telling myself too (we are waiting on the top 2 favorites).