Parents of the HS Class of 2022- 3.0-3.4

Really hoping someone here goes to ASC so I can live vicariously! I just adore that school.


Itā€™s been a while. Since last post, Willamette sent a scarf and decent merit, Eckerd sent a personalized video (ā€œD nameā€ drawn in sand) and decent merit, Oregon State sent congratulations. All good news thus far. For the EA schools, waiting on Puget Sound, Redlands, and U of Miami.


Congrats to 1822D! My D22 still has not checked portals that I know of. Definitely havenā€™t gotten anything in the mail yet. All the college mail has dried up. I think ASC might be 3rd on her list (not sure). She did like it, but I think she wants to be in the mountains. I loved seeing it. Such a great school.

@UCDProf , I wish you luck in your quest. It is hard paying for two at the same time! We kinda got lucky in a weird way on that. My oldest (HS class of 2019) did not want to go to college after high school. Went to community college this past semester and thought it was okay. My oldest is both super-independent and super not (lives at home, but doesnā€™t want us to offer too many suggestions). Good kid. Hard worker (has a job), but wants to do it their way. But the upshot of that is we may not have to pay full price for two in a 4 year college at once. Weā€™ll see how that works out.


@1822mom, hey D22 did get accepted to Agnes Scott! Just didnā€™t check the mail yesterday!


YAY!! hoping the Agnes letter arrives later for Californians.

Any sense of her reaction?

Still the Coach texted her yesterday saying the decision is coming and the coaches know what the decision is and wouldnā€™t say anything if it was negative.

But does it come with info on merits, or, not holding my breath, need based aid?

Iā€™m sure Agnes Scott has a very large portion of young women for whom an acceptance without cost of attendance is meaningless.


Well everybody gets the Agnes Assurance $22k, but this was just an acceptance in the snailmail and no mention of money. I still donā€™t know if sheā€™s checked the portal. Sheā€™s being a little ā€œmom, get off my backā€ right now.


Hi there, 19 & 23 parent here, delurking to say Iā€™m not sure why you think WVU doesnā€™t have greek life - it does.

Or maybe I misread and she doesnā€™t want greek life?

Officially the social media says notification is tomorrow, so maybe thereā€™s more in the portal tomorrow!

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Maybe so. BTW, can you or @1822mom confirm that there is, in fact, a portal? D22 was just saying, ā€œI donā€™t think they sent me a link to a portal.ā€ I feel sure there is one and sheā€™s just lost the email.

me too I love ASC!!

My daughter is a sort of culture warrior type (of the good kind) in terms of values (not so much in terms of action), as are most CA kids, and sheā€™s got a practical, internshippy how will I get a job streak, so I think ASC is perfect for her.

Well, I think we have got 3 shots at vicariously living through an ASC experience here.


We tried to access the portal through the original email but that link didnā€™t work. So I googled it and got in that way, but we had already set up a password.

Youā€™ll need the code to set it up the first time which is in the original email subject:

Thanks for your Agnes Scott application! Portal login information enclosed.

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Did she look at Meredith?

Thanks @UCDProf. Iā€™ll see if I can get her to search on that subject. She still is holding out for Warren Wilson so not that focused on the other schools.

@1dadinNC, my sister went to Meredith, but my D22 is not really interested. Sheā€™s looking for more funky.

Iā€™m sure WW is going to work out for her!
My kids will also apply there.

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So glad the package from ASC made it to you @Sweetgum Iā€™m sure itā€™ll make itā€™s way to CA shortly @UCDProf I am also a card carrying member of the ASC fan club since way back when my D18 applied. But so far itā€™s charms do not seem to appeal to my girls beyond applyingšŸ¤·


Iā€™m sure WWC will accept her too. She didnā€™t apply to any reaches. Agnes Scott was the reachiest.

WWC is very funky and different and it just felt right to her. Their slogan used to be ā€œWeā€™re not for everyoneā€¦ but then, maybe youā€™re not everyone.ā€

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Look at Appalachian State.

Great school spirit and the total estimated cost OSS is around $31,000 and a lot of kids get a little merit or other aid. Beautiful campus.

Good luck with the others. I think she will get in UNH, but not sure on the merit. We are the opposite - my southern daughter wanted to go north. She is loving UNH.

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There is a professor from Warren Wilson on Jeopardy right now. She was just talking about working on campus.

Yeah, I know. Sheā€™s doing well on the show!

Yeah a scarf :joy:!