Parents of the HS Class of 2022- 3.0-3.4

I have to say the scarf from Willamette was a nice scarf and beautifully packaged with a nice letter and a personal card from the admissions rep incorporating part of my son’s essay, so it made an impression vs the emails with virtual confetti. This was a school he didn’t have on his list but looked at when in Oregon at L&C and Reed. We were surprised at how much we all liked it and he added it. Great tour guide, lush and well-kept campus, great study abroad opportunities, and chances to intern at the Oregon legislature right across the street. I should add it to the threat on what schools went up or down when you toured.


I live in the Pac NW but have not been on campus. I hear good things. Sorry, I can be a wise a… sometimes. Just thought it was funny that you were talking about big merit aid and the scarf!!! Lol
Those things are kind of fun though.

@Chinookpass I thought the scarf was a nice touch, too. And I forgot to say that the Eckerd acceptance letter had a note specifically referencing her essay. That made this mom feel like they were accepting her, as opposed to her “on paper.” It is nice to have all the effort responded to with something a little more personal than virtual confetti … @JBSeattle decent was the adjective I used to describe the merit. Not big. I had no idea how/if merit was awarded to students who don’t submit test scores because D’s older sister submitted SAT scores. Lesson from second journey is test-optional schools do award merit even when you don’t submit any test scores. No idea how they decide whether to and how much, but they do. We are not “hunting for merit” (as some seem to call it) but it definitely makes D feel really good when it is part of the offer.


Interesting on the test optional merit.

My older D was pre-Covid when she applied and my Younger one is a HS JR so new information to me.

My daughter loved the scarf and the note from Willamette, which referenced something she wrote that I had advised her not to include, which was a nice confidence boost for her.

She’s hoping she can negotiate for more support, and/or get an art supplement (the art for which is yet to be made) and is holding it as, for the moment, the one wild desperate option, as it’s already equal to UC costs. In that sense, Willamette is in first place at the moment.


Yes, my D22 was awarded $23500 merit at DePaul with no test scores. So it’s a thing! Thank goodness for us!


There are plenty of colleges which advertise their merit charts based on GPA, usually uw and sometimes weighted, sometimes with an alternative test score range, sometimes with both, but at most test optional colleges tests are not necessary for merits, and the results people are seeing indicate that they mean what they say.

My twins both have gotten big, and on occasion the top merit, without tests, not that that made it possible to attend.


Well, D22 got into Warren Wilson, her #1! :partying_face: She got a text from the AO to call her because she had exciting news for D22, so that was a nice personal touch. The AO said to look for an email soon, but she just wanted to let her know that they thought she would be a great fit for WWC. So it was a personal heads up call that the results would be coming out later today.

She did also find the portal for Agnes Scott with a little more prompting from me and a search through her email by date. No update in the portal yet, but it looks like that is coming this afternoon too.

Not sure when UNC-G announces and UNC-A doesn’t do EA, only ED and RD, so we won’t expect to hear from them for awhile.

She already got the word from Hollins, so that is it for her. Just the 5 schools, and the only one she really wants to go to is Warren Wilson. Now to see if we can get some $$!

On the merit w/o test scores, last year with so many schools test optional I know our friend who was homeschooled and only took the ACT once as a sophomore and didn’t do well got some really top $$ at the schools she applied to. Lots of places were TO last year though so not sure that really is indicative of what it will be like next year, but schools that continue to be TO will surely give merit w/o test scores.


@UCDProf I just sent you a DM

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DD has been awarded the Presidential Scholarship at 2 safeties she has already heard from- she did not submit any test scores (SAT/ACT or AP) to either so both based off of grades.


Congratulations to so many of you, great to hear good news.


Just wanted to put a vote in for St Ed’s. I graduated from there (a bazillion years ago) as did my mother and brother. It’s a great school. The kind of place where your professors all know your name and there is lots of student support.


That is fantastic about St. Ed’s. We haven’t visited yet, but I like what I have heard. It’s a really cool part of Austin and we have family that lives just minutes away. It seems like the one school both S and I feel good about.

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Congrats @Sweetgum family on Warren Wilson!! :tada: I know that was the one your D was waiting for so I’m sure it relieves a lot of stress in your household!

On the merit without scores question, my D has done better than I imagined this year without scores and I’m grateful for that one gift this pandemic gave her. She’s never been a good tester and the ubiquity of TO policies let me just tell her to give it one solid effort and then no more. Her effort was good the score was mediocre and we never submitted it and gave it no further thought. I think in any other year she and I would have been stressing out about retesting and test prep. Happy to let that go! :relaxed:


Yes it was really the only one she has been waiting for. Hollins and Agnes Scott have been nice, but she really wants to be an owl at Warren Wilson. I am glad to have the others too just in case (can’t really imagine her mind changing though).

My D22 did submit scores but they were very lopsided — great in English and reading, meh in science, not so great in math. Hollins and Agnes Scott give automatic merit so she’s gotten that already. Don’t know if she’ll get extra there or not. Hoping for some $$ from WWC, but we haven’t seen the official acceptance yet, just heard it on the phone from the admissions person.


@UCDProf I’m guessing you heard about the huge donation that Hollins got? Maybe some of that will come your daughter’s way. Sounds like they will be receiving it very soon. Hollins University Announces Largest Donation Ever for a Women’s College 


Congratulations Team @Sweetgum ! Love the high touch from the AO for your D’s top choice school! Doesn’t get much better than that! (Well, some additional merit $ would be a sweet topping!)


That is great news. My S had one school AO call him and he was in class so didn’t answer it, but called me to say there was a call, but hadn’t listened to the message. I’d made him set up voice mail, in case, for the college admissions season. He was waiting for his phone to transcribe the message. Generational thing - phones aren’t for talking! Such great news it is your D’s first choice, woohoo!


Yes, I thought it was a nice touch. I advised her in her “Why our college” essay to just be honest and say straight out that it was her number one school and she loved it. She wrote a great essay and I think really showed that she meant it and that she understands the mission of the school. It is a relief. She has been pretty anxious all fall. It will be nice to go into winter break with that acceptance taken care of.


Yes I did know about this new money coming in to Hollins. Too late for this year, apparently, unless they borrow against it. Who knows. I’m sure at the very least it influences their thinking this year.

We’re hopeful about the full tuition scholarship competition there.

In other news, the Agnes Scott portal is working and she got in, and nominated for.the full ride.

If she gets either one, she’s going to college!

Congrats on the Warren Wilson news!!! I guess our kids won’t be going to Hollins together like I hoped. Hopefully yours is at WW and mine at ASC!