Parents of the HS Class of 2022- 3.0-3.4

I don’t know their deadlines but my daughter with similar stats got good merit from University of Tulsa, it’s an underdog on these boards but I think a solid match for what your kid is looking for and is a really nice school with some great programs.


Good point - Hendrix, Ogelthorpe, and U Maine have programs to match the state flagship - but it’s not for all - for those who qualify. But these type schools need butt’s in seats. These “lesser” LACs - or Colleges that Change Lives list - would have some good merit players. But these are much smaller schools.

The mailing we got from Hendrix said the only qualification was admittance (and Texas residency).

Maybe but I’m going by the second bullet On the attached.

Hendrix is a wonderful school but like many small schools they struggle financially. Hendrix is viable and not going anywhere but all these schools need to find butts for their seats. That’s why they are so aggressive.

Btw Hendrix is a match, not safety for OP.

Like many of these similar schools good deals are to be found.

It’s just the right schools are not necessarily the biggest names. Yet colleges like one has not heard of…DePauw, Allegheny, Hendrix are all fine private schools.

Schools like Truman State and UAH are wonderful mid size schools that come under CU in state COA and then the large schools mentioned b4 not to mention WUE.

Well good luck to the OP’s. Alll these schools are solid. And cheap.


Well, cheap is a relative term, but cheaper!


correct - because whether you are spending $20K, $40K, or $80K - it’s still a lot of coin!!!

so that’s an absolutely fair correction.


Texas has some good options. Have you looked at Angelo State? Gives great aid, affordable, solid STEM programs including ABET engineering. Sister school of Texas Tech. Quite conservative and lots of faith based activities on campus.

Not sure how my initial investigation of Western Carolina University didn’t stick way back when you first told me about it. It doesn’t seem unaffordable OOS, sort of a poor man’s alternative to Warren Wilson.

I know this is kind of a vague request, but can you tell us more about Western Carolina? Anything at all that comes from your insider’s knowledge, which I’m sure you have?

[edit: spoke too soon, I see their NPC is from 2016. Costs about 20k plus indirect costs, so not a bargain and not better than offers in hand, but also not worse]

Sure, I’ll take a stab.

It’s just your standard directional/regional public. Not much like Warren Wilson other than the location. It is more like Appalachian State. Gets a lot of local rural, western NC kids, but I think that good tuition deal does bring in kids from other parts of the state/region too. I would guess it would be mostly in-state kids, but I imagine a few folks from OOS come too for the cheap price. I think it is a solid school. They like football. I think they have a good education program. I have a vague notion that nursing might be big there too? It’s not too selective. This is from 2014 (can’t remember when that tuition deal went into place, so maybe before then), but it is an interesting map of which counties in NC send kids to which colleges: NC College Bound: An Update | Carolina Demography

I would say in North Carolina, the publics that draw the most kids from OOS would be UNC-Chapel Hill, NC State, App State, and then maybe UNC-W (at the beach), UNC-Charlotte, UNC-Asheville, then I’d guess ECU & WCU & UNC-Greensboro. Not sure how many OOS kids go to the HBCUs (there are 5 public HBCUs and several private too) and the Historically Native American College (UNC-Pembroke).

Ahhh, I got too curious and looked it up on the Common Data Set for WCU, 17% are from OOS, so not bad really. The UNC system sets a quota of only 18% can be from OOS.


Grand Canyon University in Phoenix. If you look it up, make sure you don’t choose the link that starts with “explore” or you will get very frustrated. Until fairly recently the school required a reference letter from your minister or clergy. That has changed and the student body has shifted as a result, but it is still quite religious oriented. It is getting way and way more national attention and steam behind it and a really good choice for kids who are not doing honors at ASU or U of A.

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Update: She got into JMU EA!!! Even though it really wasn’t on the top of her list, it was a definite confidence boost for her. She also got into Florida Gulf Coast U and we will tour the school in February because we are down in that area at my in-laws on our school break anyway!


Congratulations!! Nice to hear your update. Both JMU and Florida Golf Coast U sound like great options! She and you should be proud, and I definitely think it’s a confidence boost. She knows she has options. DD also got into JMU EA, and many of her friends (with good stats but possibly more selective majors?) were deferred. Still waiting on our top 2 and won’t know for a long while yet. I am not patient. Congrats again. :smiley:


Congrats to everyone getting acceptances. When the first one rolled in for D22, it was a sigh of relief. She said, “at least I know I can go to college somewhere!”


Yes this is so exciting to see the acceptances. My S has waited until the absolute last moment to put together his music supplement and that will go out to the 1/15 deadline schools today.

We have lined up a visit at Texas Lutheran in a few weeks. He has several friends who are looking at this school and I suspect that may be influencing his opinion to apply and check it out. This will be only the third college visit he has done during the college process. It’s been tough with Covid, the fall marching band schedule, and living in a massive state with a real dearth of LACs. Any further visits will have to wait until acceptances come in… In March!


Agnes Scott called my D22 today to ask her to compete for the Presidential Scholarship. She declined to compete since she is set on WWC. They asked her why and she had to tell them that she was planning on going elsewhere and they asked her where and why, so she had to tell them WWC and told them it was closer (which it is, but she also just likes it better). It occurs to me that the competition for the Presidential Scholarship might be another way to weed out students who are not really interested. I would not have declined ASC this early in the process, but D22 wouldn’t have competed for the scholarship either, so ASC would be left thinking she might go until May (or whenever we decided to decline the offer of admission).

So there is one more opening for your D22!


Schools are prepared for you to earn a scholarship and then say no. It’s why they have alternates. It happened to my daughter at Charleston- she moved up.


Oh, I know, but my D22 didn’t want to take that competition on when she’s already made up her mind to go to another school. Not really any point, is there? She has a lot of school work to do as it is, plus a job, and is not interested in going to school at Agnes Scott.

I would think only students who still have Agnes Scott in the running would take the time to do the scholarship competition, so if a kid has ED’d somewhere else or made up her mind to go somewhere else then that opens it up a little bit for others. That was my point, the scholarship winnows the competition pool down a little bit and in this case the phone call D22 answered put her on the spot to decline the scholarship. When the AO asked why D22 felt she her hand was forced and she had to admit that she was already planning on going elsewhere.

We have already sent her deposit to Warren Wilson College and told them she is coming. Barring some unforeseen circumstance she will be at WWC in August.

I know @UCDProf’s D22 was giving Agnes Scott some strong consideration so just wanted to add this update. Hope she gets the Presidential!


If zero interest then yea. If it’s I can get a freebie and if so I’d go then different.

I was simply noting that if someone participated and drops later, it’s a normal occurrence.

Absolutely if zero interest better to drop.

Good luck to her.


Thanks, I guess!

D22 just had scholarship interview. Turns out the 15 slots I counted were filled with 3 students each, simultaneously.

How cruel!

So that’s like 45 people competing for what seems, looking at prior year scholarship expenditures in Common Data Set, at most 2 spots and possibly one.

And yes the Agnes Scott competition, which is probably much larger still, seems to be used in multiple ways. As a way to get their pitch across, and to shake the tree as you say to see which leaves fall off.

And yes it is a good practice and consideration for others to bow out of competitions. There are complex decisions that have to be made by others where it’s conceivable that someone on an alternate list makes another commitment where they would have done differently if advanced to a spot they would have got.

That was inelegantly put, but you get it.


Best of luck to your D22, @UCDProf. I hope she gets a full ride somewhere!