Parents of the HS Class of 2022- 3.0-3.4

Need Advice

Hi everyone.
I have received some acceptances and now trying to decide where to go for college. I love cybersecurity. I like Engineering and Liberal arts equally but want to have ample job opportunities when I graduate.
If Tuition money and location was not an issue and purely from a jobs outlook standpoint, which college would you choose?

  1. Arizona State university for Cyber Security.
  2. UT Austin CAP (means need to go other local colleges for first year and get good grades and then transfer to UT Austin.
  3. TAMU Engineering at BLINN
  4. Perdue for liberal arts
    5 SMU Computer Science
    6 UT Dallas for computer engineering
    7 UT Arlington computer engineering
    8 Texas Tech computer engineering
    9 Uni of Arizona Engineering
    10 UT San Antonio Engineering
  5. Austin College Computer science
    12 Texas State Uni Engineering


Pending decision
Stevens computer science
Georgia tech
New york Uni.


Any but UT, TAMU, Purdue, Austin College and Tex State
the last two bcuz they are not known

Go to a 4 year program and have a traditional college experience. Good luck.

I asked my husband your question @CCagain. He has spent most of his career in cyber security and is now an executive and does hiring. He said school doesn’t matter, he doesn’t look at it, he doesn’t look at what the degree is even in. What matters is what you’ve done and what you know. So go wherever you feel like you will have the best experiences and best chance to learn the most. Get internships while you are there and try to get experience doing what you want to be doing. Most importantly have a solid understanding of your computer science fundamentals, which any program will teach you, but actually learn it! He said the biggest things he sees in new grads is lack of understanding of the fundamentals. So where ever you go work hard, seek opportunities, and learn everything they have to teach you!

He also said make an effort to learn cloud stuff, none of the new grads are good with cloud stuff and it’s needed.

Expect technical interviews, they will want to know you know your stuff! If you do, you will be just fine, that’s the most important thing.

Best of luck to you! It looks like you have many good choices!


I would personally choose either UT-Dallas or SMU. UTD because of jobs and quality of the program, SMU because of the alumni network. Have you visited campuses to see whether they are good fits?

Great college and great location. Congrats!

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I would seriously consider the CAP program — BUT you would need to know, do you get the CS major after you matriculate to UT?

S continues to be difficult. We allowed him to withdraw from a very highly ranked college for his major because it seemed to provide great relief in the moment (he was scheduled to do an interview and he has just had ENOUGH with everything). The professor he has been communicating with there has literally begged him to reconsider and has emailed him twice, asking if they can talk. I am going to chat with him more about it this weekend to see if he’ll reconsider. And does any of this make him feel good? No.

Also — second semester transcripts finally came out. His gpa is up to a 3.42 and his rank went down because several kids dropped out LOL. Anyway, the counselor said his Hail Mary college had already been in touch about seeing his grades. I will reveal what school it is after we get a decision, but I’m quite shocked they are even considering him. And again
 he doesn’t care.


That must be so frustrating. No advice but hang in there! Definitely we’ve had opportunities that D just wouldn’t consider doing and it’s out of my control. The ones she did (interview, honors program app) worked out well enough but the struggle is real.


Congratulations! Smith is a wonderful school and I’m so happy to hear that it is also the financial fit that you needed. If you haven’t visited in person, Northampton is a cute town. I have a friend whose daughter goes to Smith and she has loved it. The whole area is filled with colleges (you can read about the 5 college consortium if you haven’t already) and there is a lot going on for students. The town of Amherst is nearby and really cute too.


At this point, Lawrence University and College of Wooster (EA acceptances) are my DD’s top choices - waiting on RD at Oberlin and Reed


Has anyone heard from Roanoke? S applied over a month ago, I am surprised it’s taking this long for a response since it is rolling and he is well within the GPA parameters.

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S applied in the fall and heard back a couple of weeks later. Did your student check the portal?

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Yes he did. All materials are in. He even got an email from a music professor in regards to his scholarship video.


Maybe Omicron hit the admission office and they are running behind a bit?

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Had a college discussion with S last week and he is put a fork in it done. He does not want to talk about college again until it’s decision time. He also refuses to even visit any colleges which will be interesting since he has only seen one that’s a potential finalist. I am trying to respect his wishes, he says he really doesn’t care enough where he goes to take the time to visit. I’m sort of baffled by at all, but I guess we’ll look at everything on paper and then decide? It’s just very strange to me.

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Try to be patient.Kids may change their minds like the weather, especially when friends start going on visits.


Some kids get overwhelmed and it’s just more school. If I remember correctly your son said no one had heard of his schools and maybe that bothered him.

Hopefully wherever he chooses he’ll get there, have a great roommate and it will be full steam ahead. Sometimes being away from home can do that.


Right there with you @murray93 – I signed him up for admitted student days at two schools and he nearly blew a gasket. I still got him the slots (which I can always cancel).


I also registered S for one admitted student day and he refuses to go. It seems so odd to me, but if he is comfortable making a decision this way, I guess I should be, too. He wouldn’t be the first. He is adamant that he wants to go to college, he just doesn’t really care where (or so he thinks

That does seem weird. I would probably try to get him to go to the admitted students days for at least part of the time.

We have now been to D22’s top school 3 times. She is firmly committed there. Can’t see herself anywhere else. We did tour other colleges, though, even if it was just a walk around campus.

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