Parents of the HS Class of 2022- 3.0-3.4

My D22 got her final acceptance last week. She got in all 5 schools she applied to. They were pretty much all safeties although I thought some were close to Target range, but all had high acceptance rates. She’s already decided which one she wants to go to and has declined two offers. Hasn’t gotten around to declining the two other state schools yet.

Best wishes to everyone still waiting.


I am so surprised my 3.4 S hasn’t heard back from Roanoke yet. He applied months ago and the music director has communicated with him directly. Not sure what to make of that.

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Has he reached out to AO? Odd.

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In our experience the AO was very willing to communicate. If your son hasn’t reached out, have him do that. I’d be shocked if he doesn’t get a quick reply with an update. :smile:


Our experience with Roanoke has been similar to @ububumble – very responsive admissions person (both emails and phone calls). Have your son send her an email and she’ll probably get back to you within 24 hours.


S had a really great zoom “hang” last night with a bunch of musicians at one of the colleges he is looking at. He actually seemed happy and energized! The professors were on for the first 30 minutes, then they left the current and prospective students to chat amongst themselves. I thought this was an amazing idea. He still needs to get his acceptance from this school but I cannot imagine they’d be investing this kind of effort if he weren’t in.


@murray93 that’s fantastic; I know a few posts back you were worried that your son was apathetic about the college search. Sounds incredible. Hope the decision comes soon and that it’s a good one!


On a good note, the deposit is going to be submitted tonight. :smiley: No visits to admitted students days but we’re done.


Follow Up (3.10.22)
That’s a wrap for DS '22…and he did great! Love this boy so much!

UNIVERSITY OF TAMPA - IN (*Attending starting Fall '22)
University of Alabama - IN
Catholic University - IN
College of Charleston - DEFERRED (He’s not interested)
Coastal Carolina - IN
Dickinson College - WAITLISTED (He’s not interested)
Eckerd College - DEFFERED/DENIED
Flager College - IN
Florida Gulf Coast University - DENIED
Monmouth University - IN
Muhlenberg College - IN
Rhode Island College - IN
Rollins College - IN
University of Scranton - IN
Seton Hall - IN
West Chester University of PA - IN

Thank you all for your incredible support last fall in helping us create this list. You gave us the guidebook and we cannot thank you enough. He’s the last of our children and it has been pure joy having this year with JUST HIM as his older brother (our 1st born) is a Freshman @ Pitt. Best of Luck! xo, Hope


Congrats @OrangeFish and @hopeinnewhope on getting to the end of the road! Exciting times ahead! :tada:

My D has also made her decision. We finished our final visit this week and her feelings didn’t change: it’s Cornell college (IA)! She is excited about one course at a time, loves the small town and small campus and was undeterred by winter weather.

A year ago, if you had asked me, I would not have been able to predict this. The school was on the list, a dark horse with an interesting program, but she had a couple of other “favorites” after virtual visits. It was only after our fall in person visit that I saw the shift. When we visited Cornell, she really got that feeling like it was her place. She still wanted to wait and see all the others to be sure, and she has had doubts, but when we went back a few weeks ago she just knew. And then again this week, we visited Knox, a close runner up, and after the visit we still had a whole day before our flight out so we made an impromptu road trip to Iowa! My husband had never seen Cornell and he agreed that it was clear how happy she was on the campus and that she found her place. So happy for her! My older D never had that moment, and so I know not all kids do.

She always seems nervous about big decisions so we told her to just sit with it for a week and see how it feels. But yesterday she came and told me she was ready to deposit, so it’s done! :tada:

Weird fun fact: my girls went to different high schools in different states but both ended up choosing colleges that have the exact same colors as their HS! Especially weird for my D18 who hated her HS colors :joy:


It’s so nice to hear awesome outcomes @1822mom and @hopeinnewhope!

My daughter is still waiting on a few decisions, but she went to an admitted students program at University of Rhode Island communications school and really liked it. She would be in honors and can be in the marching band. The communications program (Harrington) has had some nice donations recently. We don’t know anyone who went there though and it’s been tough getting info, except from the parents Facebook group. They seem mostly happy with the school.


Congrats to @1822mom and D! That is awesome she knows where she wants to be. Hope she loves it. We had Cornell College on our list, but just too far away and too cold for our D22 I think.

Congrats to @hopeinnewhope and S, too! We know a kid at Tampa and they seem to really like it.

And Congrats @OrangeFish and S! So nice to have those decisions made!

Our D ready to be DONE with high school. Is anybody else’s kid chafing at still being in high school. Mine is D-O-N-E done and ready to be out of the house and in college already! She graduates at the end of May. I hope she can just hold it together for the last two months here!


Oh, yes! My daughter is so done too! If it weren’t for the fact that the University of California is well known for rescinding admission offers at the last minute, she would have dropped classes already and be done with it! She has two UC admission offers and waiting for more. She has not decided where to go, so she is forcing herself to pull through, but it’s really tough.


My son is DONE DONE DONE with high school, too! He doesn’t want to attend Prom and he doesn’t want to attend the all night grad party. He just wants out. Graduation is the first week of June and I am hopeful he can hold it together. :smiley:


Yeah, I don’t know if D22 will go to prom or not. She talked about it a little at the beginning of the year, but now I am getting vibes of maybe not. She has one really good friend at school and really doesn’t care to hang out with the other kids there that much. Some of them are okay and some of them she is really tired of. She can’t wait to be all DONE.


Good news. S was admitted to Lawrence with a surprisingly large merit/talent scholarship. Even better news, my apathetic child SUGGESTED we take a trip to see Ithaca! He is finally coming to terms with the fact that he needs to get engaged and wants more information.

Bad news. I broke my leg skiing this week and can’t take him. :sob: I’m not sure if husband will be able to, either. I have been given the choice of a cast for 12 weeks or surgery and a cast for 2-3 weeks. If anyone has had intramedullary nailing of the tibia, feel free to message me!


I guess one plus of having a kid that’s late to mature (physically, but also very much so mentally) is that he’s still all-in with his high school events and activities. The only complaint I’ve heard is that he is just so over the music program, it’s way too easy and he’s ready for the next challenge.

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Oh, yikes, sorry about the leg! That sucks. I don’t have any experience with that. Good luck with whatever you decide.

And good news your S is started to be a little more engaged with college choices. Hope it works out that he can go see them. And congrats on the scholarship!!


Lawrence is a really great school, especially for the Sciences. Our D is deciding between Lawrence and Wooster


S is interested in health care as well as music. Lawrence has an articulation with Rush University for nursing which is quite appealing. We visited over the summer and were impressed. I will say, though, that Ithaca appears to have far superior physical facilities for music, athletics, etc. Good luck with your decision! Two great options.