Parents of the HS Class of 2022- 3.0-3.4

@2plustrio, both are ranked as top LAC’s for undergraduate teaching, CoW #44 and Lawrence #27.

And when you look at Baccalaureate Origins of STEM Doctorate Recipients, 2007 - 2016 Top 100 Institutions (Universities and LAC’s combined) (CIC) - CoW is #33 and Lawrence is #17. As reference, Harvard is #16 and Princeton #18 and MIT is #32.


@murray93 Will do!

@murray93 D has overcome her learning challenges and is now a 3.5 student in her Senior year. That said, all EA acceptances were prior to mid-year transcripts, so yes she ‘s a testament that great schools look beyond GPA’s


My son will say LU is too close to home (less than 3 hours). But as he is a likely music major, it would be a great option. CoW sounds like a great place as well. He says he wants to get out of the midwest but that is where many of his cost effective options may be.

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We are sharp elbowed NYC area, so Midwest-nice is exactly what she’s seeking.


@2plustrio did he apply to U of Rochester - also has a great music program

Ive been focusing on Tuition Exchange schools as finances are a huge factor for us. Hes hs class of 2023 so we are still researching.

I’ve been reading the main Parents of 2022 thread too. So much worry and wait for a lot of high achieving kids there. I am glad that my D22 only applied to safeties/liklies and EA, too. Seems like folks are a lot happier over here in the 3.0-3.4 thread!


My kid straddled both groups. She is a high stats kid, but we were chasing merit so she applied to many schools in this group.

She got into all the schools with merit where that was a driving factor.

All her reaches were University of California campuses as an in state student.

She is basically deciding between Willamette University and University of California at Davis, so one of each.

We are visiting both mid April during our school break and will take it from there.


This is my kid too. She wasn’t interested in the UCs but we made her apply anyway and she’s been waitlisted. I guess the essay readers could read between the lines of the PIQs! She’s got 4-5 schools she’s still considering, including Willamette (will visit on Friday!). One in-state, four out-of-state. My D did not like Davis for whatever reason and was WL’d. I personally love Davis.


@Ally86! We will be at Willamette on Friday also! My name doesn’t resemble my handle at all, but - if experience holds- my daughter is likely to be the only Sally in the group.


I won’t be there but my brunette D will be accompanied by her ginger dad and sister (don’t want to say names here!). So maybe you’ll notice them by their hair! My D also has an uncommon name. I’ll tell my D to look out for Sally!


We have a decision! My D will be attending University of Evansville in southern Indiana. It was mom’s last ditch parent pick and she loves it. She struggled a lot in high school. She was part of a cohort of really competitive girls in a school that is otherwise happily middle-of-the-road. Overall, their results are pretty impressive: a fair number admitted to our state flagship (we are NOT a feeder school), a couple elite admissions, and more kids than usual spreading their wings out of state.

With each visit and audition, I stressed the opportunity to “find her people.” She did. It’s a mostly BFA theater program without a separate musical theater cohort. She will be one of a couple students per year in BS theatre studies who have the opportunity to rotate through the disciplines according to their interests. The close knit campus environment without the super wholesome, good at everything, musical theater kids will give her the freedom to grow into herself without the chip on her shoulder. Yes, it’s immature, but it’s real. Intellectually, we can tell her that college is different than high school and that talent and hard work are what matter in the end. At this moment, being comfortable in her own skin is the number one priority, and she found a community where that can happen. We are so happy for her.


Congratulations! Sounds like a fabulous fit for your thespian!


For those following my S’ story – we will be attending admitted freshman day tomorrow :smiley: and he has a list of people/academic departments he wants to see. Hopefully, he doesn’t change his mind as we’ve already put the deposit down. :crossed_fingers:


Congrats! Their SA program is amazing too. We got a mailer from them but my son seems to be unmoved. Would be a good match for him too. Lots of different programs to explore.


My D is there now–says she hasn’t seen a Sally yet!

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I wouldn’t give readers that much credit! Honestly, I don’t think they really have enough time with each application.
My kid has not visited Davis. I do hope she likes it. She had her heart set on Santa Cruz and she was wait listed there which makes no sense whatsoever!
Please let us know how your kid likes Willamette.
Hoping she finds a great match!

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What are your daughter’s first impressions? All the best!

We just left / didn’t see a brunette with two gingers!! It was a long, but great day. We loved the campus and the students all seem very friendly. Everyone we met was from California - actually all Bay Area. Great panel for the parents - definitely got the feeling that the school takes very good care of their students. Sally enjoyed the economics class she sat in on - it was about the gig economy. An amazing politics and ethics professor gave an impromptu discussion about his ethics class to our tour group. There is a llama on campus! She really liked the campus - city of Salem not as much. We are very happy we attended Bearcat day but she does not have a decision yet. What did your daughter think of it @Ally86?