Parents of the HS Class of 2022

My mom keeps asking why there aren’t more Ivies on S22’s list. For some reason my dad keeps sending me links to applied math at Johns Hopkins (S22 is interested in pure math). My co-workers, high school counselors, don’t understand why T20 colleges won’t give merit aid for a 36 on the ACT. :woman_shrugging:


Exactly my sentiment. Everyone is keep saying that my D22 surely will get a scholarship at any T20 schools for her 36 ACT score and I just laugh and laugh and laugh…


My co-workers, high school counselors, don’t understand why T20 colleges won’t give merit aid for a 36 on the ACT.

“If they really want him, they will give him money.” I heard that one so many times :rofl: The shock when they realize that Ivies do not give merit and neither does MIT … I am not sure they actually believe me :wink:


@DreamerMom @groundhog74 I am with you all and I am very thankful I have been educated at the University of College Confidential so I know better. What I don’t like now is people saying this stuff to my S22. Our high school sends a certain number of kids to those tippy tops and people have been saying to my S22 for at least the last year that they expect him to be one of them. He feels that pressure and those expectations - I wish he didn’t feel it but he is 16 so… And I don’t want him to create a college list based on that… Will be an interesting fall!


I’m confused about this section. Do you select quarters from the drop down?

My daughter gets a grade each semester- two grades are on her transcript and there is no one final grade. When she chooses “semesters” there are three boxes for the first and second semester and final grade. I guess she just leaves the final grade box blank?

Hi - for the honors section of common app, is there a list that shows what are acceptable type of honors / examples that can be included? These awards have to be only high school, correct ?

If her transcript has 2 grades per year, then I would enter 2 grades. You want whatever you enter to match her transcript.

Or did you mean 2 grades per semester?

What’s included in Honors/Activities/etc. isn’t rigorously defined beyond generic “activities may include arts, athletics, clubs, employment, personal commitments, and other pursuits .” and I’m not aware of any list of examples or what is/what isn’t appropriate. It should be during high school years, and reasonably related to the topics, but nothing is going to be enforced.

It’s up to a student’s discretion what he/she wants an Admissions Officer to see. Inappropriate items won’t be blocked/discarded by Common App, but AO’s may take a dim view of silly entries.

Winning a spelling bee in 7th grade probably shouldn’t go on the list. Terence Tao entering his IMO medal when he was 10 would probably get a pass.

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Remember to include any AP honors you have received from Collegeboard to date, also include if you will be graduating with an AP or IB diploma.

See if any of the following helps


Yes two grades per year. The confusion came when it was asking for three — first and second semesters AND a final grade for the course. Her HS does not do that.

Just leave it blank. It’s there only for schools that give a composite grade for the whole-year course.

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Just got back from a fast but fabulous trip to Los Angeles — toured USC, UCLA and Occidental. I’ll be posting details on the “up or down” thread about the tours, but wanted to note COVID info here.

USC is providing limited in-person tours and even limits self-guided tours. ( you have to register) They do make AOs and student ambassadors available outside during certain times which turned out to be really informative. They take COVID really seriously with signage everywhere and only a few buildings open, like libraries. Like everything they do, everything carefully thought out and organized.

UCLA only had self-guided tours. Although they were holding some camps, the place seemed fairly deserted. Huge shout out for the Luskin Conference Center, a great hotel right on campus. Really, really recommend this place.

Occidental had in-person admissions sessions (held under a tent outside) and a great tour. We got to go into several buildings (not dorms). Masking required under the tent and indoors. Very well done.

Thank you @mathKids , this information is super helpful. appreciate it.

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Do you mind sharing more details about Occidental? This was not on our radar until now. I’m curious about whether it had a strong sense of community/campus and if the surrounding area was interesting. Or any other details are welcome. S22 is coming from a small rural school and is craving a big city feel, yet wants a sense of community that somewhere like a big UC might not have.

Sure! Are you familiar with LA? The campus is in Eagle Rock, between Glendale and Pasadena and close to the Rose Bowl.

The area is a combination of gritty and fun, hipster. Craftsman bungalows, Spanish houses, older neighborhood. Independent restaurants and shops on York and Colorado Blvd. The campus is a beauty - used to film Clueless and the original Beverly Hills 90210. They really stress their LA location and encourage engaging in the city.

A huge emphasis on collaboration and community. Freshmen only housing, and most students live on campus all 4 years. Vibe is progressive, social justice, involved, caring, close-knit, close relationships with professors. We also did a virtual admissions presentation before going so she could determine if she wanted to visit. I would really recommend this.

Also a clear emphasis on academic rigor. Kids who go there love to learn.

The AOs are getting ready to travel, so you might check if they are coming your way. If you can visit, I would recommend. They want to see demonstrated interest. Happy to answer further questions.


Thank you so much for creating such a full picture of Occidental! Years ago we visited LA so have a vague idea of where it is. We will take a closer look online. Sounds like it should go on S22’s list!

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D22 got her schedule for this year and it actually works - all the classes she requested.

Given the number of classes she usually takes that are only offered once a day, this is the first time - a bit of a miracle. No two-week wrestling with her GC this year.


That’s awesome news. My D is tickled to have first period study hall so she gets the coveted Senior late arrival. Ha priorities!

In other news she has completed her 10 applications (minus a TO prompt we have yet to see in the portal) before the start of school which was her goal so she’s super excited!


Nor Stanford.

If students apply for schools a tier down (regardless of their start point), they are more likely to receive merit aid.

Looking at USNWR top 25, Duke, WashU, Vanderbilt and USC all have large merit scholarships. They are extremely competitive but if your student writes well, enjoys it and has high stats, it might be worth a shot.

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