Parents of the HS Class of 2022

On the other hand, it might good for that teacher not to do a LoR for students he/she doesn’t know. That would be a better response than writing a lackluster one. If teacher won’t write another recommendation with that GC, sounds like a win-win all around. No?


Definitely feeling the same. I imagine all the effort our kids put in will at least have a chance at a positive effect but also maybe no effect at all. It will depend on what each college is looking for this year and who else applies.

S22 has completely stalled out on college apps and essays. He’s finding it hard to transition to full time in-person school and a fall sport again after over a year “off.” Have been trying hard not to add any pressure but it’s nail biting!


Sorry to hear that, @Evie800. I’ve also tried to be extra careful with my D22. She got stuck on a couple of essays so I suggested that she spend just 1 hour putting initial thoughts on paper and we’ll go from there - it largely worked, and I think it reduced her stress level to see something written down.

After her GC signs off on the EA application, we’ll take a break until late Oct/early Nov to allow her to focus on school and her activities. Best of luck to your S22!


Our college counselors see all LOR, and they decide which to send where. The students obviously do not know what is in them and just have to trust the process.


No action here, either, with my son. He says he’s “thinking about it” but I’d prefer less thinking and more doing. As he most likely isn’t going to ED anywhere there is plenty of time, but I’d prefer not to have a stress filled winter vacation . . .


I thinks it’s an overwhelming process for them on so many levels. I don’t think students understand the amount of work that needs to happen. My daughter did some writing during the summer, but I got her to agree to map out a month-by-month to-do list so she understands all that is involved and that there is little down time.

Trying to fit it into a fall sport, an all AP schedule and two demanding ECs. Stress is real, but hoping if she carves out a bit almost every day it will not be as bad.

No ED or EA because she is still working on getting an SAT Score and her top choices don’t offer ED. Deadlines are pretty early for USC and UCs as well as her two safeties.

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When the teacher knows a student well and would have written a very good letter, requiring a student get a less positive letter from a teacher they don’t know as well, no it doesn’t. Do you think that’s a win-win?

I guess the real question is whether teachers know that their letters are going to be reviewed and possibly shared with students. I would think that would impact the “honest, confidential” comments about the student. Kind of defeats the purpose of the FERPA waiver.

Having provided input to year-end performance reviews to counselors for hundreds of practitioners, I would certainly word them differently if I knew they were going to be shared with the person who is working with me every day.


We are still debating who to use for the letter of rec. UMich asks for 1. He is applying to engineering. Is a history teacher good enough? He had her for 2 years. Otherwise, he could ask math or physics, but they’ve only had him for a month or so. His teachers from last year aren’t at the school any more.

For engineering, math or science is probably better. More direct insight regarding the subject S22 wants to study. Any way the departed teachers could write a letter? Guess that’d be pretty hard to secure.

If it’s from the history teacher, maybe there’s an angle that’s relevant for engineering? “S22 is very analytical and detail oriented” for instance.

Thanks. We did find where the math teacher went, so if we could figure out how to do that, he could.

He is going to talk to this year’s teacher to see if he could write one. The class is under 10 kids, so that helps. It’s the highest math, IB AA HL, so that helps. But not a lot of history on teacher-student interaction. We’ll see what he says.

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Sounds like teacher who left can send LoR via Common App.


Just my opinion but, hopefully his GPA, test scores and EC show that he has the aptitude for engineering. If limited to one letter, a LOR from the history teacher could give insight into what type of student he is in a classroom - if he is inquisitive, if he participates, if he is a leader, etc.

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Yes they do for sure. Great test scores overall and in math specifically. He has an unweighted 4.0. and is in IB Math AA HL now. ECs are mainly STEM and he went to the Rose Hulman engineering camp this summer as well. I don’t think anyone would think he isn’t geared for engineering or math as a major.

That’s the tough one. The history teacher knows him better for sure. So maybe use that for the schools for 1 rec and reach out to the old math teacher if we need a 2nd or specifically a math/science subject as well.


Could he submit both of the letters? The college may require 1 letter, but they are likely to permit optional letters, especially from teachers.

As @Hippobirdy said, your son can add the former math teacher via the common app. He may want to let his guidance counselor know so she isn’t surprised to see a former teacher listed as one of his recommenders.


Interesting how things are done differently at different schools. Our GC had no access to any of the LOR from teachers and had no idea who submitted LOR on the Common App.

I am a homeschooling parent, and as such I get to see the GC side of the common app. I CANNOT see the letters of recommendation themselves, but for each school I do see whom my son selected to write his teacher recommendation. I also see if the recommender submitted the letter or not. I do not see any info about recommenders that aren’t teachers.

I believe your GC sees exactly the same thing on their common app. I know some schools are linked via Naviance, and I have no idea how that works.

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Does he feel comfortable talking to the history teacher? Tell the teacher that he is applying to engineering and that one school only allows one LOR. Ask if she feels her LOR would cover what the engineering school needs to know or if he should send a letter from a STEM teacher. Doesn’t hurt to ask, right?


Thanks everyone! It sounds like he has some options.

I will have him talk to his history teacher. Good idea!


Hi! I’m new here on CC.
S22 is really late to the college app process- it sounds like some kids here are almost done! I didn’t want to pressure him as Zoom took its toll last year, but I have needed to nudge him now that we are this far into the year.
He has a weighted 3.89, with the huge drop in grades the last 2 sems; a 1570 superscored SAT 800/760 and 790/770; NMSF; some Math Team to State, not much else by school ECs, some outside volunteer work; a couple of somewhat unusual hobbies, but no ways to “quantify”. He has wanted to do engineering- 3 years of engineering classes at HS.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on a college list- he’s has had to rethink based on current GPA. Thanks!

EDIT : looks like you created a dedicated post, which was a good idea.