Parents of the HS Class of 2022

I meant to write REA and EA….sorry for the confusion


Some of my son’s friends applied to a lowly ranked school as a joke. He was going to as well but I said he would pay the app fee if there is one.


My D applied to 6 schools all safe/matches for her. She’s in with excellent merit at 5 so far, including her 3 favorites.


Please help with this situation (or should I start a separate thread?).

My son received a “Yes Likely” from an elite D3 college Admissions pre-read for his sport.
Don’t know if that Yes would be only if Coach threw in his support and/or if son applied Early Decision.

Well, son decided not to apply Early Decision (chasing merit),
and is now applying Regular Decision without Coach’s support (support only applies to ED).
Should he mention on the CommonApp to remind that college that he did get a Yes from Admissions pre-read? How would he word it?

Do you know of any other athlete who went through something similar to this?

My guess would be that admissions didn’t factor an ED application when they reviewed his numbers. I believe that they just give a general thumbs up or down. We did a preread for my D21 and had not committed to an ED. The coach asked my D to consider ED as it would free up support for another recruit. As this was the school she REALLY wanted, we had no problem with it.

I would recommend you post separately, as there are a lot of parents familiar with recruiting and could be of assistance.


Fun to read about all of the different application approaches!
Switching topics for a needed rant (apologies), our school is on a trimester schedule, largely to accommodate the tech center schedule I’ve been told. Not sure if anyone else has the pleasure of this set-up, but it’s been a problem for years because we have only 5 hours/day. This means lots of conflicts and difficult choices. I know we’re not alone with these challenges, but this week was a surprise.

Yesterday my S22 was told they can’t run the originally-scheduled 5th hour physics next trimester because not enough students signed up to warrant offering 3 sections (also funding constraints). They told S22 to take physics 4th hour, but that is the time of Wind Ensemble. (He has applied to engineering programs, and written down he will be taking physics this year on common app. - so we both feel he needs to take physics).

He is a music guy - plays alto, tenor, and bari-sax. Last year, there was effectively no band or band extracurriculars at our school, and this trimester wind ensemble conflicted with Comparative Gov, but at least he had marching band this Fall. He was really looking forward to wind ensemble for the next 2 trimesters. He is also more stressed out by applications than anticipated and needs music for his mental health. Neither the counselor or vice-principal seemed to care, and did not offer to try to find a creative solution. It was beyond disappointing - they expected him to just be OK with the change.

I finally had a phone call with the vice-principal, and after some heated discussion he finally said S22 could take the online physics course. Eesh! I don’t know why this wasn’t offered at the outset. It’s not nearly as good an option as the face-to-face class, and counselor suggested selective schools wouldn’t like it. But today S22 confirmed with admissions officers that it would be OK, and not impact admissions decisions (he has AP bio and AP chem, plus other science classes, so that may help).

I guess it will now work out, but it was an unexpected schedule glitch that had us all upset for 24 hours. Bah! and rant now over. I hope no one else runs into this issue - senior year has enough stress associated with it as it is!


I’m so sorry for so much added stress! Like anyone needs any more at this point. Good on you guys for making it work out in the end!


I totally agree re: a safety school. Once they get in to a couple of safety’s, then they are so much more relieved. They then know someone wants them. You have to understand that if your kid did above a B average, they will still get in to a decent school. They may not get there reach school, but they will get in somewhere and in the end will be where they were supposed to be. My S20 ended up at SMU, he was accepted as a spring admit, which he hated the idea at the beginning and didn’t want to go, but in the end was the perfect fit for him.


My S22 applied to one reach/match ED (NYU) and one match/safety EA (Fordham). He’s hoping that’ll be it. Would be part of a small family tradition, as D19 applied to only one school (Parsons), DW applied to two (her parents required her to apply to UMass, but she got into her real choice, Georgetown) and I applied to three (Northwestern, where I went, plus BU and Syracuse, also admits). So no one in our nuclear family has ever received a college rejection, we’re fortunate to say.

In other news, I’ve had to get over my smug satisfaction at not doing the Fafsa since we’re full-pay – S22 is hoping for merit at Fordham, and they need a Fafsa filed by Monday. So I’ll be diving in when I can find a few minutes. Sigh…


Glad to see I’m not alone with a kiddo who isn’t applying to a huge number of schools. He is a very good, but not tippy top, student and he wasn’t interested in the only school where his legacy status would have been a hook (and it would have been a reach anyway) - he is in the safety/likely/match range for the rest and we aren’t looking for merit/FA (though I’d gratefully take anything) so the need to apply to a zillion schools just isn’t there. Glad that is the case as he is an epic procrastinator. Best of luck to your son with NYU - I’ll keep my fingers crossed for him.


My kid is following in the footsteps as her older sister. She is applying ED and then two EAs. If this doesn’t work out then she will work on the other applications. She felt why work on apps if I’m hoping for ED. I don’t blame her.


Thanks, @Thorsmom66! Fingers crossed for your S as well. Our boys sound similar — mine is also a strong but not tippy-top performer. I’ve previously described him here as an ordinary excellent student.

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Curious why UC app makes one fill in academic history - all the grades/courses/ classes etc when they alreay get the transcripts. In the UC app catalog, I am not seeing couple of courses taken in high school (health/ PE/Yoga etc). Does that mean we include them or are they even relevant? any thoughts?

Submitted the FAFSA. I didn’t find it to be such a bear to fill out, but I guess it helps that I wasn’t stressed about it. Looked up most information accurately but didn’t bother with some (I have a U.K. pension sitting over there and didn’t add that, though I did include the bit of cash we have in a U.K. bank). The mere submission for potential merit was the point, since we’re not close to being eligible for need-based aid.

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They want a-g classes — pe would not apply.


Questions on UC app/ activities section

  1. Educational preparation programs: Does participation on SAT coaching camp or Girls Who Code summer workshop count as educational prep programs?

  2. In other course , it says you can include courses for which you did not receive credit ( (courses that do not fit in UC’s A-G subject areas) and said not to include PE. I am wondering if yoga counts

Thanks for any pointers

So everything is in standardized form in their database. They don’t have to scan/key enter every single transcript, which is likely in pdf or image format.


DD applied to 4 schools and had all apps in by Sept 3rd. Transcripts and LOR’s in by Oct 2nd. One school is a low reach and 3 are safeties. Original list was 8 schools (2 reaches, 3 targets, 3 safeties), but once we finally got to do visits and she fell in love with one of her safeties, the rest fell off the list. I am really hoping she hears from her top choice before Thanksgiving as Hanukkah falls very early this year (Nov 28) and we really want to be able to gift her some Merch!


UC’s don’t ask for, or want, transcripts unless you are attending.

Colleges that ask for an input of courses and grades do so in order to receive them in a common and consistent manner, as every HS transcript layout is different.