Parents of the HS Class of 2022


I’m still working on plans for NYC! I have hotels booked. One night in Jersey City and we will do Ellis Island and SoL from there. Then 4 nights in Midtown area. I have a long list of things we’d like to see and am trying to figure out how many of them we can fit in. I’m thinking we will not do a show, which is too bad. But, trying to find something to interest all of us and not cost $800+ is hard! And that’s just a lot of money for one night.

We have the Met, the Museum of Moving Image, and the Tenement Museum on our list. I’m not sure if that is too many museums, but the kids tend to enjoy them. Trying to estimate how long we will spend at places is tough. And trying to understand how to get around is taking me a while. Everytime I have a plan, I find something else that I think we should do. Today, it was the High Line. I think I will plan it out to hit it all and high light things that are on the top of our list and make the rest optional if there is time.

Some of us are not adventurous eaters, so I’m trying to find places everyone will enjoy for meals. My boys aren’t too bad, but my daughter is much more picky. However, she rarely complains and she can usually find something to eat, even if it’s just fries, lol. And she’s really not terribly picky, but just not willing to try new things very often. And she doesn’t eat ground beef, so burgers are out.

We are going in mid-June and it seems we are before the highest hotel prices kick in, so that was a nice surprise. I thought we’d pay much more than we are. I’m hoping to have a plan done in the next week or so and then will buy tickets to a few things that need them.

I’m open to any suggestions!

Hi all! Going out of my mind waiting for everything to come together for my S19’s decision, so I thought I’d hop on here and get started thinking about D22. Lol. Definitely looking to start the process earlier with her.

@Luanne - you need to make reservations at Carmine’s. Everyone has to go to Carmine’s.

@Trixy34 Is May 1 the deadline to let colleges know?

LOL @Trixy34 ! I can relate – although D19 made her decision already, we’re in the hunt for scholarships, and everything seems to have an end-of-April deadline!

S22 assures me he does not want to pursue a college major that requires portfolio reviews. :slight_smile: He’s trying to close out the year on a strong note and is aiming to do better this quarter about missing assignments.

@sfSTEM - yes. We’re waiting to hear about a scholarship/financial aid appeal.

Well, d22 has decided to go ahead and fill up her summer. She signed up to volunteer at the local humane society. Actually hoping to be placed in the gift shop to get retail experience. She had given up on finding a job for a 15 year old (which is what she really wanted)… but then she found an opportunity. Her fingers are crossed it pans out. So now she might have both a summer job and a new volunteer position!

Hi I am new here! I just found this while researching for my eldest/2020. I wish I had found this earlier, it will be nice to have a place for my twins 2022 class. We haven’t done anything so far, although they have tagged along with us to a few college visits with their older brother. It is starting to pique their interest for their futures which I think is great. I want to feel a little more ahead of the game than I do right now with their brother.

They don’t have plans for the summer yet and am thinking its a good time to get a jump on volunteer work. Hoping they can find some things they enjoy and that they grow from, not just ticking a box.

I’m looking forward to getting to know you all!

D22 just scored a 2019-2020 parking permit for her high school. Yikes!

My S22 took the APUSH test today. He feels pretty good about it. He did well on the practice tests for the multiple choice parts but struggled more with the essays. He spent some time reviewing those and what he missed. Hopefully he pulled it together this morning! Now the long wait for scores.

I am just joining this thread now — at the very end of freshman year.

I have a D’22 and a D’25 so this is my first time. It is a bit overwhelming.

How are your DSs and DDs spending their summer after ninth grade?

Welcome, @HappyintheGoal !

S22 will be in a four-week arts program (month of July) so he can play his cello and also do some music theory. In August we’ll be on vacation for part of the month, and then we’ll head to D19’s college for move in and orientation.

Other than that, S22 may do some Khan Academy prep for the PSAT.

In theory, S22 can sit for the learner’s permit written test in four weeks, but I am failing to process this fact at the moment.


We have decided to hold off on driving for a bit. She is a lovely girl and a great student but her mind is always working on three things at one time. We think she needs a bit more time before she is behind the wheel.

@HappyintheGoal – I understand and concur with your decision. :slight_smile: I think S22 is comparing himself to D19 and with D19 we had her take the written test on the first day she was eligible. The good part for D19 is she has had her license for over a full year now, so she is a much more confident driver as she graduates from high school/goes off to college.

@HappyintheGoal Welcome! Summer plans: End of May I’m taking S22 to Dallas for a CS:GO eSports event. One of his wish list items. Figured we would, since he has 6 weeks straight of a summer school Geometry course he’s taking, so he can advance a year in math. That won’t be much fun, so the trip compensates.

Later in the summer, Iceland family trip.

D22 is taking an online health class (two weeks) to meet HS requirement. Then it’s off to the soccer regional competition in CA (nationals next ?). Since we’ll be in CA for soccer we’ll will help S move into his summer dorm. After that it’s off to a 3 week Anatomy & Physiology class at a college in the NE. On the way home she’ll stop off an spend some time with grandparents, and cousins. A full summer.

D22 was supposed to be lifeguarding, but is being sidelined with a shoulder surgery (her third one, it’s been a not great year for her shoulders). In order to get her healthy so she can play field hockey in the fall, she’ll be hanging by the pool, doing lots of PT, and hopefully babysitting once she can move her arm. She really wants to work and she’s found a very part-time job as a substitute receptionist at her hair salon, so that’s something. This fall she’s hoping to be back on the guarding list and give swim lessons.

Welcome @HappyintheGoal ! Does your username signal a soccer goalie or another sport?

S22 has a good bit of family vacation and cousin visits this summer, along with soccer, piano and drivers ed. Big fun will be cross country summer training at 6am 5 days a week starting mid June! Exams are next week. Good luck to all as your kids close out freshman year!


Yes my D’22 is a Goalkeeper on a club team. She enjoys it. Spring tryouts for the team going on right now.

God bless you, @HappyintheGoal . My eldest D was a club and HS keeper. It’s tough being the parent of a goalkeeper!


We dread going to games. Hold our breath with every breakaway. It is so stressful having your kid be the keeper.