Parents of the HS Class of 2022

S22 got all his applications in before Thanksgiving, but he still has to submit portfolios and a couple of scholarship apps and trying to get him back into the applying mindset has been really challenging! So far he’s been accepted to all of his EA schools, and he’s kind of feeling himself :smirk: But none of the schools are his target or reaches, which while he understands, I’m afraid it’s made him a little casual in finishing up the process. I just don’t want him to regret taking his foot off the gas, when the decisions for those tougher schools (for him) start rolling in.


Hi - D22 has couple of reach apps in the final stretch. quick question. When RD deadline says 1st Jan 2022. Does that mean 31st Dec mid night or 1st Jan 8:59 pm pst/11:59 pm est? Thanks

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My understanding is the latter, but do not wait til 11:59pm… there can be glitches uploading if many try at the same time.


It’s Jan 1, 11:59pm in the applicant’s time zone. But as stated above, submit before then.


I think my son is done applying. I thought he had one more essay to do (George Washington) but yesterday he informed me that since he doesn’t think he wants to spend our money unnecessarily when he has a perfectly good in-state option, he isn’t going to finish the application. At first I was upset because I think that was his #2 choice, and what if he doesn’t get in to our state school (Maryland)? But he has already been accepted to 2 viable options (Delaware and Vermont) and he said he would be happy at either of those if he doesn’t get into UMD, so one less application fee for me! Phew! Now we wait for UMD…


Actually, only some colleges say “in the applicant’s time zone”. Others use their own time zone. If a college doesn’t explicitly state which deadline it uses, best to assume it’s the latter.

But agreed - don’t wait until the last minute.


If it’s common app it’s the applicant’s time zone.

Agree that non-common app deadline time zones can vary, so check college websites.


My son is now batting 4/4 with an acceptance from CWRU along with merit money. Christmas came early this year.


what is ASC?

Agnes Scott College?


That’s quite a salty admit, especially with merit. Where are the other three?

Trista, he was accepted to MSU (safety), Pitt (safety), RHIT (target) and CWRU (target).


OMG. Done with applications! 10 apps for 12 schools. I do not understand how people survive applying to 20+ schools! She still has an honors college essay to do, but wow!


South, I second that. My son sent out seven in October and he was done. The number of schools students apply to sometimes bogles my mind.


Very nice!!! I know how awesome it feels. We survived a bunch of schools only because we’re in California and were able to do a bunch of schools in just two applications (CSU & UC) and put check marks next to the schools he wanted.

Now I hate the sitting and waiting phase.


Hey y’all,

I’m a student at Yale University majoring in English :slight_smile: I’m bored during winter break and I know the admissions process is almost over, but if you’re looking for some with experience to edit essays, etc. Let me know :slight_smile: Feel free to send a message!


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Cobin, That is very thoughtful and generous of you.

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Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2022. May we all get into the college of our choice.


D22 got in to her ED school (Vandy) and we are very happy for her! She has also gotten in to some rolling safety schools. We were waiting to hear the $$ of some scholarships.
But, have any of you experienced this feeling of “I wonder?” She was still waiting to hear from some quite competitive schools, and I would love to know if she would have gotten in. She would have applied to a few more if she has been denied. I would love to know how much $$ she would have gotten at other schools. It’s straight-up curiosity, but it’s nagging at me that we’ll NEVER KNOW.
Yes, I’m relieved to be DONE. But still curious. :upside_down_face:


congrats! Just sent in our first ED app (ED2) and yeah I know! it’s hard thinking about these scholarships that might be getting, and what might be!