Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Wow. Do u mind sharing your daughter’s stats?

After a college denies admission, is there any value to checking the portal regularly? Also, when do the colleges purge the portal access? Thank you.

3.8 UW. 4.7 W. 7 APs in all five main subjects (math, science, English, history, French). Didn’t send any scores at all. Pre-professional ballerina dancing 30 hours a week until pandemic. Editor in chief of award winning yearbook. Winner of state wide essay contest. Squeezed in poms for football and basketball too.

Seems pretty excellent average as we all like to say but the intensity of ballet along with doing well in her classes was likely impressive. Also, I know kids all say they have good recs but I think hers were particularly wonderful from teachers she had multiple years who knew a lot about her personally including how she has helped numerous friends through anxiety and depression issues and how her leadership shines in everything she does.

She goes to a high school where her GPA made most of her list likelies except Vanderbilt which is a reach for all who don’t go ED here. Lastly? She showed a TON of demonstrated interest at every school. Multiple virtual events for each. Met virtually with the AOs if they “visited” our high school. I think that part was also key.

If you’re really interested (lol) I had a thread called D21 Journey and it was ridiculously popular. I couldn’t believe how many people followed along!


If it is a denial rather than waitlist, there is no need to check the portal regularly. If for some reason the university updates the portal, they would send an email notifying you of that. The timeline for closing portal access depends on the university.

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I can’t seem to find any information about that scholarship on the website. Are you from NC? (I know you are from somewhere round there) I thought the NC scholarship was automatic. And I thought you wouldn’t qualify for Milepost One.

My kids just applied after a conversation with an AO that left financial things ambiguous, which is a good thing. They are both good fits for WW for various reasons. I think it’s my son’s top now.

We qualify for Milepost One at Warren Wilson. That’s the one. She got $21,175 including the work grant, but if she could get a Milepost One that would be awesome. We are also in NC, but don’t qualify for the free tuition program. You have to be Pell Grant eligible or get a NC Need Based Scholarship for that. She will still go to WWC either way, but Milepost One would help for sure.

My D22 loves WWC because it almost all the kids who go there are “funky” and not “normies”, so if your kids would like an unconventional school it might be a good fit for them, but it’s definitely not for everybody. We’ve visited twice now and know quite a few adults who went there and several kids who are there now, including two from her small funky charter high school.

On the plus side, your son could probably play volleyball. They do have sports, but excel in cycling/cyclocross/mountain biking rather than the more traditional sports like basketball. Their last two men’s basketball games they lost 102-47 and 110-32, but they do well in cycling.


Oh I see-- good luck then!
WWC would be continuation of what they’re used to from high school (and prepared for?).

What happens to the work grant if you get Milepost One?
What happens if your income changes to take you over the top?

Don’t think the income would change that much. We are comfortable here in NC, but my husband’s income is very stable. He may well get a raise, but it wouldn’t top us out and my income would not either.

Work grant is built in at WWC. Everyone works on a crew, everyone gets a work grant applied back to their tuition. It’s about $2100 or so. Not a huge chunk of change, but welcome and D22 is excited by the work crews.

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@hello06 You can google your state and power of attorney and health directive to see if there’s a free template. I had one drafted by a lawyer friend and it’s very similar to the CA one I googled.

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right but if you have tuition free, then what happens to the work grant?

All Milepost One winners will be awarded our unique work grant, which will be applied towards tuition per federal guidelines. Milepost One winners who qualify for a federal or state need-based grant will receive the remainder of their tuition free through the Warren Wilson College Milepost One scholarship.

Work grant ALWAYS goes for tuition.

So you lose the work grant then (in effect)-- that’s what I was wondering.

No. You never lose the work grant. It is ALWAYS applied to tuition first before anything else PER FEDERAL GUIDELINES.

The Milepost One is for the “remainder of the tuition”. It’s very clearly spelled out in the quote from the website.

if you have free tuition per milepost one, then the work grant is effectively nothing since it is applied to free tuition.

I guess could say that technically it is applied first, and milepost one is the rest, I suppose. That answers the question-- there is no extra benefit from the work grant.

I hope everyone is well, and taking a well-deserved break after finishing RD applications.

This morning, my D22 received a conditional offer from Oxford. She’s very pleased and grateful for this outcome, although she is not yet done as A-level exams await and she needs to do well to meet her conditions (A*AA).

She has three outstanding US applications, all super reaches which means the odds are not in her favor. Oxford is her first choice overall but who knows how she will feel if she gets good news in March - she finds the opportunity to study STEM and non-STEM subjects appealing.

Have a nice day (and what a game last night!).


Kid submitted the last application yesterday. First one was submitted in August. What a huge long project! Kid has changed and grown quite a bit in the last 5 months, and different things are important now compared to August.

We were pretty shut down for kid’s junior year–school was completely remote and asynchronous for a big chunk of the year, and students only attended in person twice a week for the rest of the year. Very few options for extracurricular activities. For my kid, I just saw much less growth during junior year than normal.

The school kid applied to in August is now much less appealing than it was in August. Now just keeping fingers crossed that an acceptance arrives from a school that is exciting.


congrats on Oxford!!
Regarding the well deserved break after applications, I feel my D22 all of a sudden doesn’t know what to do with her time :wink: In the last few weeks she spent so much time writing essays (lots of scholarships and honors programs in addition to last minute adds to the college list), she felt odd having the whole weekend off.


Ha ha! :grinning:

That’s exactly how my D felt as well. We watched football together and she kept saying she can’t believe how she has so much time on her hands.

Good for our kids! They deserve this break.


Thanks. My D22 is doing mock A-level exams until Thursday but I am hoping she’ll also experience the “oddity” of a free weekend this weekend. Kids today work so much harder than when I was their age.


Major congratulations on Oxford! That’s a huge achievement. :tada: