Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Yes, it is at ASU. I’ll include the link here: Tooker House - Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering My D18 is not majoring in engineering but had a lot of friends there and was in a neighboring dormitory her freshman year.

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Sounds pretty cool

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Yes, consistent with

Check in with the GC to see what their process is

Sadly, at least from r/A2C, this seems to be a thing for kids with Fee Waivers. There will inevitably be a “she was accepted to 97 schools with $4M dollars in financial aid” news story, as if it’s a good thing.

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Great advice for new college parents. I booked a local hotel room, refundable, for move-in, move-out, and every home football game weekend (as that’s when Family Weekend was) as soon as the football schedule was announced every year.


Presidential Scholar nominees are out. Emails were sent for those with email addresses on file with College Board/ACT.


D22 is the only one from her school this year.


No UC is a safety, except perhaps Merced. UC admittance is really hard to count on for almost anyone. Cal Poly is def not a safety, esp for some majors.

There are CSU’s which are safeties, but many CA kids looking for big schools prefer AZ and OR over them.


Congratulations to your D! This is a real honor! :partying_face:



@RichInPitt My son also got the email yesterday. I wasn’t quite as excited as I should be as the application says it will take 16 hours and he just finished applying last week (Friday). After that there were videos to do (yes he used every possible extension) so it seems never-ending.

I do have two questions: 1) should he update AOs about this (candidate for Presidential Scholar) and 2) he was selected as a Rural Scholar from College Board.

Actually the Rural scholar thing seems potentially more influential in admissions as it reinforces that he is from a small place without many resources.


Congratulations to your daughter @RichInPitt !!

I agree. My DD was notified she is a candidate but I’m not sure it’s worthwhile to apply. There are 5000 candidates and they narrow that to 160 finalists. I feel my DD’s time may be better spent on scholarship applications where there is monetary value. Congrats to all the candidates, however - it’s a massive honor!
I am also wondering if she should notify AO’s about this honor - or if colleges will receive a press release and flag her that way?


Congratulations to your D!! That’s quite an accomplishment!! :tada:


D also got the email yesterday and I just got off the phone w/the HS college counselor. He said that while it is a great honor, the amount of work required to submit along with the steep competition are really only worth it if the program (set for June) is something that the candidates intend to participate in and are excited to do. I have a feeling my D’s will choose her summer Orchestra/Chamber Music activities over this. But yay - it was still such a nice email for her to receive.


Congrats! I have never heard of this, what does a student have to demonstrate in order to be a candidate? It sounds super impressive!


Did they release the dates yet? I planned a trip for after graduation (who knows if he would get it but I am sure he would want to go if he did).

Hi - when application portal says upload mid year grades - does the student have to upload or follow up with the school counselor or is it automatic through naviance/ common app sync? Thanks for any guidance on this.

I believe it’s usually the last Sunday in June

I’d check in with the guidance counselor