Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Just wait to see what’s posted in parent groups after the first round of exams ; )


Iowa State’s parents’ group is like that, too. It’s definitely a point in their favor.


I feel the same way about D21’s school FB page (which also happens to be one of the largest on FB, with over 20,000 members). While a parent page wouldn’t make or break a college decision, it is very comforting to see all the support - whether it is questions about courses, rides from the airports or even local parents who volunteer to deliver food to sick students or sit with them in the hospital. To me the character of the families gives me a lot of confidence about the character of the students who are there with my daughter.


just want to add my son’s schoo’ls parents pages - bama - has restored my like of FB groups! i quit for many years; but got back on to get basic info.

(they call themselves “Bamily.” While i may not agree with all the thoughts going on, there are stories every day of people helping others, parents helping stranded kids at airports, car accidents, thanksgiving get together for random kids, internship ideas, housing offers for kids, inviting strangers to tailgates, offering to ride share, the list goes on and on. When my son was sick with mono- and i asked for grocery store recs – many local parents offered to check in on him and help him! People are not competitive; but warm and kind.)

I also have a kid at a private school in boston area; it is not the same!


I think I remember what this is about — it is heartbreaking to think about how this incident impacted the school and students so profoundly. My first thought was wouldn’t your guidance counselor include information in the school report/mid year report? If not, I think yes he should let the college know.

It seems reasonable to keep it in mind for sure. Can you take a closer look and tell if it is just a one or a few nasty parents or multiple? If it’s just one or two who are provoking others that might be easier to overlook, but if it’s the whole group then, yeah that would give me pause. Sometimes college student apples don’t fall far from parental trees.

I haven’t joined the parent group for my D22’s intended college yet because it’s so small and I feel like I am not that close to being a parent of a college student yet. I might join after the upcoming admitted scholars day or may wait a little closer to May 1. I know at least one parent in the group and she has given me a few tidbits from the group, but it just feels a little early for me. My D22 is really kind of anti-social media, too, so I kind of want to follow her lead and not jump into the group too soon.


@CMA22 and @Southoftheriver

Thanks. I have tried to be vague because I’m not comfortable with more specific details posted here. It’s tricky to ask a question without giving more details for sure.

I didn’t know the counselor would send more than just grades. I will ask if something will be included. That would make it easier for sure.

While all the classes are affected, along with a lot of other stuff, I do not think any college would base an acceptance or not on the information.

@sfSTEM I agree! I love that group. Such a wonderful group of people.

I’m on a couple Alabama pages and think those are pretty great as well. I should probably find some for a few others. I don’t think I’d knock a college down for a bad FB group, but I think it would make me bump one up on my list if it was great.


If you are concerned that there may be an effect on grades going forward and want to provide context as an explanation, you might ask the counselor to include a note if the counselor was not already planning to do so. (I assume that might be helpful to other students, also.)


Yes check with the counselor. I can’t imagine this would have any negative impact, admissions-wise.

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I am sorry you are having this situation. I have wondered in general if Colleges would ever ask for IB scores from US students - I don’t think that was done in the past. And now it seems like the scores could be wacky for Covid situations and other situations (like districts that can’t replace teachers right now). When my D21 got her final IB scores last July it was amusingly anticlimatic after all that work - no one cared.

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I agree with you keeping it in mind. IMO, there is a difference between “regular” FB intense behavior and what you are describing. I would look for other places to learn about this school community and see if this is an indication of something bigger.

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@bgbg4us Agree! But I think the college parents pages are the only ones I engage with. I deleted my account so this was a brand new account with no friends other than the pages :). The parents have been super helpful, similar to CC parents on here. We do have the vaccine discussions that take things sideways but the moderator is good and we just kinda ignore the same set of parents who always bring up the same objections. Way too many good news and helpful posts to offset some of the not so great posts there.


Jumping in as a 2019 (and 2023) parent to say that parent FB pages are simply microcosms of everyday life everywhere - some are more overt than others.

My kid is at WVU. The school is in a state that is not exactly a bastion of left-wingers (like I would theoretically be more comfortable with) - and there are times when I sigh at an anti-mask comment or whatever. But they are also quick to offer a ride, a recommendation, to deliver soup to a sick kid, to give away a textbook, and on and on. Parent FB groups are very useful, regardless of whether you agree with the extremes on whatever side. But they don’t indicate the vibe at the school, not at all.

(Also, you can block the crazies, if you’re so inclined.)


Thanks. That is true on the IB scores it seems. He has already decided not to take credit for math so he can be sure to be strong enough for engineering. Hoping for some credit for English though!


My D is 21 grad. We found the only importance of IB scores was in regards to college credit and in one case, placement. I don’t remember sending any type of transcript after the scores were released in July.

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@Tribegiant Great to know, thank you!

@Luanne My D21 had a lot of credits she could have used from IB and AP tests but likely won’t end up using any. The placement process was separate at her LAC (and she ended up in the right classes) and the credits wouldn’t get her out any distribution requirements. So since she wants to stay 4 years anyway, the credits aren’t that useful. Maybe she will use some if she goes abroad and needs them? But so far it doesn’t look like it. Was surprising to me.


You must be talking about the VT parents page! For the most part it is wonderful, with a few pot-stirrers in there

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A few pot-stirrers, but thankfully they get shut down pretty quickly.


Every college S22 has applied to is far, far away from home. The closest is 920 miles away. The farthest was 2,363 miles away…until he was just accepted to a university in Tokyo…which is 5,555 miles away as the crow flies…

I mean, I understand. He grew up in a tiny town (pop. 9000) in the middle of nowhere. He can’t wait to get out into the great wide world But I also have friends whose kids don’t want to leave the area or even the state.

So what are your kids like? Do they want to go far or stay near?