Parents of the HS Class of 2022

This is fun trying to triangulate Californians’ locations!

We are in the Bay Area. We are about 5-6 hours from all of the California schools applied to except one UC (1 hour), one UC (6-7 hours) and one CSU (4.5 hours).

Funny, is that just a California thing to talk distance in terms of time?


Or highways by numbers. :grin:

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We do time too. I couldn’t tell you how many miles my parents are from me, but it’s just under an hour to get there.


SNL used to have a recurring skit called “The Californians” that made fun of the highways by numbers quirk. I recently watched the episode that Betty White hosted after she died and I absolutely loved her in “The Californians”.


Yeah, The Californians cracks me up. Every single time they give directions to somewhere with the freeways “Take the 10 to the 110 to the 105 and get off on Sepulveda” (and most people who live in LA or go to the destination I just gave directions to can tell me exactly where that exit usually goes). When saying freeways you must say “the” in front of the number. I struggle not to do that when talking to non-Californians.

We are definitely infamous for only giving directions and locations in time from where we are rather than distance. For example, from LAX I live an hour and a half with no traffic and three hours with traffic.

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LOL! I added the specific schools I was talking about just for you. I also gave you additional information with my reference to LAX. :laughing:

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Much obliged! We have a couple schools in common! I would have to take the 680 to the 580 to the 5. Unless I took the 680 to the 101. Truth is, I don’t think we Nor Cal folks do the “the”. But I will just for you. :slight_smile:

I just finished watching a string of The Californians. I will never get the image of Bradley Cooper making out with Betty White out of my head.






Beat-em, bust-em, that’s our custom

(Sorry, I don’t see many WVU rents here and couldn’t help myself)


s3, We are not quite done yet. We still need to hear from UofM (son was postponed/deferred) and CMU (April 1).

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I thought it was a Minnesota thing. That’s how it’s done here too.

We do hours and highway numbers here in the South too, but no “the” in front of the numbers. You take 40 (or I-40) from here to go to Asheville (about 4 hrs) or Wilmington (about 2.5 hrs). I have no idea how many miles that is. If it’s an interstate we often, but not always, put the letter I in front of it like I-95, I-40, but sometimes we just shorthand it and say 95 and 40. You can take I-40 from here to California and it’s about 3-4 days if you drive long days. I do know that that is about 2400 miles.

To get this back to colleges, D22 will be going about 3.5-4 hrs away by car. I’ll look up the miles for ya, it’s 215 miles.

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I was (playfully) teased in college because I grew up somewhere with “the” in front of highway numbers, and others thought it was weird when I said it that way. Both hometown and college were Eastern US. I trained myself to stop (saying “the”), thinking it was a hyper-local quirk. And now to find out…they should have thought I was a Californian!

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S22 will drive 584 miles to school(9.5 hours).

D22’s schools are:
30 minute drive West on I-10
90 minute drive East on I-10
5 hour drive North
7 hour drive East
8 hour drive West
the rest are either 12+ hour drives or flights

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No South. Iiiiiiinteresting!

Well, the 90 minute drive East on I-10 really is South East, and you can’t drive further South from there or you would have to swim :wink:
One of her fly to schools is one of the southernmost schools in the US.
But she has only one school west of the Mississippi.

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@CateCAParent and @ucscuuw also from the Bay Area and we put “the” only in front of the 1 and the 5, the rest are just 280, 101, 880, etc. Also, the Californians nailed it for how much we talk about traffic, we’re the worst. :laughing:


We should probably spinout a bayarea thread, there will be so much to ramble about. :grinning:

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