Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Well, no response from the counselor on what is sent with mid-year grades or even if those are just sent to all or if he has to request each on his own. I’m not surprised. I know they are incredibly busy. I think I’ll help him with a short couple of sentences to include with just the update schools. If any school sees it as a reason not to accept him, then I don’t want him going there anyway, lol.

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I started to try to get him to narrow down choices more and realized we have a lot we are waiting to hear about in March. What a very long process this is. We are exhausted. I hope I’m better with the next kid!


Depends on the school. All should be offering virtual open house options as well.

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IIRC, Tokyo might be closer to you than where your older D went to school!

Sorry to hear about D3’s booster reaction (my wife had a strong reaction to a Pfizer booster after 2 doses of Astra Zeneca). Good luck on her remaining scholarship interviews!

One word: Wordle :smile:


I’m finding the wait till mid-March long and slow as I did with D19. But S22 has put it out of his mind and is carrying on with Senior year, as did D19. I’m trying to balance that anxiousness for March to get here so we can find out with trying to slow down and enjoy the last kid in the nest!

And D19 did several admitted student days over her spring break after the releases of RD.


I can only imagine the stress and the excitement of the students (and parents) waiting on the March - April decisions. S16 had his first choice SCEA acceptance by Dec and D22 has her ED1 school acceptance in hand (also in Dec), so our college applications/acceptance waiting days are over. Best wishes to everyone still waiting…


It looks like it’s going to be a long, slow wait until mid March, then a rush of decisions over the next 3 weeks (10+ colleges), and then a rush to finalize and pick a college.

Maybe we should just enjoy the quiet before the storm :sweat_smile:


My daughter has 2 she will hear from in February, and then 4 more schools in the last days of March, first days of April. It is slow for me already, but my D is enjoying Senior year and put it out of her mind. Did your D hear from any other schools yet, 10 is definitely a lot to wait for, and I think it’s harder for us, lol!


Yes, she has been accepted at a couple of schools but got deferred at most of her EA schools and the rest are all RD. Hence 10+ between mid to end March :blush:

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I feel the slowness. Still can’t stop going to portals once a while to check on things. I keep coming to CC to see if any new updates happened or any other college posted their admissions.

Rightly said, “Calm before Storm” (it’s already stormy post all those deferrals though)

We have 6 RDs, 3 deferrals, 2 EAs to be addressed


Dec - 1 CSU admit + 2 OOS admits
Jan - 2 OOS Deferrals
Feb - 1 Pending OOS Decision
Mar - 9 Pending UC + CSU Decisions

I think this is going to be a long haul for my S22. Luckily, he doesn’t check his portals or spend any time on the forums. So while he is blissfully enjoying his senior year, I am fretting non-stop. This is my oldest so the roller coaster of emotions is a bit intense for me.


You are lucky to be done! And, congratulations to your DD.

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There is a wall calendar in the living room and I find myself looking at it multiple times a day, as if it were a clock! So strange that most days, no matter how many times I check, it’s still the same day! :joy: Yes, time seems to drag right now!

We have 2 EA acceptances, 1 deferal, and waiting to hear from 12.


With the current acceptance, D is only looking at 2 more to consider. But as parents we are thrilled to see what’s in-store for her.


Expecting many rejections in March due to a reach-heavy list, but I’m ready to carry this burden and frame it accordingly for S22. He’s in at 5 with a couple great choices, so we could stop the game here and call it a day.

Hugs to you parents who are are supporting your child’s journey in a positive, respectful way. This process teaches a lot of life lessons! :hugs:


Yes, it’s just as exciting and nerve-wracking for us parents :grinning:

We are currently going through the process of evaluating D’s deferred colleges. The ones she is not going to be enrolling at (based on current acceptances), she will withdraw from. While she was curious to wait and find out if she would eventually get in, we figured the right thing to do was to withdraw and free up a slot for other applicants that could benefit from getting an acceptance.


Really good thought. Pi-day pretty much will decide it for us as well. Mine is so far swayed in staying back close to us, in Cali.


It will go slowly until the last acceptance is in. Then you’ll suddenly find yourself saying goodbye in August.

D22 has a match that she’s very happy with. So four accepted and one deferred are off the table. Two of her reaches will take precedence but the numbers say they are unlikely. Somehow CMU SCS currently falls below her current school (it’s “too familiar”) - that would be an interesting conversation if admitted. And I think it’s the most likely of the reaches.


From Tucson I’m guessing!

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Once all is said and done, it might come down to a final visit – at least for us. We have one school scheduled for a visit in March, but we are waiting to hear what her other choices are – maybe we will need to take a look … 3 months to think about it in the meantime. lol

Congratulations on all the acceptances, it’s such a nice feeling for them. It’s been a wild ride finding out who of D22’s friends has been getting in/denied/deferred. Eye opening and a good education for when it’s my son’s turn.

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