Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Me too!! And that DS hears quickly rather than hanging on forever to see if he’s accepted or ultimately rejected. We’ll start moving forward with CPP if we don’t hear from SLO by 3/15. I don’t want to lose deposits.


I’ve been wondering if freshman and then first semester senior year grades count more in the admission process this year than they normally would given that many of the applicants were online and in Covid during part of both sophomore and junior year.

Omg I’m the same, obsessing over schools’ acceptance threads even if they aren’t at the top of my D’s list. You’ll know we’re in trouble when we start following threads for schools they didn’t even apply to! :rofl: Oh haha, I just realized that’s what @Southoftheriver is doing – glad I’m not the only one stalking the threads! I just remembered I did look at the Harvard thread once just to see what life was like in that world! :wink:

My D also didn’t hear from UCSC (also applied CS). That’s actually one of her favorite UC’s so still hoping. The SJSU cutoff for CS is ridiculous and I definitely wouldn’t consider it a predictor for SLO (which of course is crazy enough on its own). The SJSU methodology actually makes me grateful the UC’s practice more holistic admissions, as unpredictable as those are!

Congrats on the CPP admit!! (My D didn’t hear from them either so yet another school others are hearing from that we’re still biting our nails over). Even without honors it sounds like he loves it so that would just be icing - yay!

Good luck to your son on SLO and anywhere else he’s waiting on. See you on the other threads!

Omg yes!! What a ride this is! Good luck to all us parents and our kids!


Hi - What is the GPA cut off for SJSU. I read it is high in couple places and got curious. D22 did not apply but I got curious

With CPP, the main wave hasn’t started there yet either. So your daughter isn’t behind on anything. What’s her order of top three schools?

DS was just lucky to get in on the small initial wave of CPP, SDSU, and LB. I guess that also sort of made me feel like things were really going his way. So the lack of response at Fullerton (where some other students have gotten in with the initial small wave), UCSC (same), and SJSU (looking like a likely rejection) have shaken my confidence for SLO. Luckily, DS knows absolutely nothing about my nutiness on this topic. I just wish I knew if we should skip the tour. I’m wishing now that I hadn’t scheduled one. We could always do a tour if he was accepted. But he’s looking forward to it and I have an aunt in Cambria looking forward to our visit this weekend. I just hope I’m not setting DS up for disappointment since right now he’s perfectly happy with the idea of going to Pomona.


Freshman GPA cutoff for all CSU’s are below:

  • California residents and graduates of California high schools will be eligible for admission by earning a 2.50 or greater “a-g” GPA.
  • Any California high school graduate or resident of California earning a GPA between 2.00 and 2.49 may be evaluated for admission based upon supplemental factors.
  • Non-California residents may be eligible for admission to the CSU by earning a 3.00 or greater “a-g” GPA along with other supplemental factors utilized by the individual campus, including those outlined by impacted campuses and programs.
  • Any Non-California resident of California earning a GPA between 2.47 and 2.99 may be evaluated for admission based upon supplemental factors.

For each major at SJSU, based on the impaction index, there will be a different GPA cutoffs required to meet the various thresholds.

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As a school counselor, thank you.

I’m also laughing and cringing at this thread. My school is most likely not like any of your schools, but typically I don’t contact admissions at colleges.

At S22’s public school they have separate college counselors. My school has a college and career advisor.


Thank you for your work as a school counselor! :two_hearts:


Haha, my D knows my tendencies to over-research everything, so she knows I’m out of control on the CC boards (luckily she avoids social media!). Fortunately, she’s had some good acceptances already, so the rejections will be more manageable, though they naturally still sting. And I’m not as freaked out as I was a few months ago, when she hadn’t heard from anyone yet.

Still, my heart sinks when I read many acceptances on a thread or hear about it from my D, and she still hasn’t heard. But like you said, CPP is still early. And she was able to get into SJSU, CSULB and Sac State (plus a few OOS), so it’s really okay if she doesn’t get into CPP or SDSU. It’s just that their silence makes me worry more about the UC’s even though we know one school’s acceptance/rejection doesn’t necessarily predict another’s.

If you already have a tour and visit with your aunt planned, and he’s looking forward to it, I wouldn’t cancel the tour unless you really think it might set him up for disappointment, maybe let him decide? SLO is a really cute area and I’d just try to consider it another stop on a nice coastal vacation. My D went with my husband to Boston last year to check out fantasy schools like MIT. She didn’t get to do a campus tour, but they did walk around in addition to sightseeing. So she got to just enjoy having a getaway with dad, visiting a new city, etc. If she miraculously gets in, she will have had a glimpse of the campus. If the more likely rejection comes, she’ll still have had a nice memory with dad. :slight_smile:

She hasn’t had a chance to visit all the UC’s or CSU’s (although we did a few empty campus self-tours last summer), so it’s hard for her to rank. I think her current top 3 of the UC/CSU’s are UCLA, UCSD, and UCSC or SLO. We’re going to try to do tours next month for any of the schools she gets into.


My daughter is lucky to have already heard from SDSU, Long Beach, and Pomona, but nothing so far from UCSC. She is really anxious about UCSC. It is one of her top 3 UCs. We visited both UCSB and UCSC last week and though she liked UCSB, she totally fell in love with the UCSC campus and the vibe. So here is hoping I didn’t mess things up by visiting and her falling in love, and that she does get in. She has the right stats and everything else, but I just read that they received over 77,000 freshmen applications this admissions cycle!


Wow those are already great acceptances, congrats! Haha, I’m always afraid of jinxing my daughter, but whenever I think that way and blame myself for causing some uncontrollable misfortune, my good friend always reminds me – sorry to tell you, but you’re not that powerful. :wink:

So glad your daughter got to visit UCSB and UCSC – are they doing real tours now? It’s just nice the kids are back on campus again! Good luck to her, especially for UCSC!! :crossed_fingers:


Happy March 1 to all! Many years have lead to this month, and I wish all your kids good results in the next 30 (31?) days. Good luck everyone! :four_leaf_clover:


Thank you for the lovely note @AgeofAquarius. It’s a big month for many of our kids who are going to receive several much-awaited decisions over the next few weeks. We can certainly use all the wishes and luck we can get!

Good luck everyone. I am rooting for you all and will look forward to hearing your stories.


Yes, wishing everyone a happy March (possibly a happy early April) and a hope that the path becomes clear!


The last part of the waiting is exhausting! My D20 applied and was accepted ED, so we were done in December. D22 has some great choices already, but some of her top choices are both reaches and still pending. She knows how lucky she is to have some great offers, but the wait is getting to her.


If she was accepted ED why would the other apps matter unless you meant EA.

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She didn’t cancel all other applications, as in the ED agreement?

It looks like it is the older daughter, D20, who applied ED. D22 must have done early action.


Thank you! Wise words, I will keep them in mind. I am indeed not that powerful! :laughing:

UCSB is doing real tours, UCSC is not yet but apparently will restart soon. We just did self tours at both places.

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I think you are missing that there are 2 daughters. Older one (DD20) did the ED and was done in Dec., so probably canceled everything else. Younger one (DD22) is still waiting.