Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Please see my subsequent note. I am actually going to edit my original post to eliminate confusion.

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Gotcha. I didn’t read further. :+1:t3:

does your D participate in the chats on ZeeMee? My D22 also liked Tulane (we are at Tulane for honors weekend right now) and UMiami. She has been participating in those chats for a while and now UMiami is off the list because she got the vibe that it wouldn’t be a good fit for her.

Has your D had a chance to talk to current students at both schools?


So I am reading all your posts and find we are all in such similar boats.

Realistically, we are down to Tulane (Honors and some merit) and UF. She was admitted to BU’s CGS, which is a no-go. She also got into U of Maryland with a small merit scholarship, but as an OOS, it doesn’t make sense financially or even practically with the UF admission (in State). She also got into FSU with a nice merit scholarship, but wouldn’t go there over UF.

She is waiting for 2 schools this week, and I think only 1 of them would sway her (it’s NYU
 but she showed no interest in them — which she now regrets terribly because over the last couple of weeks, and after visiting Tulane she has decided she really wants to consider it and that it tops her list. I do not think it’s going to be an option :weary:). The other school, GW, she really loves but is wanting to plant herself in DC for grad school and beyond, so she is wanting a different experience for undergrad. Unless they surprise us with something amazing 
 I don’t expect anything at this point though. RD is not what is used to be.

My D22 was very narrow with her list, and only applied to 9 schools. She has had 2 denials, 5 acceptances (Tulane and UF are the top from those), and 2 we are waiting on. I think if she were more open with her list, she would have had other types of schools to consider, but alas, here we are.


Tulane (Honors) is in the top 2 for my D as well. She loved it when we visited over Honors weekend in early March. The other school is Saint Louis University. They offer a 6 year Direct Entry into their PT school which is extremely appealing since my D wants to be a PT. Cost wise she got nice merit at both schools so that won’t play into the decision. We go back to SLU this week for a PT admitted student day. Hoping that brings her clarity on which way to go.


It’s so hard waiting for teenagers to have clarity! I do not envy them to be honest. It’s hard! But both schools sound like amazing choices!


D is also waiting on GW tomorrow. We are expecting waitlist, since it was a last minute addition. She is also still waiting on Tufts, but that’s her moonshot and I’m sure it will be a rejection.

Tulane is the clear frontrunner here with Lehigh being second (she has not been to Lehigh yet and will decide this week if she still wants to go visit).


Thank you! So nice to have this support group. Best of luck to your D as she decides! Sounds like at least 2 great options for her. Hope NYU surprises your D. My sister went there for business school and loved it.


You can say that again! :grin:


Not bragging,
but more of a confirmation of how things/results can be different, especially for the financially strained families.

I tallied up the costs we’ve paid to get into college
(not including hours of driving to all the games/volunteering,
$ spent to tour/visit colleges, etc).

We’ve spent almost $4500 to help S22 get into college,
while we’ve made it all back in folds ($1.4M in scholarship and financial aid from 10 colleges so far).

I definitely did not have the resources available when I applied to college decades ago, but it also wasn’t as crazy as these times.


Wow!! You got more than your money’s worth!!! Good to know, maybe this will be our route for our son.

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OH, that is such happy news all around!!


Saw on Reddit:

Ivy Day: in what order will your kid open decisions, if applied to more than 1?

Yank off the bandaid with top choice,
or alphabetical,

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My d will do it randomly. She is preparing for a blood bath so not very motivated.


My son was also very narrow in his list and we only managed to get him to apply to a few other colleges because there were either no essays or a short 200 word one. I am still frustrated by this because there were good, less expensive options that he could be considering now but he wasn’t willing to write the essays and we weren’t going to write them for him. Ugh!


We’re chasing merit/financial aid.
Since son wasn’t 100% in love with our affordable state college (wrong size/too big), he begrudgingly applied to a lot of colleges, which meant writing a lot of essays.
That was one of the toughest times in his and my life, since I was the nagging mom, with all the deadlines looming.

He seriously avoided me, even hid from me many times, because as soon as he sees me, all he saw was another essay draft deadline.

I mean NOW that he’s gotten into his top affordable choice, he’s appreciative of how much emphasis we placed on the essays (and his test prepping) and all my nagging.


@UniversityMomma Waiting for clarity. What an apt phrase for this process. I can finally see it starting to take hold, but honestly I’ve been waiting since last summer with this kid. I really shouldn’t be surprised since he likes to wait until the last moment for just about everything. Just relieved that he IS going somewhere!


SAME!!! It is soooo frustrating! What schools is he choosing between?


Yes, there is some sense of relief when you know they are at least going somewhere!!! I think as parents, we are more unsettled than they are with not knowing exactly where at this point.


Wow this comparison was great!!! If you have extra time and you want to do one for Tulane and UF, I wouldn’t mind at all 
 ( :grin:) . I am going to copy down that info on Tulane for sure! Love a great spreadsheet!

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