Parents of the HS Class of 2022

@songbirdmama, our S22 isn’t focused on test prep at all. He’s a good student but takes a pretty relaxed approach in general – you’d certainly never catch him putting up “chance me” posts here on CC or fretting about his grades and scores. So far, we haven’t seen any need for him to ramp things up, although it would be good if he had an extracurricular beyond basketball. Like @InfoQuestMom, we’ll assess things after school is over.

I signed S22 up for the November SAT and will likely try August as well. I’ll give it another day or so to allow for class of 2021 to have space first.

I think he’ll probably just do a full length practice test and then Khan academy to fill in any holes. I wish he had the PSAT 10 in April to go on. I don’t think we will do a formal program, but I will see what is offered.

He only needs the road test to get his license. They are still not doing them here. I hope by the end of June we’ll be able to make an appointment for that.

He officially finished school Monday and cleared out his locker and returned books on Tuesday. Yay!

I also signed S22 up for the Nov 7 SAT. He’s getting tutoring this summer for the PSAT Oct 14. The SAT three weeks later seemed to make sense for him to take.

D22 is officially done her sophomore year. Interesting to me that she is suddenly more interested in college discussions. Yay! I think it is getting real. I have to back off from worrying and trying to micromanage her process. That won’t be easy for me, so I’m counting on y’all to help.

He’s done with classes! Two more days of “office hours” to finish up. It looks like he’s going to improve from having some form of B in all his classes last year to 4 A-s, a B+, and B. Huge improvement for him!

Our D22 is painting a “Congrats 2020 Graduate” for her older brother (Stanford 2020). So proud of her thoughtful gesture.

Two more sleeps and this nightmare of a school year will be over. :smiley:

He is registered for the November SAT.

Congrats to everyone on getting through this interesting (to say the least) year! We were done by May 22. Looks like everyone signing up for SAT, so now I am wondering if we should to… Our school takes PSAT and then ACT, so curious if we still need to try SAT. I guess we will decide after PSAT :slight_smile: Anyone has in-person camps this summer, by any chance? Three of my kiddo’s camps moved online… which she is not happy about, but better than nothing.

All online here.

My son has another week of classes to go. He’s signed up for the September SAT to hopefully get a score in the system in case things shut down again.

@DreamerMom We’re being opportunistic with the Nov SAT, coming just 3 weeks after the PSAT. I don’t expect it will be the last SAT he takes. Also, since he’s prepping this summer for the PSAT, doing the SAT seems natural. But ACT would have been fine too.

We’re doing the SAT in the fall because of studying this summer for PSAT as well.

We are thinking about the July ACT. There is not a close location though. It would be about an hour drive.

S22 got his driver’s license! He’s had nowhere to drive, but at least he can!

Experienced parents: How far in advance do. you need to register for the ACT? Wondering if spots fill quickly… D thinking about February.

@songbirdmama – with my daughter, we signed up in June (2017) for the September exam (2017). She decided to take her first ACT in September of her Junior year. She wanted a specific testing center, so we signed up as soon as the exam dates were available.

Ok, I panicked and signed up my kiddo for Aug SAT. This way she can see how much she needs to prep for PSAT and also, if decent scores, she can use it when applying for Governor’s school (I think our deadline somewhere in September…). I am curious to see how she is going to do. She doesn’t like to prep for anything. Her school tests PSAT every year starting freshman. She got 1370 both times and very even in her math and verbal. She made less errors second time around. But from what I gathered curve was harsh last October.

D22 is done her sophomore in May 2020. She tried PSAT at her school in the beginning of sophomore and scored 1450. She self study SAT and try to register her first SAT in August. However August’s SAT is cancelled, her friend ask her to try June ACT together as SAT and ACT are quite similar. The ACT result is released recently, D22 scored 35.25 in the first try.

@barque, That’s excellent score.
Is August 2020 SAT Cancelled?

Sorry! It is my mistake. There is no available spot in August SAT.

Great ACT score @barque !

S22 got his road test taken and got his license a few weeks ago. He hasn’t had much reason to drive, but hopefully marching band will start up in 3 weeks and he can do that. With H working from home still, I am hoping S can drive himself and D24 to school this fall.

We decided to sign him up for the July ACT. He’s doing a full practice test tomorrow and then will brush up where he needs to. I’m worried about things being canceled in the fall, so figured this would be a good one to try. Fortunately, his site hasn’t been canceled, although others in the area were.