Parents of the HS Class of 2022

her passion has always been in event planning and hospitality. when events happened in person, she was heavily involved in planning and executing a number of large scale charity events for foundations raising money for school programs. silent auctions, live auction, 250+ fancy dinner party type events- then covid hit. she was able to do an internship with a hotel where she did some remote projects for their sales and marketing teams. she is interested in general business classes that are part of it too. she loved the idea of a school dedicated to hospitality and a small college within a larger university. the students and alumni she has met have been enthusiastic about their experiences. she also really likes the marketing part of it all - which is what she will focus on if the waitlist does not work out.


thank you! with the perspective of being at the end of this process, she is very happy.

Does anyone else here feel anxiety as your child declines offers of admission? My son accepted his first choice college a hot second after being offered admission, there’s no doubt it’s the right school for him, but I feel weirdly superstitious about rejecting all the other choices! But it’s the right thing to do, for sure! :upside_down_face:


DS hasn’t officially declined any colleges yet, but I can see where he is headed and yes, it makes me nervous! I have to remember that he is his own person and knows what is a right fit for him (or at least, thinks he does!). I’ve had to bite my tongue when reminding him that he wanted to be immersed in a big city, but is now contemplating schools in large suburbs. I’d like to think it’s an “ongoing dialogue”, but am I doing most of the talking??

And I have to shake the “scholarship thing”. I’m a big believer in that famous mantra here on cc “love the school that loves you back”. To me, one of those demonstrations of love is the amount of scholarship money offered (or if any scholarship money is offered). DS doesn’t feel the same way, and although we have spoken extensively about budget and how to best utilize his college savings, I see him getting swept up in the excitement of these Admitted Students Days

I need to sit back and shut up for a bit! :smiley:


My son has already deposited at his chosen school but has not declined offers at any of his schools . . . yet. :upside_down_face: I am not pushing the issue as he is on spring break and is having his wisdom teeth removed.

There are bigger fish to fry right now.


Yes, a little bit! D22 has committed, we’ve paid the deposit, submitted the housing app and fee, and signed up for orientation. Yet my husband doesn’t want her to withdraw from her cheapest safety option just yet! I keep joking “are you expecting financial ruin in the next 3 weeks or something?”


Oh, I know exactly what you mean re: “love the school that loves you back.” A SLAC offered my son an extremely generous merit scholarship that they renamed a music scholarship in the offer letter, a wonderful acknowledgment that they appreciated the music supplement he submitted. It was very hard to say no to that, not just because who wants to say no to money, but because the acknowledgment of his talent was so validating. They really saw him. But another school has had his heart and mind throughout the process, and when that yes came in, every other option was off the table.

Like your son, my oldest daughter changed her focus as she did more research. She went from being convinced she wanted a larger college (eg Northwestern) to very happily choosing to send her early decision application to a very small LAC–three years later, we can all see that was absolutely a great decision.

And I sympathize–it’s hard not to do most of the talking!

Best of luck to you and your son as he makes his final decision!


I mean, who knows, right?! :rofl: :joy: :upside_down_face:

Congratulations to your daughter! And peace of mind to your husband!

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My S22 in almost exactly the same boat. Waitlisted at all 6 UCs, accepted to three out-of-state, all with merit money and also Oxy with merit money. We are also feeling woozy about the whole process! Feels like a strange year!!


Agree, admit rates vary wildly by major at most schools, it is misleading to have a single #

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This is so helpful! Thank you! And especially because we are weighing Tulane against the free tuition acceptance (Bright Futures) from University of Florida (and Florida State University), and with Florida Pre-paid would actually get the tuition amount back to her bank account (and are not making a part of the decision, as tempting as it is). What was the deciding factor for you (and your daughter) when comparing?

My daughter is also thinking of majoring in psychology! How were the class sizes? Do they give the kind of personalized attention to the students versus what she might receive at University of Florida?

THANK YOU for replying! :smiley:


I think my older son never actually declined the schools he didn’t attend - just ghosted them. Isn’t that awful! I vowed I would make sure my younger son declines the schools he doesn’t want, but I definitely feel anxiety about it. What if he changes his mind?


Just today got huge unexpected aid from USC. We scrambled and heading to admitted students day this weekend. Then going to Boston to visit Tufts. Oxy still a great choice. Don’t give up!


Woohoo! I don’t know how your daughter is ever going to decide!! :smile:


I know. Many twists and turns. The Tufts trip will be pivotal since we’ve never visited. Now it’s just exciting and no longer gut-wrenching. Feel like things will be clear soon.


Wow! Congratulations on the generous aid package! I’m really interested to hear what choice your daughter ultimately makes–a city-like walled campus with 20k undergrads; an open campus on a hill in a quiet city with a brand-new T stop for easier access to Boston with 6k undergrads; or a SLAC on a beautiful open campus in a residential area of LA with 2k?! They each have impressive academics and so much else to offer! I hope you and your child enjoy the decision-making process.


Thank you for writing this. This is quite helpful to know. All the very best to your dd. She will do great wherever she goes but I hope the hotel school works out for her.

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thank you, very kind of you to say! I would encourage your interested student to spend some time on their website to see their mission statement etc. it is a pretty unique school within the larger university. also, if you look into Hotel Ezra Cornell conference topics etc you can see more about where the schools believes the industry is headed. ALSO, there are a number of other schools that have hospitality/hotel/tourism majors that are worth checking out. UMass Isenberg, VATech Pamplin are 2 direct admit business school programs that we considered as well. best of luck to you and your interested student!!


My D22 hasn’t committed – decisions are so hard! – but she’s definitely narrowed it down to her top 3: Carleton, Pitzer, or Macalester. But getting her to click the decline buttons for the other schools she’s been accepted to is so hard, even though it’s very clear she’s not going to attend. She is holding a major $40,000 scholarship (Tuition Exchange) at two of the schools, a scholarship that will immediately be turned over to some very happy recipient once she declines it. I get that this has been a long, long process and the finality of “no” is scary, but it’s time for her to let these schools go. Does anyone have any magic non-nagging language to convince a reluctant teen?


I know, it seems inexplicable but all have tremendously strong programs for her interests of public policy and civic engagement. She’ll have a great opportunity to really determine what kind of experience she is looking for.

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