Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Good morning all! Still morning where we are anyway. Woke up to the College Board subject test news, joyfully texted by D22. :wink: She was registered for Math 2 in June. I guess itā€™s fine. This would have been a big disadvantage for one of my older daughters but would have helped another daughter. It is what it is!

I broke my ankle (well fibula above the joint) while hiking just before the weekend, and am finding the whole situation terribly inconvenient. Meeting with specialist today to find out if there will be surgery or not.

@MommaLue , good luck with your '21! Good tips! I will add that some credit cards do not help with credit score at all, so you have to be cognizant of how it reports to the credit bureau. Our D16 was an authorized user on our card for several years so we thought she would be set at college graduation as far as credit score and getting her own card. Not the case, as it turned out. Struggled to get her own credit card. After asking we around, we learned about the issue, and sheā€™s now an authorized user on a different one of our cards that reports differently (along with paying off a small car loan, co-signed by us and setting up a couple of small bills requiring recurring payments.)

@MAmom111 We get some mail, but not the huge flood I remember from my olders. Which is good for us! I do think it is difficult for some kids to sort this out without some in-person experiences. We have started doing some of the virtual tours which have sparked some interest, I think. Had hopes of in-person self-guided tours this spring, but have to see how ambulatory I am.

@RichInPitt , hate having to make those kinds of choices. FWIW, Iā€™d lean toward band. You can tell her my Princeton grad-with-multiple-awards electrical engineer (who also got the Stamps at GaTech, but declinedā€¦sorry to be braggy, but part of a larger point) had only one AP science courseā€¦biology, through an online homeschool program. Her chemistry and physics were via a mediocre homeschool curric. High school band is very special. There will be plenty of excellent science courses ahead for her.

Still trying to figure out if D22 will return to public school next year or continue homeschool. This was the girl who loooooved school and never wanted to return to momā€™s homeschool, but she seems to be embracing the life now. Sadly, I think some of it is the friend group losing connections because of separation. They see each other at sports practices but it is not the same.


Just seeing this news about Subject Tests going bye-bye. Wow! Weā€™re struggling to register for the regular SAT, Subject Tests were already a secondary consideration. Now we need not worry about them anymore.


@GoodGrief16 , that sounds like the same fibula break my S22 had in September. What a pain for you! Hereā€™s hoping you heal like a 17 year old athlete. He rejoined his HS soccer team for practice just yesterday.

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So sorry to hear about the broken fibula! I hope surgery isnā€™t needed and you heal quickly.

@vistajay, I am very much wishing I had gotten into 17 year old athlete shape prior to this situation! Would make the crutch thing easier, haha. Thanks @luanne. Surgery next week. Waiting for swelling to subside.

Sorry you broke your fibula, yes, terribly inconvenient. I hope the surgery and recovery is easy and that your family treats you like a queen! I canā€™t imagine what it was like to break it while hiking, I hope that wasnā€™t too traumatic.

Schools must be ramping up marketing, post-holidays. D22 received snail mail from 11 colleges yesterday, in only one of which she is remotely interested.

She seems to get more email from schools where she has expressed interest and USPS mail from others.

Best wishes on the leg. My wife had a tib-fib fracture 8 years ago skiing at Tahoe. Recovery took several months and she still has the plate/screws in. Iā€™ve also heard of recoveries that last a matter of weeks.

So sorry to hear about your injury! Hoping it heals soon!

I am feeling a little bad that I had my kid test in the fall. He is done, but ended up with an SAT with the essay and one subject test that both now seem to be extraneous. Oh, well!

We have our first session with college counseling at his school this Thursday. I am still hoping that we might be able to get visits in at a couple of schools during his break in March, but I still donā€™t know if that is realistic. I definitely donā€™t think we will be flying until summer at the earliest.


So sorry about the injury!

Anyoneā€™s school offering the March SAT during school? My sonā€™s HS just announced that the public SAT is cancelled but they will be doing an in-school one on a a school day in mid-March. Now if I could just get him to do some studying as it will most likely be his only chance to take it!

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So sorry about your injury! Good luck with the surgery and best wishes for speedy healing.

Second quarter ends on Friday so weā€™re up against the Missing Work deadline once again. I think heā€™s doing much better than he did all remote last spring. I still look forward to him being back in school. Maybe in August?

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Our school is giving the in-school SAT in mid-April. They were to host a public testing in Dec. but that was canceled because Michigan shut down high schools. I imagine the in-school will happen.

I have not heard about an in-school SAT here. It seems likely that we will finally be back to in-person school for the 4th quarter, which starts March 15. May be for the April test date? Bizarre that school has been remote for almost a year now.

Thanks all for the well wishes!

You think yā€™all will be back in person by March? Have you had in-person school earlier this year? We havenā€™t been at school since last March (Bay Area) - no classes, no sports, no clubs, no tests. It was just announced that Juniors will be able to take SATs in March and April and that will be a HUGE relief to have that done! Because CA has been so locked down, Iā€™m stressed that S will have nothing on his applications while kids from more open parts of the country will. Iā€™m hoping Colleges will take that into consideration, but they might be more confident accepting kids with more on their CVs.

Fellow Bay Area parent here. In San Francisco proper, hard as hell to get and keep an SAT registration. S22 is registered down in Cupertino for the March SAT. Hoping that holds.

Yeah S22 is registered in Sac for March, but hoping we wonā€™t need it if our school actually keeps the dates. I feel a little ridiculous driving to Sac, but what do you do?

The governor is lifting the stay at home order on Monday on CA, although each county has had their own final say based on ICU beds. The order was lifted based on ICU bed projection the next few weeks. I hope people continue to mask up and social distant.


We were really excited to see the elimination of the Subject Tests. My daughter took the SAT in the fall, and we thought that she was done with standardized testing. However, we were wondering about whether it would be beneficial to take a handful of subject tests. Luckily, the decision was made for us!

We are not trying to fine tune our list of colleges to which my daughter will be applying. With all of the craziness of this school year (constantly in and our of in-person learning), applying to college has been a bright spot!

Thought Iā€™d re-post the above here.


Just saw that Penn State announced last week they are also staying test optional for the class of 2022.

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@packacards , yes, looks like March 15 will be the day for in-person high school here. There has been no in person public school in our district since early last March (though most of the rest of our state has been open.) Our district started bringing special needs and K-3 back this month. 4-8 will happen in Feb, then high school. My daughter switched to a homeschool charter for the year, so she only has one class at the public school once in-person begins.

So many colleges will be test optional, that I think it wonā€™t be a terrible thing if one doesnā€™t get in an SAT. That said, if a kid is good at the test, would be valuable to have that score, for sure. I see that people have posted about Penn State and Columbiaā€™s test optional policy. Cornell will be test optional next year too. Still hoping my daughter can get in another SAT and get her score up.

Update, ankle surgery done a couple days ago. I am a little drugged, so I probably should not be posting on the internet, lol