Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Yes, that does make sense. While we don’t have interesting English classes, we do have some electives here that I wish my kids would take, just to have them. But so far, they are taking more academic things instead. S22 is in the IB diploma program, so he has only room for 2 electives next year as it is. He didn’t have any this year. It makes it hard.

We have the limited AP thing, too. None first two years unless you are already in AP Calculus. My kid has a strong interest/background in another area and we asked if he could take that AP sophomore year and it was a hard no. He has two APs as a junior and will have to get special permission to take four next year (one is AP Human Geo, which is just a one semester course and is supposed to be pretty easy). His school doesn’t offer AP English, so he will have two great one semester electives (one semester has to be Shakespeare). He will also have AP Calc, AP Spanish, and AP Euro.

One piece of advice for those who haven’t done this before: DS’s school says to expect that the application process is the work of another FT class. That was our experience with our oldest, too. He is taking 6 academic classes this year, but will ramp back to five next year.

Interesting. Our S16 was never on our card. He had a checking account and a debit card with B of A. He deposited all his summer intern money in the checking account and when he approached BofA for a CC he got it on the spot. CS student at Stanford.

Ours was applying to Chase, where we have a card. I suspect different banks have different criteria. I do think that having an account where you are applying helps. We bank elsewhere.

Just a clarification - S21 usually means son graduating in 2021. If he’s a Junior, is he S22?

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Yes, a credit card application still depends on income. My D was rejected after Sophomore year with a minimum wage summer job but also got a Discover card after Junior year with an engineering internship.

But a 780-800+ initial FICO will certainly help when she applies for additional cards with her new job/salary. And later in life.

Interestingly, our school only caps the amount of weighted GPA credit one can receive, and it’s at the equivalent (honors counts 1/2 as much, DE 3/4 as much as an AP) of 3 APs Freshman year, 4.5 APs Sophomore year, and 6 APs Junior and Senior years. Because of our goofy additive weighting process, kids used to “self-study” easier DE and AP course in the GPA/class rank race. They introduced the cap with my D’s class of 2022.

Yes. It’s been a long week! He’s 2022.

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As my son was picking his classes for next year, we realized he only has 0.5 ( 1/2 ) credit in fine arts- his school requires a year of fine or applied arts or a combo of the two. Other than the University of California schools, does anyone know where I could find a list of schools that require a year of fine arts?

Wake Forest’s videos were spectacular. My S22 was very impressed. Less so with Cornell’s but we were able to drive there over the summer and walk around campus (their website at the time said visitors were welcome to go on self-guided outdoor tours, not sure if that’s still the case). It’s now his number 1 choice – probably bc it’s the only one we’ve actually visited!


I wish I could give you a more certain answer but after a year plus college researching with my D21, the UC schools were the only ones we came across with that requirement. Schools don’t usually seem to want to cause additional effort for students because of equity concerns - UCs are just in a category unto themselves the way they do things.

So far I see Ohio state and university of South Carolina have the same requirement
I don’t they are as stringent as the U California schools

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And POOF! S22’s March 13 SAT has been canceled. It is hard as hell to get an SAT here in the San Francisco Bay Area. May have to hope for more schools going test optional this fall.

Our school in the Bay Area has cancelled the March 13 SAT as well. But our PTA has successfully persuaded the school district to plan a SAT School Day in April for each high school in the district so students can take a SAT at their own schools during a weekday. You can ask your school/district if they are willing to do that.

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I am sorry! Especially if a lot of prep has been involved. A lot of colleges have already announced they are continuing Test Optional so you will probably be fine!

We are targeting the April 13 in-school date on the hopes that the teachers (who will be the proctors) are vaccinated by then.


Thanks all. Next SAT he’s registered for: May 8 in San Francisco proper. Fingers crossed, although his three AP exams all fall in the week before that date. All getting real.


I hope they can make that one work but that will be one busy month for him! I know things are stricter in CA but I would like them to have a plan to make it happen if things are getting better!!

My S22 was signed up for June 5, which is the last NMS qualifying date and then we found out that the ARML math competition is the same day, I wish they hadn’t done that.

But I am just going to enjoy the fact that he doesn’t have fit in Subject Tests, as well!!


Yes, ARML is on an SAT test day five of every seven years, given their “first Saturday after Memorial Day” date. We projected it out several years ago, took one Subject Test in May and worked around the rest.

We’re also glad Subject Tests were cancelled, as my D had one left and taking it in May with a heavy AP schedule this year would have been tough.


Thank you, I didn’t know the logic of the timing!! My S22 will be happy to be able to go in person next year (hopefully, ha!) even if it’s around graduation since has only been able to go his freshman year in person. Does your kid go to Vegas or are you east? Eta: wait, should I take the Pitt as a hint? :joy:

Sorry to hear of more cancellations. Hopefully you’ll get in for an exam or most schools will be test optional again next year. I know some of the emails that S22 has received have said test optional is continuing.

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As of now, D’s March SAT test site appears to be open. Would they cancel closer to the date, or do you think we are ok if it hasn’t been cancelled by now?