Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Don’t think I can share the link – it’s just for his high school.

If you want to do a virtual college fair there are some good ones. Not sure I can link but just go to “virtual college fairs” dot org. There are a lot coming up. We did one in the fall and I think it was helpful. They have some live sessions with different colleges and some prerecorded content.

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Good luck to him!


NYU is the #3 “dream school” in a 2021 student survey by Princeton Review.

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That’s a list highly dependent on population. Everyone in NYC wants to go to NYU or Columbia. Everyone in CA wants to go to Stanford or UCLA. Everyone in TX wants to go to UT-Austin. So of course those are “most popular.” Then you have the always popular Ivies and MIT.

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NYU is surprisingly popular from here in San Francisco. A few years ago I looked at what colleges were most popular with students from different private high schools. Of course the UC’s were big. But NYU typically was a top 10 destination for these San Francisco kids. Think it’s the New York City attraction.


No doubt. I keep trying to get a kid interested in Fordham and its NMF full tuition scholarship, so I can go visit and eat/shop/theatre. No luck so far though. I discourage NYU, because then I’d have no money left to visit. :slight_smile:


College Board has a virtual college fair by region, different dates for each region Big Future Days. The one that included Texas was supposed to be earlier but they had to postpone it because a lot of kids signed up to do it right before and they pushed it back because there was so much demand, that’s what they said, anyway. So if your kiddo is interested, register soon so they know who to expect.


The Coalition had many very good virtual college fairs during the cycle for the 2021s.


Of the schools S22 checked out at last night’s college fair, NYU and Cooper Union are definitely in the lead. Skidmore is a definite no, and he said Syracuse just seemed like a larger Skidmore. He seemed sort of meh on UC Irvine, and I don’t think he wants to go out to California, but it might stay in the mix. Glad he was excited and engaged about NYU and Cooper, though. He got to have a good conversation with the Cooper rep because there was no one else at that virtual booth until the very end. NYU was swamped, of course, but he liked what he heard. Very different experiences, given that Cooper has only three majors and admits just 25 a year to the architecture program, while NYU is the largest private university in the country. But he said NYU doesn’t feel overwhelmingly large to him because it’s a fully urban campus, and he’s so comfortable in the city. We’ll see, but I think the fair was definitely worthwhile.

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D has been chosen for a summer internship at U Penn’s gene therapy institute! It will be on line but I’m so glad she will have a real world experience in science. She applied to SSI but this was her first choice. She is really happy and so are we.


Congratulations! That sounds amazing!

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Congrats, @songbirdmama!

I took S22 to apply for his learner’s permit this afternoon. The Covid protocols, with advance appointments required, made everything go remarkably smoothly—we were in and out in 20 minutes or so. He took one last practice SAT when we got back and got his best score yet, so hopefully that bodes well for tomorrow. Best of luck to everyone who’s taking it!


Wow! Congrats on the permit, and a short wait in the DMV. Fingers crossed the stars are aligned for all our kids tomorrow!

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Any feedback on the Saturday SAT, from kids who took it? My S22 said it went fine, although there was an unexpected additional math section. He said the students asked if it was experimental and the proctor said it counted. Anyone else get that? Though it was a surprise, he said the actual content was nothing he couldn’t handle.

Our D was told that the extra section was experimental. Some had an extra math others had extra verbal section. Who knows.

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I would guess my S’s was experimental too, and the proctor went too far in trying to tell the kids to take it seriously.

My daughter felt the reading was hard and the calculator math section was easier than her practice tests.

Her extra section was also reading and they are indeed experimental.

We’re hoping the test optional trend continues lol

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D thought it was fine all around. Had extra time after every section. Was surprised by the experimental section, though. Made for a longer than expected morning! I read somewhere that results are generally available within two weeks. Is this true?

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The 5th section in the SAT is always experimental, for College Board to test new questions for future tests, can be of any type, and never factors into a student’s score.

The consensus on r/SAT is that the Math section was easier than the average practice test/QAS used for preparation but the Reading passages were more difficult than normal.

Results will be available March 26th.

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