Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Well we’ve officially closed the tour book and nailed down D22s 11 schools. I think we still need another safety so this may grow by 1-2 but out of ideas frankly.

Delaware, Duquesne, Temple, Pitt, Clemson, Scranton, U of SC, JMU, and super reaches UVA, Villanova and UMiami


That’s great! Nice to have a solid list.

My D doesn’t make a lot of sense with her list. She doesn’t like Delaware because “ it’s in the middle of nowhere” but is interested in Clemson. Delaware has an Amtrak station on campus with trains to Philly, Baltimore or D.C. Clemson seems much more remote to me. I am mostly going along with her choices.


I don’t know how long ago your first child applied to the UCs but the Activity/Awards section has changed. They allow up to 20 activities and ask for a short paragraph or two about each one. For example, they ask for a paragraph about the place of employment/volunteer org/award org and then another paragraph about your job title/volunteer responsibilities/what you did to earn the award, etc.

Don’t leave that section for the last minute as it is a good place to sell yourself. Writing those short paragraphs about all he/she has done might provide inspiration for the larger essays. It might also point out that he/she said enough in the Activities/Awards section and doesn’t need to repeat it in a PIQ.

UCSB has some good tutorial videos for students. This counselor video is long but might be worth watching as well.


UVA is gorgeous! It was one of the final 2 schools for my son, but he ultimately chose Michigan since their Engineering is a lot stronger, but as a whole the school and it’s history is wow something else. Beautiful.

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How much summer work does your kid have? It seems like summer is just a continuation of school for D22. Lengthy math and chem packets, 2 novels and 1 psychology book to read. It’s a lot on top of summer activities (9-2 every day until end of July) and college search/essays! D22 is feeling burnt out from all the work! Just wanted to vent. Sorry…


I agree- I am not even sure he has started his AP Physics assignments yet. He works 4 days a week, swims for his club at 6am, and takes a Python class at the community college. I understand he needs downtime, but I don’t think he realizes it’s harder to do college apps in the fall when school starts.


Miami University in Oxford. Alabama, Seton Hall, Dayton.

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Yes Clemson much more isolated than Udel. From Pittsburgh were we live it is basically a 10 hour drive. Nearest Target is 30 minute drive. But is is a great little college town and of course nice weather, the lakes and the awesome sports teams.


We’ve heard conflicting input from different colleges in the COVID effect section. My S21 listed the internship for a major corp that was canceled on him, as well as AMC comp, and talked about what he did instead of that. It will not hurt to you to fill that out whether you have something substantial or not so don’t stress.

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Whoa! That is a lot. I thought the kids were supposed to get a break in the summer. S22 only has one novel to read for English, which he hasn’t even opened yet. Seems like your school has much higher academic expectations!


I downloaded last year’s distribution and have a spreadsheet comparing them to this year’s distribution, so I’m comparing this year to last year. I can’t speak to what he may be looking at/comparing.

I know that my D’s USH class did not get to the entire last module before the exam (taken at the regular time, not the later offerings), so lack of coverage certainly is one factor. There may be many. The test definition does say a much smaller portion of the test would be on the last topic, she said there was only a single question on it, and she was able to answer it just from general knowledge/common sense/maybe 9th grade USH.

D just finished her online Honors Physics course, as Fast Paced HS Physics at CTY was cancelled the last two years and she registered for AP Physics C this fall. So I emailed her the document where I downloaded all of the essay prompts/questions. Plus a list of schools that have ever appeared on our lists, with due dates, number of essays, number of recommendations, avg SATs, admission rates, etc.

Hopefully we can skinny down the list, maybe identify a few for a trip over the next few weeks, and she can start on essays, before Band Camp starts (every day for three weeks before schools starts). I’m hoping she soon realizes how quickly those October deadlines will be upon us. “Early” deadlines are becoming expected deadlines for CS programs at several schools. (“Admission at in-demand programs may be capacity constrained after the early deadline”)


Ah that makes sense. He’s been looking at what Trevor Packer has been posting. For example APUSH AP U.S. History Exam: 2021 Results – All Access | College Board

Here’s a list of all the distributions out so far AP 2021 Scores Posts- All Access

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Thanks. I think Miami of OH is really hard for nursing too if I am not mistaken but I’ll investigate some more. NJ is out for her too. I feel like Duquesne and JMU(not direct admit) are probably safe, and Temple is likely, but ya just never know.

This is how I’m feeling too. Band camp starts in a week and it’s not daily, but a few days a week most weeks and then 4 nights away from home. School will be here soon and everything else will ramp up. I’m worried there just won’t be time and that he has no clue!

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S22 is back home from Rose-Hulman Operation Catapult, and he really enjoyed it. His project team built a cool, simple video game. He embraced trying lots of the activities. All in all a good time. Rose does a great job with this camp, and it’s one of the few in-person opportunities this summer.

He now has a week off before starting his summer job, a counselor with a STEM camp for middle schoolers. Unfortunately, that job means he’ll miss our trip to Massachusetts. Wife and I are considering a tour of WPI (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) on our own while out there.


S22 also had fun at Operation Catapult and would recommend it! He thought having the professors there helping and teaching was great. He learned quite a bit and had a good time with all the activities. He thought the dorms were okay, but the showers were small and not very good. I think he came away with more interest in the college thing in general, which was my hope.


My daughter is now 5th in a class of 550+ Students (Top 1%)
Unfortunately, she won’t be NMF (213 was her score)
By UTA, yes I meant UT Austin (Learnt from my daughter that UTA was UT Arlington and I need to get used to the lingo before commenting on forums :smiley: )


Another question as my daughter’s High School starts in 1 month.
Currently, she is enrolled in Spanish 3 (AP class 6.0) for Senior Year, but is having 2nd thoughts after speaking with AO at one of her dream schools who mentioned to her that when looking at applications for Pre-Med, they are looking at students who are taking more courses on the Stem side.
She is now thinking of dropping Spanish 3 and taking Medical Microbiology (On Level class 4.0)
She is 100% going to Pre-Med.
I personally feel she would have a much higher GPA if she took Spanish 3, but after talking to the AO she feels that taking the Medical Microbiology class will show colleges of her firm interest in the Pre-Med area.
I am at a loss as to what to advise her.