Parents of the HS Class of 2022

I mostly got excited about Purdue being safety :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I will report back sometime January/February, how accurate this prediction was

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We got them too now, 2 down, 2 more to go sometime by August 16
 Somehow she managed to get 5 on her AP English Lang. Well, by her own admission if she doesn’t take any more English classes in college (or ever), she is not going to be devastated :crazy_face:

Good luck to all!!


S22 just did ok on his APs. About what he expected for Spanish (Spanish program is really weak at his HS) but wanted to do a bit better in Latin (which is quite strong at his HS).


You won’t be able to tell because the outcome is either 100% (acceptance) or 0% (rejection/deferreal), nothing in betwen. In any event, my prediction is that admission chances to many of the more desirable colleges will be even lower in the upcoming cycle than the last because many of these colleges have exprienced higher-than-normal yields and overenrollment this past cycle.

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Thanks Orangefish. Will definitely check out that podcast. We are from MA so not sure if an all southern school would a good fit for him or not but I think he does want to try something new.

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Good luck to everyone on the APs. Son got a 4 on both AP lang and APUSH and will be very happy with that result.


I guess for us “accurate” will be either she got in or not for her system calculated “safeties”. So going for 100% or nothing :slight_smile:

I agree that admission to these overenrolled colleges will be more competitive than ever. Good thing D22 only needs 1 out of 6 acceptances. Choices would be great, but I am sure she will manage in any college she ends up.


D22 scored very well on her AP tests: calculus BC, psychology, and English language and composition - earning 5 on all.


S22 got a 1 in CS and says “everyone else he asked got a 1.” Maybe he needs smarter friends.
Got a 4 in English and couple 3s so only some potential English credit.


Just received a 2 in AP Physics 1. All other AP exams are 3 or 4. Not sure if I even submit this 2 in Physics? Is it going to decrease my chances of getting in?

College Vine doesn’t take major into account. It lists CMU (17% accept rate, 730/780) as a match for my D, as it doesn’t consider that she’s applying to SCS (6% accept rate, 770/800). And has both UIUC and Washington (with it’s sub-3% OOS CS acceptance) as Safeties.

It’s also optimistic in general - says Stanford is her only Reach - not MIT, not Caltech, not Princeton. Ummm, no.

Purdue’s admittance hurdles are much higher for Engineering and CS than the rest of the University.

(And D picked up four more AP 5’s - BC, Chem, Lang, USH, so it’s a good day)


Where do you find the breakdowns by major?

I would only submit 4s or 5s unless the college asks for them as proof that you took the AP class.

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Is it weird to just submit some AP scores?

I wouldn’t submit anything below a 3. You’re not even required to take the exam. There are kids at our school who don’t want to spend the money on it. I don’t think that’s particularly widespread, but I’m fairly certain that schools aren’t surprised when they don’t get a score for an AP exam assuming it wasn’t strong.

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All 5s here :slight_smile: even the dreaded Physics C E&M. S22 may now get his wish of never ever taking another physics class again :wink:


Purdue significantly over-enrolled this year, and have almost 2500 freshman without housing that they have to put in apartments further out or in converted study rooms with 10 kids/each. My friend sending her son there is thrilled he’s in a living learning community so he’s not affected by that issue, but someone in the Michigan group with twins and one going there said people are furious. So keep in mind that it’ll be interesting to see if schools like Purdue (and many others in similar boat) hold back from accepting so many during EA next year, or just accept smaller classes to compensate for the too large of freshman classes coming in.

It’s affected many schools and students and it’s been hard to watch.

You’re in Texas, right?

Yep, in Texas. With SAT at 1300, okay grades, couple Cs in math, only calculus AB this year, solid rigor and leadership, S22 is looking at Purdue engineering as quite a reach. Also visiting Wisconsin where you have to place into engineering (same as Purdue). Great school otherwise but on expensive side since OOS. Florida is another reach and FSU (study abroad, then in-state) is good but concerned about engineering rank. He will retake SAT but it’s the same score as PSAT. UT engineering is not gonna happen and isn’t interested in A&M.

Have you looked at RIT, RPI and WPI? All solid engineering programs and most likely a match with your son’s stats. I can’t speak to cost, but I know some merit is available at all.

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