Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Do colleges even know what the scores of their TO admitted students are? I would go by their enrolled students data.

But I agree that it’s all very confusing.

I don’t think last year’s test score data are useful with inconsistent reporting and lack of disclosure. If I were you, I’d look at the data from the prior years to gauge whether or not to submit test scores.


Purdue, Wash U, Rose Hulman and others are overenrolled.

Meanwhile, Georgia is still combing through its 500 person WL to admit a few more to get to its ~5800 freshman target. There are some frustrated people on the WL but Georgia has the brand to have people hang on, especially in state. 2021 Wait List Update - UGA Undergraduate Admissions

@homerdog Thank you! This is all great information. My S22 has Loyola Marymount on his list and it’s good to know they are willing to give merit aid even without test scores. Though from your D21’s college list, I’m guessing she had better GPA/ECs than my S22.

Is there a list of over-enrolled universities this year somewhere?


If you are interested in merit from LMU, make sure you apply early.

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This shouldn’t be a big issue yet, as the 20-21 CDS is the latest available, some schools haven’t even released those, and the number of TO schools was much smaller. And those that were are well known and have a history as TO - it doesn’t include pandemic-driven TO.

When 21-22 CDS start coming out next Spring, they may be nearly useless. The 25-75% will be the 25-75% of the students who submitted because they were above the 50% of the previous CDS. So more like 65-90%. Didn’t NYU already release some silly number like a 1540 SAT “average”?

The 2023 HS graduating class will have data issues. The 2022 class should use the current CDS/IPEDS data (if they want to use data), not anything schools release about the latest class.


Here it is…1540 mean….


A bit disingenuous not to mention the percentage that submitted SAT scores. That said, NYU has done a phenomenal job over the last few years of balancing full pay students with funds for Pell and lower income applicants.


Yes, a foreshadowing of the challenges 2023 grads will face when trying to evaluate data. CC should be interesting a year from now.

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Also, U of Denver gives great merit. Nice campus in south Denver.


I would love to know this as well!

Hi guys…not sure how long it’s been since I posted, probably over a month. I’m going to post before I go back and read all the replies…times like these, I wish we had a way to have threaded discussions in here!

We just got back from a mega-college trip, visiting colleges in three different areas, and hitting a few tourist sites too. We live geographically distant, and the plan to do a few more reasonable trips over a longer period of time was thwarted by a broken ankle last winter. This served the purpose though, I think. D22 is more motivated now and has a better idea about what she might want.

She’s currently doing some intensive study for one last go at the SAT on August 28th…this time with feeling :wink: Hard to know whether it is worth the extra time and effort, but there did seem to be some indication during the visits that a decent score would be useful for certain scholarships, and she likely can go higher.

OH! She got a 5 on Eng Lang, so that was exciting.

And senior year sports have started. She told me today that she and one other girl have declared themselves cross country team captains. Interesting since she’s generally a C-team runner :wink: There will be a vote, so the kingdom may not hold for long


@backbeat1 I’m right there with you. D22 has two older sisters…one was very high stats with all sorts of extracurrics and awards, and the other one had an interesting application because she was quirky. This third daughter is very smart, but, in her words, “basic.” This is an entirely new ball game, though I feel like I know a lot about the college search process at this point :slight_smile:


Which colleges stood out for you and your student?

Hi all, have enjoyed scrolling through the posts from everyone. So much to educate myself on and try to remember for DD!

DD has her hopes on TO - SEC or bigger football school. We toured over April Break - JMU, USC, App State, UT, College of Charleston. She liked UT the most. We live in Massachusetts and just had her tour URI but she is head-strong and really wants a southern school (we are originally from the south, her roots are Georgia/Texas).

So, we are aiming for LSU, University of Oklahoma, maybe Ole Miss, Miss State, maybe OSU, and maybe UCF (Florida).

She is regular stat kiddo 3.3 - 3.4 gpa, working since summer of 8th grade and many ECs, etc even with Covid. Aiming for a lower COA school from the get-go as you can see from the list since we have a kiddo already in college at MSU.

She did take ACT/SAT and unfortunately, she did not test well at all, she has pretty severe test anxiety. She did take tutoring courses as well. I don’t intend to have her do them again.

And right behind her is her little brother who will be a Junior this year. He just had a great leadership week at Mass Maritime Academy and we are optimistic he will still want to apply next year.

Next week we are jumping into common app and essays. Fun - fun!


You might like to join the Parents of the HS Class of 2022- 3.0-3.4 thread.

Is UT Texas or Tennessee? App State does love football. She could also look at East Carolina. Big football culture there.

S22 started filling out an application to U of Alabama. We picked that one to start with because we had read that it was simple and straight-foward. I think it’s changed. He has most fields filled out, but we are wondering if opting out of “additional information” is okay. It’s after the activity section where it asks for a list of activities, jobs, leadership. He listed everything, but didn’t give detailed descriptions. Any thoughts? Does he need extra details in the descriptions? Does he need to do the “additional information” section? It does not require an essay anywhere, so it has us wondering a bit!

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If he has already included details about what makes him A Stand-out Candidate to be part of the Class of 2026, then he doesn’t need the Additional Information section.

However, if he needs to showcase what makes him A Stand-out Candidate, then he needs the Additional Information section.

Thanks. The spots for ECs, awards, volunteering, etc just say to list them, so he did. Maybe he should include more info than just a list. I don’t know what additional information he’d include. We will give it more thought!

I had hoped it was a quick one to get the first application out of the way and to just take pressure off starting. Guess not.