Parents of the HS Class of 2023 3.0-3.4

Visiting Oregon private schools starting tomorrow: Wilamette, Lewis and Clark and U of Portland. My daughter wants to stay in Pac NW but considering two schools in LA area (Whittier and Laverne). She seems to really want to continue competitive Irish Dance.
She also has the SAT coming up in August. She will probably wind up being a stronger Gpa/weaker test score applicant. Maybe the fact that many schools are not considering test scores will help her? She could always surprise me though.
Flying back from Chicago now and a week ago was in NE. Long ways from Seattle!


Also, it was really nice with my older Daughter having EA acceptances. Nice that some of your kids have Super early acceptances!

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Just looking for thoughts on some schools my son should look at. DS23 is a bit over this range at 3.45w/3.79uw but he struggles with ADHD (ā€œemptyā€ 504) and itā€™s gone up and down, no idea how he will end up. I saw some posts here about schools with good academic support and I think that would be great for him. He tests terribly and his ACT is low so we are looking at mainly TO schools. His rank is also at the bottom of his class, around bottom 27%, they report exact (a top public school in NC). He has taken predominantly all honors classes, 2 APs (good grades, bad test scores), and will take 3 DE senior year. He is pretty sure he is interested in a sports degree but whether admin, management, marketing, broadcasting specifically he is still unsure. Heā€™s done well in his business and marketing classes at his school thus far. I feel like schools where this degree is not in a business school might be better for him application wise. He doesnā€™t really care whether it is city or more rural as long as it has access to good internships and has sports teams he can root for, he likes tradition. He doesnā€™t really care about size but leans toward a bit larger school rather than very small. He has visited App State and Univ of MN TC and he loved both. MN will be a reach, App is a target according to his schoolā€™s scattergram. He did not like UNC-W or Winthrop. He is interested in Coastal Carolina (target), Univ of SC (reach), and University of Louisville (may require test), but has not visited those (yet). Just looking for more ideas of schools to look at for him, Iā€™d say looking for more schools east of the Mississippi lol. He is the second kid, DS19 is starting his last year at UNC-CH (Linguistics) but they are very different kids with very different interests so looking at completely different things than we did before so feel like Iā€™m starting over. Thx!

Depending on your budget, High Point University could be a great option. Sadly, I do not think you will find a lot of support at public unis. Greensboro College is another one Iā€™d look at. I donā€™t know if you are in the RDU area or not but noting your son is DE, the CPP program is fantastic.
Like you, I have two diametrically opposite kids. The struggle is real! Hang in there. We are here to help and support one another.


Thanks! We will look at both. We are in the Charlotte area. This kid will take a couple DE this coming year as he wasnā€™t interested until now, he did some APs. The older kid did CCP most of his junior and senior year and took zero APs but definitely got a jump on classes, and is grad a year early. So funny how different they all are!

Iowa State has really good support.

Itā€™s test optional and you can look at their admission index right on the website and figure out if heā€™ll get an auto admit. Even if he goes into the ā€œholistic processā€, turnaround is quick. He can apply as early as now and I donā€™t believe they need an essay. Might be nice to have one in his pocket early in the cycle. (And if heā€™s accepted, itā€™s a really ā€œfunā€ acceptance. ( A personalized video, but donā€™t ruin the surprise for him by telling him)

We just came back from UMN and ISU. My son did prefer the location of UMN, but in terms of the school itself, really liked both. ISU has TONS of spirit and traditions. When walking around Ames we noticed that about 70% of the people we saw were wearing some kind of ISU mech. Young, old, even in the summer without students around, didnā€™t matter. The city of Ames is all about ISU. After he got his acceptance we even received a congrats letter from Ames talking about the city/school partnership. ISU took a lot of time at their Experience Iowa day to meet with kids by major and go over what their schedule would look like, gave suggestions based on what they were interested in, and talked about study abroad and internship opportunities. My son was looking at the School of Ag and Life Science and it was very personalized. It might be a bit more general in some of the bigger schools.


Thanks! Sounds great, but I donā€™t believe they have a sports undergrad degree but we will look!

Not often suggested on CC, but Georgia Southern Univ may be worth a look. Data point of oneā€¦ my cousin graduated there with a sports marketing type degree. He was involved in sports broadcasting while on campus and GSU has a ton of spirit. He has been successful in his career working for a couple universities in development (most recently UVA), which involves close interaction and travel with the athletics dept/teams.


Xavier might be perfect.

Also look at Mercyhurst.


Oh, thatā€™s great! Thank you, weā€™ll take a look, that one never crossed our radar!

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Sorry youā€™re going to be here during this heatwave, itā€™s going to make it challenging to get a feel for the outdoor campus areas! Good luck with your visits :slight_smile:

NC mom popping in from the 2022 3.0-3.4 thread ā€” Elon would be good for him if itā€™s in budget. Itā€™s not a huge D1 sports school like UNC or State or even App but they do have lots of sports and a very well-regarded communications department and I think they do a good job of taking care of their kids. When I have been on campus it looked very nice and I thought their placement/internship department looked excellent. Hereā€™s their page about sports management: Elon University / Sport Management . Elon is not my kidsā€™ speed (Doc Martin wearing punks that hate sports), but sounds like it might be perfect for yours. Most people who go there seem to really love it. Parents too. (I would not recommend High Point, personally. Read too much about that place.)

If he wants to go big Western Carolina or ECU might be worth a look. I donā€™t imagine they hold your hand as much as Elon, but he should get in both easily.


@H20resqdogs I second the recommendation to consider Xavier in Cincinnati. S21 just finished his freshman year. He is majoring in Sports Management. Itā€™s not in the business school but rather part of their Health and Sciences. That said, at Xavier you donā€™t have to apply with a declared major anyway. My son does not have ADHD, but he does have some minor LDs. Xavier has a strong support system - all students are assigned both an advisor and a ā€œsuccessā€ coach. In addition to that, if needed, they also have a Disability Services office for students with documented disabilities.

My son does not test well so he applied test optional. His GPA was 3.4 (not weighted as he took all CP courses, and maybe just one honors course, no APs). We figured since he was an ā€œaverageā€ student he wouldnā€™t get much/any merit aid, so we were shocked at how much he ended up getting. They were also generous with a variety of smaller grants for random things like $1000 if you came to an Prospective/Admitted Students event, etc. All are renewable annually. He even won $1000 grant for this coming year merely for attending an on campus event to talk about transitioning into Freshman year. We were very impressed with everything - his admissions officer, the personalized treatment, the genuinely friendly people, academic support, etc. It also helps, for any sports obsessed kid like mine, that their basketball team is nationally ranked (missed March Madness this year but won the NIT, a consolation prize). He had a blast going to games. I was nervous how heā€™d do academically being away from home, but he ended up with all As and Bs both semesters. When he struggled a few times, his professors were very approachable and helpful during office hours, and he also had free tutoring for one of his courses. All in all, we were very impressed with the supportive environment and he canā€™t wait to get back to campus in a few weeks.

From the financial side, it ended up being the least expensive option for us, outside of our state schools (we live in MD). Total cost was only a few thousand more than our in-state publics.


My friendā€™s son goes to that school and they absolutely love it. His take is that the level of service and coaching the kid gets is worth the price tag. Elon does really well in that category too but might be a reach for our kids.

My daughter is planning on applying to Elon, she has a 3.6 UW GPA and will be test optional. Itā€™s really hard to tell what the stats are for who Elon accepts, and the AO at our info session made it seem like everyone is a 4.0 student and itā€™s super competitive. The admission percentages donā€™t really show that though.

My other personal complaint about Elon is that they really hiked the tuition this year after my daughter decided to apply. It was already coming in at the top of the budget and now is probably too expensive for her to attend. Sheā€™s applying to High Point as well, and it actually comes in less expensive on the Net Price Calculator. I guess weā€™ll see.

I donā€™t think Elon is a big reach for a 3.45w/3.79uw. Looking at the Common Data Set 35% of students have a 3.74 or less GPA coming out of high school. About 11% have a 3.5-3.74, 10% have 3.25-3.49, 7.5% have 3.0-3.24, 6% have 2.5-2.99. The 25th percentile for SAT is 1160 and 25th percentile for ACT is 25. The 75th percentiles are 1310 and 30 respectively, but it is test optional. Elon accepts about 70-75% of applicants (USNews says 72%). I think Elon is a good target for this student.

Good thread on High Point here. I would not have let my kids go there and I would pretty much let them go anywhere. Too creepy about the founderā€™s son and the death on campus, and it just seems like a finishing school, ā€œThe Premier Life Skills Universityā€ rather than an actual university.

Elon is a good school. Not my kidsā€™ speed, but a good school. I also like ECU and WCU and UNC-C and UNC-G. Campbell might be worth a look. Way too conservative for my kids, but itā€™s got a pretty solid reputation.

Also wanted to add that Elon was a pretty popular choice in the 2022 3.0-3.4 thread. I think itā€™s well worth applying for this GPA bracket.

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I cannot figure out how Elon recalculates their GPA. Presidential scholars have 4.89 GPA but only 1307 SAT? I know that HPU is a very conservative school with a country club Republican vibe. I do know that their career office is pretty good and the kids get a ton of support from professors. I do agree that the president is a bit too much!

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Thanks for the input!!

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Thank you, we will look!

I really appreciate all the information! Definitely going to look at Xavier!