Parents of the HS Class of 2023 3.0-3.4

Thanks! We know more about Elon but I’ll check out the High Point thread, I really don’t know anything about that school.

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Thanks, we go to Portland somewhat frequently so not the end of the world. Pretty hot in Seattle atm as well.

Hi, one school that I have heard of a few times that is great with support is St. Joseph U in Philly. My older son goes to Elon, it is great, but he is not in need of any support services. They do have a sports communication program I believe.

I personally think that small to mid sized schools are much better for kids who need more support.



These are a few schools that I would take a look at:

  • Bradley (IL)
  • Butler (IN): Indianapolis
  • DePaul (IL): Chicago
  • Duquesne (PA ): Pittsburgh
  • Ithaca (NY)
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Thank you!!

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So funny thing. I sat down with DS23 today and showed him the list all of you suggested (thank you) and he was so surprised Iowa State was on there, as he had heard about it from some friends but didn’t think we’d agree to somewhere that far (we are in NC). OK, teenage thinking I guess as he and his father flew to Univ of MN TC to visit in Jan so I’m not sure how he thinks Iowa would be out of the question LOL. Anyway, he applied to Iowa State tonight for Communications (he is interested in sports management but he comes back to communications a lot as well) and was accepted and is excited to go visit. He still wants to research and visit other schools (he seemed quite interested in Xavier) but I was a bit surprised by his utter relief of somewhere accepting him. He’s generally a confident kids so sometimes it’s hard to remember that while I have no doubt he will find his place somewhere, that these kids are going into their senior year not necessarily thinking the same way. My DS19 at UNC-CH is also currently applying to grad school for Speech Language Pathology which generally has a pretty low acceptance rate so now I’m trying to convince him he will get in somewhere as well! So stressful for them all! Thank you all for the suggestions!!


We have a handful of students who end up at Iowa State and U of Iowa each year. I have heard nothing but great things!



Congratulations! The first acceptance really lessens the stress level.

Add my voice to the consider Elon tribe. My son (S22) really liked the supports at the school and the career office is particularly strong. (He chose another college but Elon was among the final contenders.)


FWIW, Elon has a Sports Management major or minor and it’s in the School of Communications rather than the business school but they emphasize internships and “experiential learning.” They also have a Sports Management, LLC where freshmen with that interest could live together.

My D is an incoming freshman (different major and no ADHD) and we have been very impressed with the school’s organization and communication. My D has met some very nice and friendly kids so far.


I just took a looked at University of Iowa. If he got into one, he should get into the other with no problem. Looks like they have Sports Management. Might as well visit both while you are in the area.

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We never visited Elon, but I’m going to guess that it has a strong program for kids with ADHD. My son attends a school for kids with LDs and Elon is the hot school right now. I think there are 4 kids attending from this year’s graduating class of about 75 kids. College counseling tends to steer kids toward where they know they will be successful and that’s often based on previous students who have attended.


Application season about to kick off and I’m both excited and nervous. S23 is working on his personal statement. Hoping to have applications in before school starts in a month. While I know there is loads of time, it feels like it’s a race to get things in. The earlier in, hopefully the earlier he hears back. Rolling admissions and all.


Don’t want to horn in on your group, but just popping in from the 2022 3.0-3.4 thread, please feel free to come over there with any questions or concerns. Fall of senior year is an exciting and sometimes stressful time and we’re a pretty friendly group of parents of B students with some experience to share.

Y’all can do it! And your kids will do great!


Will do, thanks!

Well, no movement here. We are still trying to pull together a trip to New England to look at some colleges but our schedules are not working together to find a good week this August.
D23 takes the SAT at the end of August. Her regular math tutor is coming once a week this month to get her in the zone - not a ton of prep but I don’t want her to walk into it completely cold. She did take a prep class through HS last year, I don’t think it helped her much, though. She is working a ton at a very busy restaurant and having a great summer with her friends - I think her most fun summer ever, and that makes me really happy. But I still want to get her out to look at some schools and get some applications in early this fall…I know she will be fine where ever she ends up. So far on her list - Suffolk University, Bryant University, Johnson & Wales, U of New Hampshire. We are in NJ and I’d like her to find at least one state school that she can stomach. Or a PA state school like West Chester, since that is not much more expensive than in-state here.
Regarding High Point University…I think it’s a fine school for a certain type of kid. The school seems very focused on bringing kids up to the next level and I think for a lot of kids - who might have been made to feel in high school that they were not “enough” to be successful - that kind of development/attention/environment can be really warm, wonderful, and life changing. But then for other kids - it might feel like a cult. :slight_smile: I can’t hate on it. Every kid needs something different.


My D didn’t want to take the August SAT and I don’t have much hope for prep this summer. When I went on the CB website to sign her up for October, she was offered another spot in the digital SAT study for September. I went ahead with that but we haven’t yet received her scores from the digital SAT in April. I might just consider another digital SAT practice, even if scores won’t come back in time to be helpful. This time the test is in a higher crime area, I think. So I will hope for the best but if things look rough as the date draws near, I might re-evaluate. But some kids have to go there everyday and manage, so I feel bad about that.

Almost all of the colleges D is interested in are safeties, but I would like the highest merit possible.

Are you concerned that the testing center will be run poorly because of its location? Or that your daughter will be harmed during the test?

It’s really just getting to the location, parking, and that kind of thing. I’m sure it will be fine inside the school.