Parents of the HS Class of 2023 3.0-3.4

My s23 wants it. He’s already had covid. I have joint decision making with my ex and dad says no for now.

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You probably want to post Covid related topics on this thread: Inside Medicine. What Are You Seeing? [COVID-19 medical news] - #3132 by oldmom4896 which latest post is on the increased danger and hospital stays happening with younger people now. My thoughts about vaccinating with these incredibly effective and safe vaccines is everyone who is elgible and medical cleared (your daughter’s doctor should absolutely weigh in on whether Covid or the Covid vaccine is the bigger threat to your daughter, I have a guess) should do it so fewer people end up dying and suffering from this terribly contagious and continuing to spread virus. My 16 year old and 17 year old are both fully vaccinated as are every other 16 year old I know (or in process). The 12-15 year olds we know are watching every day for the EUA that will allow them to get the Pfizer vaccine. This age group is very social and if they don’t get vaccinated, the virus will continue to spread and mutate and kill.


Agree 100% with @smiles2122. Our D21 and D23 have their first shots, and we’re all going back next week for the second. D23 has a few friends whose parents aren’t encouraging – or in some cases allowing – them to be vaccinated, although they are healthy and would be at greater risk from getting Covid than from the vaccine. I’m frustrated by their short-sightedness.


My thinking on this is line with that of @smiles2122 and @kbm770. Both of my 16 year olds (and their 18 year old sibling) got their second Pfizer doses a few days ago.


I put this in the other parents 2023 thread so I can remember how it started. :slight_smile:

I know several of these are reaches. He’s leaning towards music ed. I could also see him doing something in finance. He may have a chance at reduced tuition with fachex and TE schools so I have been focused on those more for now.


  1. Gonzaga (WA) (good intramurals) dorms7k
  2. *Xavier (OH)
  3. *Loyola-New Orleans dorms 10k
  4. *Stetson (FL) football
  5. *Jacksonville (FL)
  6. U of North Florida (accelerated music ed masters that can be applied for) dorms6k esports club
  7. U of Tampa
  8. U of Redlands (CA) football (dual major music/finance)
  9. U of Puget Sound (WA) (econ)
  10. Pacific University (OR) (football)
  11. *Belmont (TN)
  12. *Syracuse (NY) (skiing)
  13. Depauw (IN)
  14. *Butler (IN) music + finance possible
  15. Roanoke (VA)
  16. *Temple ¶
  17. *USC (CA)
  18. *U of Indy
  19. Salve Regina (RI) football, higher chance of TE, 3 yr res req
  20. U of Florida (good post grad)
  21. Lawrence (WI) poss dual major w/econ in 5 yrs
  22. *Shenandoah (VA)
  23. *U of Pacific (CA)
  24. *Oklahoma City U (OK) (music plus prelaw. Esports management)
  25. *Chapman (CA) (conservative and heavy Greek)
  26. Case Western Reserve (OH) (good post grad)
  27. Gettysburg ¶ (good intramurals)
  28. *Duquesne ¶ football
  29. Gustavus Adolphus (MN)
  30. *U of St. Thomas (MN) (good sports)
  31. Baldwin Wallace (OH) (skiing 30 min)
  32. *Otterbein (OH)
  33. *Western Colorado (CO) football. Dorms 10k
  34. Trinity (TX) (good post grad)
  35. Wingate (NC) football
  36. Bucknell ¶
  37. U of Delaware
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Lots of schools offer great merit aid to regular kids. The ones that do not are your typical tier 2 T-50 privates that exclusively cater to the prestige-hungry crowd. I have to ask this though, what’s wrong with your state flagship or state schools? Which state are you in?

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Both my kids and us got vaccinated. Daughter just turned 18 but son is 16.

Here is the problem – not getting vaccinated will give you COVID. Yes, you may survive but your body then is a conduit for the virus to mutate into something nastier. Which then can be passed on to someone not as resilient. Right now in India, lots and lots of younger and middle aged people are dying with the B1617 variant. Get the vaccine!


Uhm, no. Not getting vaccinated COULD give you Covid. Also, getting vaccinated does not prevent you from getting Covid. Not making anti-vax statements here, just being precise with wording.

@ljasnau What does your D’s doctor say? I would likely follow his/her recommendation.

Well I think you get the idea behind the post. I suppose the right way of putting this would be not getting vaccinated greatly increases your chance of being infected by the virus upon exposure, which is extremely contagious. While you have a <1% chance of dying outright in this country, there might well be long-term consequences based on many scientific studies. Having the vaccine greatly reduces your chance of getting full-blown COVID related symptoms. The virus can mutate and there is strong evidence now that allowing this to happen can lead to significantly worse outcomes.

Our sons stats will likely not get him into our state flagship. I’m trying to convince him to apply to one of the other few state schools that offer his potential major. One he is saying no to as his brother attends a different college in the same town. The others he thinks are too rural which I agree with. He’s fine with a smaller school but growing up in the state he feels the other schools are “too country”.

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Many TX schools will offer OOS tuition waivers with a $1000 scholarship. It might be worth looking into auto-merit options. Some are pretty reasonable and doable even for regular stat kids. Look at Texas Tech or UT Arlington for example. I was asking this question on another forum related to auto merit schools. There are a few lists floating around here and on the internet but I would strategize to find targets in cities/states he is interested in and go from there.
Couple of smaller schools in urban settings give excellent aid for regular students:

There are many more.

My 16 year old had second shot this past Sunday. We are all vaccinated in the house, as well as my elderly aunt whom we see frequently now.


It is so nice to see your kids actually taking an interest in colleges to visit over summer. Mine will be happy to sit on his a$$ and play video games all summer because ya know, working at a starter job is kinda boring. Very eager to go to grandparents’ house for a “few weeks” even though they are coming for DD21’s graduation in June and sticking around for 10 days.


My S23 is quitting his job he has had for a year now. I understand businesses are hurting for employees but my son’s school sports come first. He’s tired of telling his boss that he can’t work until 6pm and they schedule him at 4pm and tell him “find someone to cover”. There isn’t anyone to cover, thats why the “help wanted” sign has been up for months. Im proud of his work ethic but wont be sad that his job is no longer trying to guilt trip a 15 year old kid into skipping his childhood to make $8/hr bussing and running food.


Now that school is over we have been taking about the SAT. My daughter took the PSAT freshman year, nothing sophomore and now I need a good way to motivate/inspire her to do some prep over the summer. Her sister, D23, told her to do practice tests regularly, but they are very different kids and her PSAT score wasn’t great. Any recs on online resources or which big book to buy? Also, I know it’s recommended to also take an ACT practice test, no khan academy resource connected to that which is unfortunate.

Do you live in the western USA?

My kids, one of whom has just finished his freshman year and one who is out of college, both had GPA’s in this range, though my D did have a GPA of 3.5 for her senior year.

I’m gonna list schools that would be perfect fits for kids in this GPA range. A lot of them are located in the Western US and are a part of WUE (great way to make schools affordable). My kids applied to a good number of these schools and got accepted into all of them. There are some schools I’m listing that they did not apply to, but would still be good for kids in this GPA range.

Here it goes:
Northern Arizona Universty
University of Nevada-Reno
University of Nevada-las vegas
Colorado State
University of Utah
University of Montana
Montana State
U of Wyoming
Sonoma State
Oregon State
Wash State
Western Washington
University of Idaho
Boise State
College of Idaho
Dominican Uni of California
Whittier College
University LaVerne
University of Redlands
Seattle University
Southern Oregon
Western State University
University of New Mexico
Eckerd College (which is in Florida, but it would be great!)



Ah, thank you for that list!!! This is super helpful. Now to see which of those schools might have a musical theater degree so I can find an actual affordable safety for my kid. I hesitated to join the thread. I have a 2e kid also. Who knows what his final GPA will be. It falls every semester as he turns in less and less homework and the grading gets more dependent on work turned in versus test scores.

Thanks for sharing. Hoping others will share their lists as well across the US.