Parents of the HS Class of 2023 3.0-3.4

If she liked CofC because of its location, she might find Endicott too isolated.

Thank you - very helpful!

Gotcha - that makes sense!

C of C sounds pretty great! I donā€™t know much about it because my D23 prefers northern schools with snowy weather. So I canā€™t compare it with Endicott.

Endicott does feel a little isolated. I would think this could be remedied by having a car. I would describe it as super duper cozy and gorgeous. Everyone seemed quite friendly, if not super outgoing. A very comfortable safe and friendly place.

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I donā€™t think Endicott allows cars freshman year. I think this is to discourage local kids from going home on the weekends. Itā€™s located about 40 minutes from Boston with no traffic, but if youā€™ve ever been to Boston, you know there is always traffic. They do offer a shuttle to local shopping and I think sometimes to Boston. There are some cute towns nearby like Salem and Manchester-by-the-Sea. My friendā€™s son lives off campus in Salem which is about 10 minutes from campus. Boston area real estate is through the roof so I would check on housing and when/if kids need to move off campus. Campus is really beautiful. Lots of New England kids. The kids I know that go there seem to really like it but they do seem to come home or visit friends at other colleges on a fairly regular basis (but I feel like thatā€™s fairly common at New England schools as there are so many so close together.). Be aware that they seem very strict with rules. My friendā€™s son had a very minor covid violation in 2020 and immediately got kicked off campus. Friendā€™s daughter had a minor drinking violation (very small amount of alcohol in her dorm room) and it was a big deal.


@bethy1 What were your Dā€™s thoughts on UCONN? Just curious since it dropped down for her. It is on my Dā€™s list but our daughters seem to want similar things - midsize to large, ā€œcozyā€ self contained campus feel.

So glad you enjoyed your New England college trip!

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Well, the biggest thing was she had the worst fit for a tour guide imaginable. It was one of those open house type visits where she was able to shadow the person for several hours and attend a class. The class was the highlight of the visit. I donā€™t want to go into detail because Iā€™m worried about anonymity but it was pretty bad. The guide most definitely did not want to be spending their day doing this. In fact when the guides were first lined up to meet their visitors not one of them looked happy about it.

The vibe of the campus just did not exude happiness for any of us. And it was an absolutley gorgeous fall day. The friendliest student i met was a Starbucks barista. It could be a culture clash as we are from the West Coast. Also, the dorms were the worst we saw on the trip - Iā€™m sure those vary but housing is one of D23ā€™s priorities because she is a bit of a homebody.

Now the campus itself was gorgeous and definitely residential and self contained. It did feel more isolated and far from any real town compared to the other ā€œruralā€ campuses we visited.

One did get a vibe of pride in the school and the UCONN name.


Thanks for all the Endicott thoughts. Yes, D23 wants a more urban environment but she also wants a real campus/community. She also wants business focus & lots of internship opportunities. And she found Endicott herself and I did not suggest it sooooā€¦.it must be good, lol. This processā€¦

I went to a smaller LAC in a remote area (St Lawrence) and I told her the 4 years go quickly. One year to settle in, 2nd year you get into your major, third year study abroad if possible, 4th year you are done. It goes too fast to get bored, even if you are way out beyond the Adirondacks like I was!

And I would love for her to be able to drive to college sophomore yearā€¦I also liked Boston & Providence because she could take the train from here to those schools.


Congrats to everyone that have ā€œadmittedā€ letters/emails already. My son is done applying to most schools with two left. No acceptances/decisions so far, not that he is troubled by that.

Just a bit of venting and a dose of reality ā€“ UNC Charlotte used to have applicants check a box if they wanted to apply for honors. Now, one needs to write a 500 word essay!


I went to SLU too! :smiley:


St. Lawrence remote??? :rofl: You mean being closer to Ottawa rather than a city in the U.S. felt remote?? Canton is totally bustling - they have 4 different places to get pizza, 2 literally right next door to one another! :rofl:

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No way - people who know SLU/Canton! I was there in the 80s. We had Sergiā€™s and not much else then but I loved it. Iā€™d like her to have what I had at SLU but I have to keep reminding myself that D23 is a different person with different wants.

I always get excited when people on CC consider SLU only for them to choose somewhere more suburban/accessible and break my heart.

And 1DadinNC - congrats on your student being almost done with the apps!

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I graduated in 94 and my husband was 93. Sergis was the best because they would deliver to the Hoot Owl! I took my kids up to see it when D19 was looking at schools. I knew they wouldnā€™t want to go there - too hard to get to from Florida, too cold and too small for my girls - but it was SO much fun to be back there.

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Sergis and Josies both pretty goodā€¦for their pizza rolls. We used to order from both (one deep fried, the other baked) and try to figure out which one we preferred. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever eaten the pizza itself at either.

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I love and enjoy reading about the success many of your children have especially with acceptance to school so far. My son is definitely behind in this process. But I keep reminding myself it is his journey and not ours.

My son finally completed his Common app(last week) and applied to a few colleges. It has been a wait and see game. I want him to apply to some more state colleges due to possible spouse layoff next year. Here is the list of colleges he has applied to so far:

Xavier University
University of Rhode Island
University of Maine
University of Vermont
Emmanuel College ( have no idea why except a friendā€™s sibling attends)

Two days ago he mentioned applying to a school in Colorado. I think he is leaning toward the University of Northern Colorado. Seriously, it came out of the left field.

We want him to apply to
UMASS Lowell
UMASS Boston
UMASS Dartmouth
Westfield State
Worcester State

His stats are : 1260 SAT (one and done)
3.66 (unweighted)
He has 5 APā€™s (total)the past three years .
Plays a sport each season but has decided not to do his winter sport this year. Wants to work more and make money. He has some volunteering and has a small lawn ā€œbusinessā€ in the neighborhood. Today is his 18th birthday and I just want him to find his way as his navigates to adulthood.


Looks like heā€™s off to a good start!

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Wishing your son a happy 18th birthday and a great senior year. He seems to be a very sensible young man.


@nidaco one of my sons is a sophomore at Xavier. We actually just got back from spending the weekend there with him (in Cincinnati for different reason). If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.

Good luck to him wherever this process takes him!


My good friendā€™s daughter goes there and she is a junior and has loved her experience there.


It sounds like you are doing an excellent job! Hang in there!